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Thread: Newbie, had some questions about my first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Los Angeles

    Newbie, had some questions about my first cycle

    Hello Everyone,

    I am thinking about starting my very first cycle. I know everyone has there opinions on EQ, but everyone I know have had great things to say with about it. Im not looking to get huge too quick. Thats why I was thinking of EQ, plus for my line of work I need the Endurance. Plus I need something to help with my appetite.

    I want to do Equipoise for 12weeks at 600mg per week, but I not sure on what would be the best Test to take for that long and how much per week.

    I was thinking Sustanon 250 or 325. I also have heard good things about Teston 400 just heard it hurts a lot. Or would a normal Test P or Test E be the best?

    What I do for a living all depends on if my Manhood works or not, plus I cant have small loads either. So how much HCG should I take per week and should I take anything else with it so I dont have any ED problems?

    Height: 5'7
    weight: 160
    bodyfat: between 12 and 15%
    Body Type: mesomorph

    I plan on getting Blood work done before I do anything. I have a feeling my Test level is lower than it use to be.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated along with a pct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    pick a single ester test (e or c) and run it for 12 weeks, at 500mg/week (split into 2 shots, 3.5 days apart)

    HCG and an AI will be needed, 250 IU's of HCG 2x per week, and an AI like arimidex at .25mg EOD, run up to week 14.

    then start PCT, nolva (40/20/20/20) and clomid (100/50/50/50)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    leave the eq alone... if you want to try it, you can give it a run on your 2nd cycle..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Test only your first cycle mate only a few guy's here use EQ and the rest 99.99% of them will tell you it's shi* lol and it has to be run longer than 12wks.
    What about this
    test e or c 12 wks 500mg wk
    AI adex .25eod or aromasin 12.5 eod
    hcg 2x 250iu wk day b4 test
    Pct if test e 14 days after last pin
    pct if test c 18 days after last pin
    clomid 100 75 50 50
    Nolva 40 40 20 20

    Run your AI from day 1 and stop day b4 pct same with hcg but stop about 3 days b4 pct.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2013
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Test only your first cycle mate only a few guy's here use EQ and the rest 99.99% of them will tell you it's shi* lol and it has to be run longer than 12wks.
    What about this
    test e or c 12 wks 500mg wk
    AI adex .25eod or aromasin 12.5 eod
    hcg 2x 250iu wk day b4 test
    Pct if test e 14 days after last pin
    pct if test c 18 days after last pin
    clomid 100 75 50 50
    Nolva 40 40 20 20

    Run your AI from day 1 and stop day b4 pct same with hcg but stop about 3 days b4 pct.
    Thanks for the advice, I know a lot of people dont like EQ, but everyone I know personally including family members have positive feed back on it. Plus I need something to help with my appetite. Last year I actually purchased the Teston 400 and EQ, but decided not to do it at the time, because I hadnt been working out long enough so I gave it to my cousin and he used it and gained about 15 pounds. And I saw his appetite increase a lot.

    And why not Test P? Isnt it a better and lighter ester?

    So If do use EQ I should run it for 16 weeks?

  6. #6
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by pstar692002 View Post
    Thanks for the advice, I know a lot of people dont like EQ, but everyone I know personally including family members have positive feed back on it. Plus I need something to help with my appetite. Last year I actually purchased the Teston 400 and EQ, but decided not to do it at the time, because I hadnt been working out long enough so I gave it to my cousin and he used it and gained about 15 pounds. And I saw his appetite increase a lot.

    And why not Test P? Isnt it a better and lighter ester?

    So If do use EQ I should run it for 16 weeks?
    you can use prop if you want, i would limit it to about 8 weeks tho, and you will have to pin it EOD.. instead of 2x a week if you were using test e or c..

