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  1. #1
    dnyce is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013

    sust/tren/dbol cycle

    Iam nearing the end of my first cycle (week 8) of 700mg test cyp. I gained about 10lbs on this cycle and used nothing else but test cyp twice a week. I thought it would be wise to go test only for the first cycle. I plan on starting another cycle 2 weeks after Iam done with my pct's for this cycle.
    Age - 25
    WT - 202lbs
    Ht - 5'9
    BF - 16%
    Diet 200g protein about 3000+cals/day
    Training - 3 years

    Cycle plan -
    600mg sust EOD wk 1-10
    400mg tren wk 1-5
    50mg dbol wk 4-6
    HCG 500iu wk 1-10

    PCT -
    HCG 500iu ED for 10 days 4 days before SERM starting the day after the last pin
    Clomid - 50mg ED
    Novo - 20/10mg ED
    Aeromasin 25mg ED

    I want to gain about 20lbs within this cycle and be able to keep it after pct's. I'm trying to get lots of lean muscle, not cut so much. In terms of being able to lift more, I will always push myself but my goals are more cosmetic rather then strength focused. I am an RN and i do have alot of medical knowledge however anabolic steroids isn't studied much in school so much of what i know is from reading online. I have a good understanding of the body and compensation & decompensation due to steroid use or any drug for that matter. I apologize in advance if I did not provide enough information, or for spelling mistakes. I can use any advice, I will take it all into consideration, Thank you!

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nov 2007
    I dont get using the Tren Ace in the first half and the dbol in the back half. I would definitely do this the other way around. You do not need to run aromasin during pct rather on cycle. Also it is good to keep something on hand for possible prolactin problems like caber or bromo.

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nov 2007
    Also cals or way too low to gain 20lbs.

  4. #4
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009

    Try Deca or NPP if you want to stack your next cycle......

    You dont crawl in the ring with Ali because youve had one fight bro!! My advice

  5. #5
    dnyce is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    Will have caber on hand and up the calories, thanks for your feed back! any specific reason for doing the tren /dbol the other day around, i was thinking the likely hood of developing tren sides would be less if i did it earlier in the cycle, considering how ****ed up the sides may be.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I dont get using the Tren Ace in the first half and the dbol in the back half. I would definitely do this the other way around. You do not need to run aromasin during pct rather on cycle. Also it is good to keep something on hand for possible prolactin problems like caber or bromo.
    I agree with Redz.

    And remove your hCG from your PCT, it doesn't belong in there.

    And most importantly, Time On = Time Off! Its imperative that you give your CNS and Endocrine system a proper rest before you begin another cycle.

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