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Thread: Please critique summer shred cycle

  1. #1

    Please critique summer shred cycle

    ok so I am starting to plan my next cycle and probally one of my last cycles hopefully.
    Stats- 5'8" 200ibs 9%bf

    so far thinking of running these compounds that I have used and adding a new one.

    Test Prop- 175-200mg/wkly just a trt dose.

    Tren ace again at possibly 550 mgs/ wkly- last cycle ran about 500wkly and felt great no sides no nothing besides rage in the gym and great gains.

    if funds allow either Anavar or Winstrol, problem is when I ran anavar I needed over 100mgs/day of anavar to even see effects, and it just gets pricey.
    Winstrol was running 75mgs/day and saw great results last cycle, only side effect is hair loss and some low libido during the end of pct. I always get the libido effect after winny

    New compound wanting to try Masteron Prop or E can get either, been doing research and seems like 350mg/wkly is a good start but want opinions on is it worth it to run at 350/wkly or would 500 be more ideal. new to this compound so need feedback on whats a good dose to see good gains
    my friend can also make me a blend which would consist of the testP/trenA/masteron at 50mgs of each per ML
    so heres the layout:

    8week cycle
    Test prop- 200mgs/wkly TRT dose
    Tren ace- 550mg/wkly
    Masteron prop- 350+mg/ wkly my ugl is dosed at 200mg/ml for the E and 100mg/ml for prop
    Winstrol for 6wks at 75mg/day would run week 2-8
    Ldex at .3 E3D will adjust accordingly but this is what I ran last time.

    Pct- 4wks

    no Hcg unless can get from different source.
    last time I used Hcg I got weird lumps in my stomach and are barely diminishing.

    Please critique......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    man you must be pretty jacked up 5'8 200 9% bf?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    What bf % are you trying to reach? 9% is already really low.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    If your gains were good at 500 tren then stay at 500 tren..there is no need to bump dosages each cycle or add compounds every time!

    Mast is great with this cycle and since your BF is will love it. I would run Mast no less than 500mg!


    Test 200 mg
    Tren 500 mg
    Mast 500-700 mg

    Forget the var or winnie. They will not shine through enough with these other compounds to warrant the expense!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    man you must be pretty jacked up 5'8 200 9% bf?
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    What bf % are you trying to reach? 9% is already really low.
    Great stats indeed...almost too great!

    Give us a look at 5-8" 200lbs at 8% a faceless body pic!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    yep, var can add up... at 9% id say mast would be a great choice.......

    id just run them all separately if it were me, instead of a blend, but it seems your in good with your source so who knows...

    as for the HCG were you pinning in your stomach? I get little hard lumps from peps in the stomach...

  7. #7
    Effective dose for mast is 500-800mg/week with 500 being the bare minimum. Most here will recommend 600 at least.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    man you must be pretty jacked up 5'8 200 9% bf?
    Its nothing outragous, Im 5'9 and sat around 205 sub 10%... he probably has a nice lean proportioned physique...

    Looks like you are dropping the winny/var idea which is great cause tossing them in when you already have tren in there is completely useless.

    Mast is a great compound, especially since you are lean and only getting moreso, but keep in mind its more of a purpose drug and the "look" you get from it subsides VERY quickly once you stop (like prepping for contest).

    Im sure a lot of members would like to see how this cycle works for you, you willing to post some pics in the members cycle section?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Its nothing outragous, Im 5'9 and sat around 205 sub 10%... he probably has a nice lean proportioned physique...

    Looks like you are dropping the winny/var idea which is great cause tossing them in when you already have tren in there is completely useless.

    Mast is a great compound, especially since you are lean and only getting moreso, but keep in mind its more of a purpose drug and the "look" you get from it subsides VERY quickly once you stop (like prepping for contest).

    Im sure a lot of members would like to see how this cycle works for you, you willing to post some pics in the members cycle section?
    Then I throw you in there too my friend. Those are some nice stats. Even more so before cycle.

  10. #10
    thanks I build real easy even for my height but takes a while to get the fat off, excessive training to just drop BF.
    definitely will start a log with some pictures, cycle should start around May.
    just want to start getting the supplies needed since its going to be a nice penny.
    def will drop the var/win idea, dont want to hurt my liver any more
    Yea I get weird lumps got like 4-5 of them and all were minimal and non visible at times but one stuck out like a golf ball on my abs and is still there as of now.
    so I guess ill be running lunks proposed cycle.
    Im almost proportioned but my legs are a little to small still they are a good size just not body builder size. 24"
    also my 16" arms dont look big on me because my shoulders,chest, and back just look way to big.

    really looking forward to this cycle and do you guys recommend lowering my AI or keeping the same because of Masterons ability to lower estro?
    and Im guessing Pct is fine as is.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tp911 View Post
    Im almost proportioned but my legs are a little to small still they are a good size just not body builder size. 24"
    also my 16" arms dont look big on me because my shoulders,chest, and back just look way to big.
    thats damn funny, this is EXACTLY how I describe myself... my arms are "big @ 18" against an average guy but small compared to my torso, legs sit around 25-26" depending on BF but compared to my shoulders they look so small cause I wear 2XL shirts

    I know your pain bro

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    thats damn funny, this is EXACTLY how I describe myself... my arms are "big @ 18" against an average guy but small compared to my torso, legs sit around 25-26" depending on BF but compared to my shoulders they look so small cause I wear 2XL shirts

    I know your pain bro
    6'7 here, legs will always look skinny

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