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Thread: Is it common to not see gains after 6 weeks test e?

  1. #1
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    Is it common to not see gains after 6 weeks test e?


    Been in a bit of a head wrecking situation the last while as i had expectations of my test e kicking in by now and its been 6 weeks (500mg per week) 1st cycle and i cant say ive seen any noticeable gains

    Are some people just late starters with test or what??

    Many people on other forums have expressed very good opinions on the ugl im using and there have no been any reports of fakes of this ugl going around...

    My diet consists of 4000kcal including 300g protein/day

    So therefore i do not understand what is going on,

    Any thoughts??

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    You should see something by now, or very shortly. Otherwise i would question your source/manufacturer, especially with a first cycle.

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Any weight gain?strength gain? what ugl?
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  4. #4
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    Ye im gaining weight as im eating quite a bit above maintenence but i have a bit of fat gain, it doesnt look like im putting on any muscle that i can see..

    I have some strength gain but no more than when im bulking off cycle like,

    Its a ugl in the Uk and ireland called ISis Pharmaceuticals Test enanthate 250, very nice looking product

    thats a link to a site selling the products if you want to have a look,

    I sourced mine from a mate
    Last edited by johnnymctrance; 02-22-2013 at 05:16 PM.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Can`t post sources can you remove that link.

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How much weight have you gained?

  7. #7
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    Sorry about that.... its removed

    The first week i gained nearly 5 lb as i had taken a month off over christmas and didnt stick to a decent diet and when i started back in the gym and eating load the weight jumped up, so im at about 10lb in total since day 1 of the cycle

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    10lbs is quite a bit, maybe you were expecting a god like transformation in 1 cycle? Steroids aren`t magic.

  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is online now Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Johnny, is your friend getting gains of the same gear?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    10lbs is quite a bit, maybe you were expecting a god like transformation in 1 cycle? Steroids aren`t magic.
    Perhaps u may be right redz.... This is my first cycle and maybe my aspirations for it were too high... I was just going by the fact that i have read many reviews/feedback on a test e 500/wk cycles and people seem to be very happy with what the got!

    also im not experiencing any side effects like acne, oily skin etc....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Johnny, is your friend getting gains of the same gear?
    My friend is not running it concurrently to me, i just got it off, he has used it back a year or so ago and i wasnt taking much notice of his gains as i only see him every once in a while!!

  12. #12
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you aren't running an ai and are holding water you could have a smooth look that hides lean gains. Ten pounds is a lot at week six. If half of that is muscle you are doing very well. If your dietary intake is as states and workout is decent you'd make gains even not on gear. But you wouldn't be up ten pounds. Keep at it. You are just getting to the good part.

  13. #13
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    I am running adex 0.25 eod.... Ok so i defo think i just had exaggeratted expectations about the gains i would make... Thanks for all your comments and advice!!

  14. #14
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Alot of people think aas is this wonder drug that will make you into superman it just does not work that way. Sadly!!

  15. #15
    Thunderforge's Avatar
    Thunderforge is offline Associate Member
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    Hi John,
    I personally feel that people very often exaggerate their cycle gains or get size/weight gain confused with muscle gain.

    My experience was similar to yours really. My strength did improve pretty dramatically by the end of my first cycle but overall weight gain for 15 weeks was about 12 pounds. Of that I would say maybe half was solid gains. However, over a year later of being very consistent with diet and training and two more cycles and I'm up a very solid 15,perhaps even 20 pounds.

    Your previous condition would be a factor as well. For myself I have been training and eating clean for years. At 41 I was 5'11" 190 and very lean. So I think it was becoming difficult to put on additional muscle, not impossible perhaps but if you have no experience in the weight room or are far from your genetic max then a cycle may see you jump up in mass a lot more than I did.

    In the end you have to just stay with it. I'm sure you have heard "it's a marathon not a sprint".

    You could also get blood work done to determine your test level. Just to be sure your gear is good. I did that as well.

    Best of luck

  16. #16
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    Id question the quality of the gear it my be low dosed,
    either way id try a better source next cycle and see if theres a diffrence, pay the extra and get some pharm grade,

    most people feel a kick when cycling i personally feel like a god unless its tren ...

