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Thread: Stamina

  1. #1
    Drahcir_snave's Avatar
    Drahcir_snave is offline Junior Member
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    Is there a cycle that can help me with my running and endurance? My issue with running is I'm bottom heavy...

    Age 25 height 6ft weight 203 bf 13% experience n00b

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    your stats are not horrible, not a "runners body" but that comes with time and training, not gear...

    Your legs will naturally lose size if you train to endurance run... every week just push a little further.

    Im guessing your diet is the issue, you can make great endurance gains by adjusting your diet

  3. #3
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    Is your goal to run endurance races only, or do you just want to improve endurance while doing sport?

  4. #4
    Drahcir_snave's Avatar
    Drahcir_snave is offline Junior Member
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    My whole life I have been held back by the rear... To put it in perspective I wore a size 46 pants but only weighed 260... I always wanted to run with distance not being so difficult...

    Age 25 height 6ft weight 203 bf 13% experience n00b

  5. #5
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    If that is your goal, my advise is to do sport specific training.

    I have a lot of experience with endurance sport.

    My advise is:

    1. Improve your cardio vascular system:
    I would suggest you do anaerobic exercise (Very high heart rate) for ex. Spinning & HIIT training at least 2-3 times per week. This will get your heart and lungs up to par. Its tough exercise, but that is the way to go. And do aerobic exercise (medium heart rate) for ex. jogging, throughout the week. This will get you the muscle memory you want. It will also help you shake off some excess fat.

    2. Do weight training for endurance athletes:
    If your goal is to do endurance sport, you can not train the same way a bodybuilder/weight lifeter would train. You have to concentrate on low resistance, high repetitions. This would build leaner muscle (and I'm not talking about fat, I'm talking about longer muscles fibers) that would be able to endure light-medium resistance for long periods of time.

    You need the right tools for the right job. So you need to concentrate and work towards getting the right tools. If you follow these to steps above, your body would transform and adapt to do the job at hand (endurance running) the best it can. If your diet is in check, you will start to lean out. BF% will drop, muscles would develop into much "longer " muscles and you will reach the goal of being able to run miles and not be that difficult.

    In endurance sport, the less weight you have to carry around, the better. 203 lb is quite a lot of weight to move around for a long period. But not to worry, it can change.

    If you are worried about becoming to lean, don't. Once you feel you have reached your goal, you can always start to balance out your workout again.

    All the best with your training. And to answer your question, the only cycle that will help you achieve your goal is a bicycle...

    Endurance sport is tough, but remember... "Today's difficult, it tomorrows easy".

    Feel free to ask any more questions or if you want some more details.

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