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Thread: New sust cycle. Clarification

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    New sust cycle. Clarification

    Hello everyone, it's been a while, hope everyone is strong as ever.
    I'm making my shopping for my upcoming first cycle, and wanted to run it by you all and clear up some time line stuff.
    Current stats: 27, 5'8" , current weight 178, 12%. Diet is clean at 2200 kcals. Of course they will come up on cycle.

    I am will be purchasing sustanon 250 and plan on injecting 250mg twice a week, Monday and Thursdays for 12 weeks. I've read both sides; take advantage of the short esters and inject eod and take advantage of log esters and inject twice a week. What is your understanding.

    I plan on taking .25 mg arimadex eod the whole cycle. When would me last dose be? With last injection? Let me know? Again I've read "up to pct" and with last injection.

    I will acquire HCG and understand that it is best to use 250 iu twice a week. Weeks 4-12. I have also read about it used as pct. don't really follow that theory though. Again, when would the last injection be, last pin? Up to pct?

    Pct I will have clomid and nolva. I see the common dose is clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20, although I have also read to use the larger dose only week one then drop in half weeks 2-4. How do you feel about those doses. I will have extra nolva on hand incase of gyno. How much is recommended in that case and for how long.. I've read 20 a day for 5 days? Let me know?

    Also I believe that half life of sust is 15 days. So I would begin my nolva and clomid 2 weeks and 1 day after my last Injection?

    Thank you for your advise. Everyone on this forum is great!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This cycle is contained in here and the answers to your questions, except the Sust. I dont like blends. In fact, if you can purchase something other than a blend, i recommend that.

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Parma, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Hello everyone, it's been a while, hope everyone is strong as ever.
    I'm making my shopping for my upcoming first cycle, and wanted to run it by you all and clear up some time line stuff.
    Current stats: 27, 5'8" , current weight 178, 12%. Diet is clean at 2200 kcals. Of course they will come up on cycle.

    I am will be purchasing sustanon 250 and plan on injecting 250mg twice a week, Monday and Thursdays for 12 weeks. I've read both sides; take advantage of the short esters and inject eod and take advantage of log esters and inject twice a week. What is your understanding.

    I plan on taking .25 mg arimadex eod the whole cycle. When would me last dose be? With last injection? Let me know? Again I've read "up to pct" and with last injection.

    I will acquire HCG and understand that it is best to use 250 iu twice a week. Weeks 4-12. I have also read about it used as pct. don't really follow that theory though. Again, when would the last injection be, last pin? Up to pct?

    Pct I will have clomid and nolva. I see the common dose is clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20, although I have also read to use the larger dose only week one then drop in half weeks 2-4. How do you feel about those doses. I will have extra nolva on hand incase of gyno. How much is recommended in that case and for how long.. I've read 20 a day for 5 days? Let me know?

    Also I believe that half life of sust is 15 days. So I would begin my nolva and clomid 2 weeks and 1 day after my last Injection?

    Thank you for your advise. Everyone on this forum is great!
    I just finished up a 12 week sust cycle in December, followed a pct of Nolva and Clomid.
    I followed:
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20/20
    1 month after pct my bloodwork showed that that pct worked quite well for me.
    I'm sure some vets will be chiming in.
    Good luck!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thank Mickey! Why is it that you don't like blends? I know some guys don't and some swear by it. I will def check out the link!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Sorry, forgot to address your specific question bro.

