so out of the 2 which is more likely to give your erectile problems ?
sust 250mg eod with tren a 100mg eod
sust 250mg eod with npp 200mg eod
goal is lean bulk and the test will be run for 10 weeks and tren or deca first 6 weeks
so out of the 2 which is more likely to give your erectile problems ?
sust 250mg eod with tren a 100mg eod
sust 250mg eod with npp 200mg eod
goal is lean bulk and the test will be run for 10 weeks and tren or deca first 6 weeks
What are your stats and cycle history?
3 cycles under belt
next cycle im going for a big lean bulk, may pin e3d over eod not sure yet
Well Tren a you can't pin e3d, npp u can. Im using npp for the first time and feel as if my libido is lower than it should be and not quite as hard. But still no real problems. With Tren I just last longer
does tren have lingering side effects like deca does ? also how long does it take for npp to be in and out your system ?
Bro everyone is different NPP kills my libido Tren I am in overdrive!
^^^agree, we are all different!
I would wait little longer before jumping on tren.
I also think nandrolone gets overlooked for cutting or lean bulking since tren gets most of the spotlight. A cycle consisting of npp, test p, and/or anavar can yield unbelievable results while cutting. Also, I feel ED problems can be lessened with stable test levels, so I my first choice would not be sustanon. I would pick a single, short ester personally, or pin the sustanon eod.
As far as detection times in your system, tren is closer to the 4 month period while NPP is over a year
I would still advice anyone running npp to to shoot eod.Well Tren a you can't pin e3d, npp u can. Im using npp for the first time and feel as if my libido is lower than it should be and not quite as hard. But still no real problems. With Tren I just last longer
Everyone is different but double the NPP would probably be more likely to cause issues if either were going to.sust 250mg eod with tren a 100mg eod
sust 250mg eod with npp 200mg eod
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