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  1. #1
    nickthedick is offline New Member
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    Question Are me and my room mate doing this right? I am 29/He is 50-I think we need more TES!

    We are both two weeks into our cycle, but I think we need more tes! It seems we are doing all stackers. My room mate ordered a tri-blend and it only has 50mg of tes prop in it. Here is what we are taking:

    300mg of deca /200 mg of Parabolan -first two weeks-

    Now that we finally got our tri blend in, here is what we have recently added to our cycle:

    300mg of deca/200 mg of Parabolan/150 mg-Triblend(50 mg tren acetate/50mg masteron /50mg test prop)x2=100mg tren acetate/100mg Masteron/100mg test prop

    Is this enough test?

    Should I be running a estrogen blocker?

    How soon do I need to get the test going?

    Somebody please help me!!

    Our stats:
    Me-29 years old
    205 pounds

    Room mate-50 years old
    175 pounds

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You may have to consult with someone less heterosexual than me for advice on if you and your roomate are "doing it right"

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How often are you injecting?
    Did you put any thought in to this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You may have to consult with someone less heterosexual than me for advice on if you and your roomate are "doing it right"

  5. #5
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Holy shit that's some serious compounds!!!

  6. #6
    m_donnelly is offline Associate Member
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    So... You're not running an AI or hCG ? Do you have anything for PCT? You and your roommate are going to permanently chemically neuter yourselves..

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    did u read anything at all before deciding to do a cycle?

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Obviously 1st cycles for both and you're using two 19-nors and a blend. Not good.

    You need more than an AI man.

    What do you mean when you ask "when should i get the test going?" That should have been the first thing ran.

    To answer your question, not enough test for me, no. Not even close. But best thing for you guys is to stop what you're doing and do some serious research before trying AAS again.

  9. #9
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    obviously 1st cycles for both and you're using two 19-nors and a blend. Not good.

    You need more than an ai man.

    What do you mean when you ask "when should i get the test going?" that should have been the first thing ran. and the only thing ran.

    to answer your question, not enough test for me, no. Not even close. But best thing for you guys is to stop what you're doing and do some serious research before trying aas again.
    ^^ x2

  10. #10
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    NEVER START A CYCLE UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL YOUR GEAR AND PCT.............................. Rule #1

  11. #11
    GorillaNuts's Avatar
    GorillaNuts is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Dude, seriously stop immediately. You are gonna be a mess. Please, dear god, do some research and be prepared. You are not even close.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Educate before you medicate.I know too late for this.This is how guys mess their bodies up for life.

  13. #13
    nickthedick is offline New Member
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    Tuesday/Thursday-So, twice.
    We did. we just jumped into quickly. What do you suggest? I need some serious help/advice.

  14. #14
    noon's Avatar
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    Need to stop as mentioned above.

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    NEVER START A CYCLE UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL YOUR GEAR AND PCT.............................. Rule #1
    NEVER START A CYCLE UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE DOING (you clearly don't).....................................Rule #2.

    In the meantime, read this thread because this is where youre going to end up if you don't abort this "cycle" asap.

    Cycles Gone Wrong*#.UL2db2fX_fs

  16. #16
    Thicknick1 is offline New Member
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    You need to read all the stickys... all of them.... then put a list of questions together... then read all the stickys again... then post some questions.

  17. #17
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickthedick View Post

    300mg of deca /200 mg of Parabolan -first two weeks-Stupid, just plain stupid.. 2x 19-nors, and no test.

    Now that we finally got our tri blend in, here is what we have recently added to our cycle:FFS, get everything you need FIRST. You wouldn't start hiking across the Sahara desert, while waiting on your water to arrive some time the next few days.. or weeks. Also, blends for the most part just plain sucks.

    300mg of deca/200 mg of Parabolan/150 mg-Triblend(50 mg tren acetate/50mg masteron /50mg test prop)x2=100mg tren acetate/100mg Masteron/100mg test prop Not enough Deca, you shouldnt be running tren AT ALL in your first cycle, not enough testosterone, no need for the masteron, not injecting often enough.. meh

    Is this enough test? No

    Should I be running a estrogen blocker?When you get your cycle right, yes. And caber or prami

    How soon do I need to get the test going? Before starting any of the other crap you've been doing

    Somebody please help me!!If you were even slightly ready to do any kind of AAS, you wouldn't need to cry for help

    Our stats:
    Me-29 years old
    205 pounds What BF%?

    Room mate-50 years old
    175 pounds What BF%?
    Answers in bold

    I cant really see anything thats right with this cycle.. nothing at all.

    Just stop it immediately, really, just stop. The gear isnt going anywhere, and when you are properly educated, and ready to get into the world of AAS you'll still have it.

    I cant stress this point enough, but JUST STOP! No more injections of anything.
    Read all the friggin threads marked IMPORTANT, with big red letters. Read the educational section, read the links provided to you in this thread. Once you do, you will know why the cycle you're doing right now is dumb.


  18. #18
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    First few cycles should be testosterone only. This is because you will have to learn how your body reacts to certain compounds and you must learn to control the side effects, such as elevated estrogen, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, blood pressure, etc. In order to get real benefits from a cycle like this, you need to have your injections timed properly and dosages in proper ratios, as well as controling side effects unless you dont growing a set of tits.

    Testosterone only, 500-600mg/week is standard for first cycle and you WILL make incredible gains. Throwing in 5x more gear wont yield 5x more results.
    More Is not better in this game in most cases, unfortunately.

    Use arimidex or exemestane for estrogen control. Exemestane is far superior in most cases, but is more expensive.
    Steer clear of letrozole unless you are trying to clear up gyno; upon ceasing administration, yoir estrogen levels will skyrocket

    Controlling estrogen will help control blood pressure, acne, water retentio, and prevent gyno

    A lot of our members use arimidex. The banner up top is a good place for "research chemicals"

    Post cycle therapy will return your testicles to their normal functions. On cycle, you will notice testicle shrinkage--this is because the body senses high testosterone levels/high levels of androgens and will basically flip the off switch.
    Hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin ) is a fertility drug used in women. It mimics leutenizing hormone, which stimulates the testicles to retain their size and function.

    I hate spoon feeding information to peoole who havent done their reading, but you really are going to mess yourself up of you keeo doing what you are doing

    Trenbolone is harsh, and definitely not something for a beginner. You can use It, but you will not know how to handle the side effects and especially the mental side effects it has.

    100mg test per week is not enough. A standard testosterone replacement therapy dosage is 120-200mg/week depending on the users response and that is with pharmaceutical grade oil. The majority of AAS on the black market is made in personal laboratories such as garages, lacking quality control and proper sterilization to guarantee safety

    Please drop what you are doing and learn before you start.

    If you wont listen; then at least get testosterone enanthate /cypionate and inject every 3.5 days (2x/week)
    Use an anti estrogen and proper pct.
    (Nolvadex and Clomid)

  19. #19
    breakbones's Avatar
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