  7. #7
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by pstar692002 View Post
    Thanks for the advice, I know a lot of people dont like EQ, but everyone I know personally including family members have positive feed back on it. Plus I need something to help with my appetite. Last year I actually purchased the Teston 400 and EQ, but decided not to do it at the time, because I hadnt been working out long enough so I gave it to my cousin and he used it and gained about 15 pounds. And I saw his appetite increase a lot.

    And why not Test P? Isnt it a better and lighter ester?

    So If do use EQ I should run it for 16 weeks?
    You can use test p mate sure up to you
    i'v not used EQ personally mate just what i'v read her min 16 wks and has to be run high like in the 600-1000mg wk.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    you can use prop if you want, i would limit it to about 8 weeks tho, and you will have to pin it EOD.. instead of 2x a week if you were using test e or c..
    Kronik a think it's only us her mate im always writing when you are

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Kronik a think it's only us her mate im always writing when you are
    lol yea i noticed, we seem to be on the same wave length too..

  10. #10
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    So what Test would be best to run for the whole 16 weeks along with the EQ and would a smaller amount per week since its a longer cycle be recommended?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    To prove your 'line of work' I'm gonna need pics as proof

    Welcome to the board.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pstar692002 View Post
    So what Test would be best to run for the whole 16 weeks along with the EQ and would a smaller amount per week since its a longer cycle be recommended?
    it's recommended that your 1st cycle be test only, like i said before, i would save the eq for your 2nd cycle because:

    if you run test and eq in your 1st cycle and get bad side effects, how will you know which compound is giving you which sides???

    and if you run test only on your 1st, then test + eq on your 2nd, you will be able to tell the difference in gains (if any) from what the eq provides..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    To prove your 'line of work' I'm gonna need pics as proof

    Welcome to the board.
    I would post pics, but not sure they would like that on here. I could give my twitter acct but then everyone would know who I am,lol

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    it's recommended that your 1st cycle be test only, like i said before, i would save the eq for your 2nd cycle because:

    If you run test and eq in your 1st cycle and get bad side effects, how will you know which compound is giving you which sides???

    And if you run test only on your 1st, then test + eq on your 2nd, you will be able to tell the difference in gains (if any) from what the eq provides..
    x2 ^^^^ 110%.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    it's recommended that your 1st cycle be test only, like i said before, i would save the eq for your 2nd cycle because:

    if you run test and eq in your 1st cycle and get bad side effects, how will you know which compound is giving you which sides???

    and if you run test only on your 1st, then test + eq on your 2nd, you will be able to tell the difference in gains (if any) from what the eq provides..
    I guess that is true, So my best bet would be to run Test E or C for 12 weeks at 500mg a week. Twice a week, like monday/250mg and thursday/250mg each week. And start the HCG A week before I start the Test and run Run AI from day 1 and stop day before pct, same with HCG but stop about 3 days before pct?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pstar692002 View Post
    I guess that is true, So my best bet would be to run Test E or C for 12 weeks at 500mg a week. Twice a week, like monday/250mg and thursday/250mg each week. And start the HCG A week before I start the Test and run Run AI from day 1 and stop day before pct, same with HCG but stop about 3 days before pct?
    yes, but start HCG in week 1, not 1 week before the test..

    good luck, and remember diet is the key..

  17. #17
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    No need to start hcg a wk b4 mate just start with your test and your g2g.

  18. #18
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    And try some b-vtamins, especially b-12 to help w/appetite.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by pstar692002

    I would post pics, but not sure they would like that on here. I could give my twitter acct but then everyone would know who I am,lol
    Ha ha, that's ok mate, most if us like the anonymity this site brings. Of course, you can always PM them

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    And try some b-vtamins, especially b-12 to help w/appetite.
    Thanks, I was actually thinking B-12 too.

  21. #21
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    To prove your 'line of work' I'm gonna need pics as proof

    Welcome to the board.
    Yeah post those up or at least a link.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Forget the EQ this time around. You will need a lot of it, and you'll need to run it out too long to see any results.

    These cycles will do just fine. Everything is setup out for you..

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

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