  17. #17
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Forget about weight gains.............has your strenght gone up............are you getting an extra rep or two at a weight you normally wouldnt do....

    Weight gain is a piss poor way to judge a cycle in my opinion.

    The question is..............are you stronger? If nothing noticable in 6 weeks, your gear is bunk

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Forget about weight gains.............has your strenght gone up............are you getting an extra rep or two at a weight you normally wouldnt do....

    Weight gain is a piss poor way to judge a cycle in my opinion.

    The question is..............are you stronger? If nothing noticable in 6 weeks, your gear is bunk
    Yes I am definetly stronger... i have been adding a bit of weight to the bar alright and im gettin the extra rep or two... I will admit i was probably taken in too much by some of the reviews that people have written in forums etc of doing cycles!!....

    I think you guys have given me good advice and brought me back to reality...

  19. #19
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    So you went from "no noticeable gains" to definite strength and weight gains.

    Well, at least you discovered that your gear is gtg, and you learned not to fall for all the bs hype on the intraweb.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    So you went from "no noticeable gains" to definite strength and weight gains.

    Well, at least you discovered that your gear is gtg, and you learned not to fall for all the bs hype on the intraweb.
    I did say in the beginning that i had some strength gains in fairness.... and the weight gain just looks like im getting fat lol....

    I did learn a valuable lesson not to believe all that crap people seem to talk about on the web!!

  21. #21
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Forget about weight gains.............has your strenght gone up............are you getting an extra rep or two at a weight you normally wouldnt do....

    Weight gain is a piss poor way to judge a cycle in my opinion.

    The question is..............are you stronger? If nothing noticable in 6 weeks, your gear is bunk
    Here we go. This is what I was waiting to see if someone would say. this is exactly right. don't worry about size/weight. focus on improvement in the gym. while on cycle, you should be able to squeeze out a rep or two more almost every time you revisit that routine the next time. I don't even worry too much about staying in the 5/10/15 rep range (although that is still a general guideline), as I usually exceed that due to quick increases in reps. the other thing is recovery time. for an older bull like me, I recover a little quicker.

    but it's even more than that. it's a mental thing. think of those last few reps as the deep end of the pool. most will ordinarily venture out to the deep end of the pool a little bit, but not stay there too long. while on cycle, I feel driven/lured to the deep end of the pool. I'm willing/able to tolerate the pain better. You know the pain. the pain of lactic acid build up. I feel more tenacious. More driven. More compelled.

    If you are not getting any of this, even slightly, then i'd have to question your gear/source.

  22. #22
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    juice dosen't make you bigger by just putting it in you.. lol you got to have a good diet, and every time you visit the gym like times roman said, you will get stronguer and be able to push more reps, and with strenght gains comes mass.. it's kinda how it is ^_^

  23. #23
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    Did u notice an increase in libido yet?

  24. #24
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    You already took 10 pounds... and the best gains are still comming. You are going to do a 20 pounds gain in that cycle!!

    It's great, keep it that way, your test really kicked in!

    You are on the good track keep it up.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Here we go. This is what I was waiting to see if someone would say. this is exactly right. don't worry about size/weight. focus on improvement in the gym. while on cycle, you should be able to squeeze out a rep or two more almost every time you revisit that routine the next time. I don't even worry too much about staying in the 5/10/15 rep range (although that is still a general guideline), as I usually exceed that due to quick increases in reps. the other thing is recovery time. for an older bull like me, I recover a little quicker.

    but it's even more than that. it's a mental thing. think of those last few reps as the deep end of the pool. most will ordinarily venture out to the deep end of the pool a little bit, but not stay there too long. while on cycle, I feel driven/lured to the deep end of the pool. I'm willing/able to tolerate the pain better. You know the pain. the pain of lactic acid build up. I feel more tenacious. More driven. More compelled.

    If you are not getting any of this, even slightly, then i'd have to question your gear/source.
    Brilliant piece of writing Times Roman, I do feel those things you said.... I really think it was all in my head.... My bad!!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixfootseven View Post
    Did u notice an increase in libido yet?
    I had increased libido from the first week or so but i genuinely thought it was psychological as i had read so many times that it would happen!!

  27. #27
    opeth71 is offline New Member
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    Get bloodwork man! Then you will know for sure! Sometimes people get results later than others!

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