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Thread: I don't understand the steroid community?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    Yep, agree wholeheartedly. The general majority of this board chooses to not be helpful at times, and that does much more harm than any AAS ever will. Because you'll have a young kid who wasn't looking for whether or not he should cycle, but how to do it correctly and efficiently. He'll come with questions only to be told not to do it at all. He's not going to listen to that, he's going to do it anyway, and without the advice of experienced users, he may do it very wrong.

    Then there are those like me, who already had a decent knowledge of AAS before joining all the boards, and started juicing at 19. What a lot of the old men here don't realize is, to be successful in bodybuilding, to have any hope of turning pro before your prime has passed, one almost needs to start before 25.
    Well first of all virtually all of the kids going on this site looking to use AAS don't even have the genetic potential to ever turn pro. And just about all of those same people aren't even training in order to become successful in the competitive sports of bodybuilding or powerlifting. They're training just so they look better for the ladies (which isn't a bad reason to train) or just to feel good with themselves. But as Marcus said he doesn't feel there is a "safe" way for a 19 year old to cycle and nor do most of the steroid community when you assess benefit to risk. So the best advice, considering risk to health is that they shouldn't. Besides, if they were hell bent on cycling, there is plenty of information on this board to set up a decent looking cycle. And add in the fact that they could Google more sources, if they weren't lazy, they could easily circumvent us.

    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Why do you care what someone else does or injects in there body?? Or even care if some random person you've never met before and don't know blows his head off???.... Who are you or anyone to say what someone else "SHOUlD or SHOULDENT" do..... Steroids have given me many things I would of never had... Probably kept me from blowing my head off.. Defiantly kept me from od'ing on the drugs i was on... When i started steroids it kept me in the gym ad off the streets. Got me off a lot of drugs that were wayyyyyy worse... I would of never stopped the lifestyle I lived unless I saw a way to feed my addictions in a positive way... Not just aas either the addiction of bodybuilding, dieting, working out... I've seen it save tons of people's lives who were severe addicts...
    Well, maybe it is a maturity thing or a morality thing, but I for one don't want to cause harm to anyone (including people I don't know and will never meet). In fact, I'd feel like a real piece of shit if I knew that I did knowingly helped somebody potentially harm them self.

  2. #42
    I don't agree with kids taking steriods just like i don't agree with guys taking gear too look good at the beach. If you are going to compete then do what you got to do. But taking gear to look good at the beach and not even training legs thats just as bad as some kid looking to experiment. Here's the question? Why do you guys take steroids? Are you competing or hoping to compete or just want to shorten your life span to look good for the ladies. Me i took steroids as a kid to compete in powerlifting events now i i started blasting with my Trt to hopefully compete in the masters.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Youngsters who actually ask educated questions, and who already have the knowledge about training and nutrition that they need, as well as nice stats, more often than not get a "This is what could happen if you go through with your cycle" and then they still get the answers to their questions.

    Youngsters who are 135lbs at 6'1, have been training for 6 solid months now! well... on and off anyways.. ish.. and "need the juice to grow muscle, brah" because they're already eating perfect (usually a banana for breakfast, then a shake, and perhaps a muffin and some oatmeal and another banana) and just cannot grow without it, and their training is perfect, All in their own mind of course. And who cant be bothered to read any of the stickies.
    There are the ones who tend to get seriously flamed, and for a good bloody reason.

    SOME take training extremely serious, and do everything else right, have the right genetics to be able to compete at an elite level, and have been consistent about their training and nutrition for years already, those very very very few get the answers they seek, but the rest of the kids have NO business messing with AAS or PH's

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    My views are aligned with our distinguished vets and experienced members so I won't regurgitate what has already been stated completely and eloquently.

    Road to Huge makes a great observation. I think many (not all) younger members have misperceptions about steroids. They see the hulking beasts endorsing products in body building mags and quickly assume that sticking steroids into your body will transform you from geek to god over night. We (on the forum) emphasize the importance of nutrition, training, and rest BEFORE steroids become an option and often it seems as though the advice is glossed over. In the absence of a strong commitment to diet and exercise, the majority of us understand how futile (and dangerous) steroids will be, if not immediately but down the road. Add to this the lack of emotional and mental maturity among some guys to handle the highs and lows that come from cycling and it can be a hard and dangerous lesson for some.
    Speaking of complete and eloquent.

    Well written my friend.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Speaking of complete and eloquent.

