ok so I am starting to plan my next cycle and probally one of my last cycles hopefully.
Stats- 5'8" 200ibs 9%bf
so far thinking of running these compounds that I have used and adding a new one.
Test Prop- 175-200mg/wkly just a trt dose.
Tren ace again at possibly 550 mgs/ wkly- last cycle ran about 500wkly and felt great no sides no nothing besides rage in the gym and great gains.
if funds allow either Anavar or Winstrol, problem is when I ran anavar I needed over 100mgs/day of anavar to even see effects, and it just gets pricey.
Winstrol was running 75mgs/day and saw great results last cycle, only side effect is hair loss and some low libido during the end of pct. I always get the libido effect after winny
New compound wanting to try Masteron Prop or E can get either, been doing research and seems like 350mg/wkly is a good start but want opinions on is it worth it to run at 350/wkly or would 500 be more ideal. new to this compound so need feedback on whats a good dose to see good gains
my friend can also make me a blend which would consist of the testP/trenA/masteron at 50mgs of each per ML
so heres the layout:
8week cycle
Test prop- 200mgs/wkly TRT dose
Tren ace- 550mg/wkly
Masteron prop- 350+mg/ wkly my ugl is dosed at 200mg/ml for the E and 100mg/ml for prop
Winstrol for 6wks at 75mg/day would run week 2-8
Ldex at .3 E3D will adjust accordingly but this is what I ran last time.
Pct- 4wks
no Hcg unless can get from different source.
last time I used Hcg I got weird lumps in my stomach and are barely diminishing.
Please critique......