    Sust is made up of short, med, and long esters. So, EOD or 2/wk is fine with Sust. But ideally, to take full advantage of the shorter esters, EOD is optimal.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Bowen! Thanks man! How long after your last Injection did you begin pct? How did the cycle go for you?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Thank Mickey! Why is it that you don't like blends? I know some guys don't and some swear by it. I will def check out the link!
    Because of the mixture of esters. I prefer to pick one ester as this reduces any unwanted serum spikes caused from the variety of ester lengths, regardless of your protocol. I can also predict the outcome and gauge my PCT a little more precise. Blends are traditionally more expensive too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Best to use sust EOD for best results. At least this has been my experiences.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mickey. The sust is actually cheaper for me right now. The single esters are almost double what my buddy can get sust for, and he has used it. The single ester connect is sketchy. I'm new, so hoping to network as time goes on. Thank you very much for your info. With the sust HCG should be taken up to week 14.5 or is that a different time for sust?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thanks Pete!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Mickey. The sust is actually cheaper for me right now. The single esters are almost double what my buddy can get sust for, and he has used it. The single ester connect is sketchy. I'm new, so hoping to network as time goes on. Thank you very much for your info. With the sust HCG should be taken up to week 14.5 or is that a different time for sust?
    Ok i see.

    hCG up to 4 days before you begin PCT. (about 18 days after last pin)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Oh got it. Thanks Mickey!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mickey nailed most of it, but any other comments or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    I just finished sust and had great results. I pinned e3d to take advantage of the short esters better. As far as the nolva in case of gyno? You really won't need it. If you're on adex .25eod you'd have to really be sensitive to have enough estro related sides to need the nolva. Also, you can take the adex up to three days before pct as it has a short half life and the test decanotate will still be in your system.
    For week two you can put the clomid to 50 and nolva to 20. There's really no need to keep it that high for two whole weeks. One should suffice.

    Lots of haters on blends. I didn't mind it at all but I think I'm going to stick to single esters from here on out
    Other than that best of luck!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thanks chive! How much did u pin each time and what was your total weekly? As far as gyno goes, would it be better to up the a dex than add nolva on cycle?
    Thanks for your help!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    I assume this is the thread you were talking about?
    I pinned 250mg 1ml) every three days. For a total of 750ml/wk. honestly, I don't think I'd use a blend again for the simple reason that if you look at each of these esters individually, they are all underdosed compared to why you would take them at alone. I had good results, don't get me wrong but I feel it's easier to control your levels much better with a single ester

    As far as gyno, I did .25mg of liquidex every other day. You shouldn't need any more than that. If you get bloodworm done or you KNOW you're getting gyno or have elevated estrogen then you could bump it up a bit. IMO I would never go above .5mg EoD. If you need to there are other issues going on you need to take care of.

    As far as nolva on cycle... That's outdated protocol that noone follows anymore. The adex will suffice (or aromasin your choice) so save the nolva for a PCT

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The South
    Could some one explain why you would run clomid and nolva at the same time. From my understanding, don't they do the same thing?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded@30 View Post
    Could some one explain why you would run clomid and nolva at the same time. From my understanding, don't they do the same thing?
    Please start your own thread. Thanks

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Also I believe that half life of sust is 15 days. So I would begin my nolva and clomid 2 weeks and 1 day after my last Injection?
    Your PCT starts 18 days after your last Sustanon injection.

  20. #20
    Hey guys my names justin and im new to the site so if im in the wrong spot please redirect me. Im new to gear but not the lifting world. I got my hands on some sust 250 10ml vials from a good source so i am 99.9% sure its legit. My first shot was a mon. 1cc mon-thurs i have done my research i just need some imput. Using a 1in 25g needle in the buttox rotating sides. First shot went good very lil pain that day. Now the next day it was sore nothin to serious felt a little lump n sore to the touch. It seems it lasted about a week my next shots tmrw but il most likely do my thight butss still a lil sore but my concern is there not redness just a lump the first say 3 days after the shot on the 4th day or so the area around it turns red and warm still no fever though. Tommorow will be one week from the right buttox shot and the redness seems to be going down still a lil sore not as bad as before, but the ahot i did on monday which wasnt red is now starting to turn red 3 days after. Is this notmal for sust250 forst timers more forums iv seen said yes i guess im just looking for some reinsurence. Thanks

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Justin, for the third time, please begin your OWN thread in the Q&A Forum. Thank you for understanding.

    Click this link..

    Anabolic Q&A Forum.


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