    Well written my friend.
    Thank you sir.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    Flaming ensues. OP is nowhere to be found.... Lol

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I'm not gonna wait until i'm 25. It's a personal decision. I probably wouldn't advise anybody my age on steroid use either.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by blacktoppete View Post
    I don't agree with kids taking steriods just like i don't agree with guys taking gear too look good at the beach. If you are going to compete then do what you got to do. But taking gear to look good at the beach and not even training legs thats just as bad as some kid looking to experiment. Here's the question? Why do you guys take steroids? Are you competing or hoping to compete or just want to shorten your life span to look good for the ladies. Me i took steroids as a kid to compete in powerlifting events now i i started blasting with my Trt to hopefully compete in the masters.
    Shorten our lives to look good for the ladies? No, but I'm hoping to extend it and not suffer like my dad or uncle when I'm 50 from the aches and pains that come with age. Since AAS, my arthritis and aches and pains are far better. And it helps motivate me to eat better, sleep better, feel better, and treat my wife better.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Why do you care what someone else does or injects in there body?? Or even care if some random person you've never met before and don't know blows his head off???.... Who are you or anyone to say what someone else "SHOUlD or SHOULDENT" do..... Steroids have given me many things I would of never had... Probably kept me from blowing my head off.. Defiantly kept me from od'ing on the drugs i was on... When i started steroids it kept me in the gym ad off the streets. Got me off a lot of drugs that were wayyyyyy worse... I would of never stopped the lifestyle I lived unless I saw a way to feed my addictions in a positive way... Not just aas either the addiction of bodybuilding, dieting, working out... I've seen it save tons of people's lives who were severe addicts...
    This is one of the problems our society faces. So are you suggesting because we are not talking face to face I shouldn't care about you? Just because I don't see your face, or get to shake your hand when we cross paths in the gym, does this mean I shouldn't give a sh1t about you?

    Some people here at the board, self included, don't need to look you in the eye to have a kinship with you.

    So at a general level, yes, i do care what happens to you. If it were up to me, I'd have you experience postive situations as opposed to negative ones.

    And I absolutely believe that many kids in their mid twenties haven't developed their cognative abilities to the point where they can make rational decisions about emotional issues.

    As such, I do not give AAS advice to newbs in their early mid twenties.


  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    To be honest... I was a young 19 or so year old when i came onto this board. I did a bunch of cycles and pretty much lost everything i had gained. Now i do not believe in cycling. If you want to be a serious athlete aka Body builder as such then its not helping you coming off. not everybody is the same but i could not keep my gains, no matter how i trained or dieted. I did end up with low T. I never had levels checked before starting my 1st cycle so i have no idea what they were then. Did AAS shut me down?
    Probably. But now i wished i had never came off. Altho i wasnt as serious as i am now.

    I hate hearing people say 'Unless you have the genetics to become an IFBB pro don't blast and cruise' How would anyone know that from the start? Look at the top pros before and after pics. They all wernt so special when they were younger. Do you really know if you can turn pro if you havnt even won a national level competition and to get their you may need to stay on 12 months of the year. Its the diet and training and drugs that got them to that level. I dont really agree with the use of AAS for vanity reasons. If you cycle and pct, your only going to go up and down over and over again. I dont think any 18yr should use AAS. if they want to be a serious athlete then look at how most started at a young age. Yeah their minds might change, and thats the risk they should all know it.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Shorten our lives to look good for the ladies? No, but I'm hoping to extend it and not suffer like my dad or uncle when I'm 50 from the aches and pains that come with age. Since AAS, my arthritis and aches and pains are far better. And it helps motivate me to eat better, sleep better, feel better, and treat my wife better.
    Well said!. Sounds like you are on Trt. I am 45 and it def helps with the arthritis and calcium deposits i have. Without it i feel like a broke down old man.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by blacktoppete View Post
    Well said!. Sounds like you are on Trt. I am 45 and it def helps with the arthritis and calcium deposits i have. Without it i feel like a broke down old man.
    I'm 61 and I tell you I feel good when on. Where did op go. One post and then nothing, well 19 yrs tells that story.
    It is helping with all my arthritis issues .....crazy mike

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn
    Yep, agree wholeheartedly. The general majority of this board chooses to not be helpful at times, and that does much more harm than any AAS ever will. Because you'll have a young kid who wasn't looking for whether or not he should cycle, but how to do it correctly and efficiently. He'll come with questions only to be told not to do it at all. He's not going to listen to that, he's going to do it anyway, and without the advice of experienced users, he may do it very wrong.

    Then there are those like me, who already had a decent knowledge of AAS before joining all the boards, and started juicing at 19. What a lot of the old men here don't realize is, to be successful in bodybuilding, to have any hope of turning pro before your prime has passed, one almost needs to start before 25.
    A lot of old men? Okay..... Lol where do I begin?

    I'm 28yrs old..... Almost 29. I have morals and giving out advice to people who SHOULD NOT be using steroids whether they are 25 or not is just irresponsible. I refuse to be responsible for some kid damaging himself. Why if a parent finds my advice on his computer? What if they try to bring legal trouble to the board.

    We don't give in because a bunch of whiny cry babies decide they're going to doit anyways. Go ahead..... Cycle your balls off for all I care but I won't be a part of assisting you in that.

    Furthermore...... Do you even know what this board stands for? We are here to advise the SAFE usage of steroids. It may not be 100% safe but I used correctly and responsibly - they can be used without harm. This board isn't about strictly bodybuilding. If you don't like it here or are unhappy - go find another home and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    Have a nice day,

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