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  1. #1
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    1st month test eq dbol

    alright so I am into my cycle 4wks and here are some pics. I am running-

    700 wk test cyp
    400 wk eq
    50 ed dbol
    .5 arimidex eod

    My diet is 6-7 meals a day 2 of which are shakes (2 scoopes) with 1 cup berries 1 w/ a banana and a bowl 1 cup of oats and some org marmalade
    1 shake just 2 scoopes
    2-3 meals are 6 oz grilled ckn breast w/ 1/2 cup brown rice and a cup of veggies
    1-2 meals are 6 oz ground beef 1/2 cup brown rice w/ 1 cup veggies

    I mix up the ckn and ground beef meals( sometimes 2 grd beef 1 chkn or vise sersa) so total works out to 6-7 meals with 3 of those meals shakes consistently.

    I had dropped my weight to 246 lbs pre cycle and these pictures are @ 270 lbs I am no sure of body fat currently I think close to 13-14% but would like input on that, please. I do think I am holding some water from the dbol that should taper off in 2weeks when I finish the dbol @ 6 wk mark.
    I am wondering if I should up eq to 600 and currious on feed back from you all, also I may get some heat on this but what do you all think if I were to add 500 deca ? My trainer brought it up I do have but thought I would get some more peoples input first. That's all I can think of so let me have it good bad and other.Attachment 134501Attachment 134502
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1st month test eq dbol-20130223_092059.jpg  
    Last edited by 555mjolnir; 03-05-2013 at 11:27 PM.

  2. #2
    bdos's Avatar
    bdos is offline Anabolic Member
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    First cycle? Your bf% is a bit off maybe closer to 20.

  3. #3
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    Yes been on TRT @ 200mg wk and hcg 500iu which I am still taking. I measure with calipers and they keep coming back between 12-13% dont why cause I don't think they are right. Back a couple weeks ago my trainer said he'd put me @ 15% but i HAVE LEANED OUT A BIT AND CAN SEE MY FIRST 2 ROWS OF ABS SO i WAS THINKING LOWER THAN 20(sh!t hit the cap lock sorry) but hey I want to hear so thanks. I also forgot I am 41 as of the end of February and 6'4" these pics are @ 270 lbs up from 246 lbs just in case anyone wants/ needs to know. Like I said thanks I want to hear it all it will keep me motivated to keep working my ass off!

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Agreed, if that's 13% I'm sub 10% lol

    Good work on loosing the extra weight but it would have been good to wait a bit longer.
    NO do not add deca . Should have been test only once you were really ready and no need to run 750 1st cycle. More is not better. 500 would have been more than enough for the 1st time.

    What is your planned PCT?

    OK just saw the trt part so no PCT

  5. #5
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    I really do appreciate the the input. Thanks. I did up my TRT dose of 200 mg by 500 mg to get to the 700 mg week I did it right after my last labs test was back @856 up from 454 and total estrogen 6.76 down from 10.2 so my reasoning was that I was adding 500 mg dose to where levels had stabilized on trt which had put me in the normal range thats why I am @ 700 mg for the test, just to explain the thought process behind it (I did ask for input from a friend who does compete NPC and IFBB and he agreed, of course he doses over 2g a wk of test + other compounds so his idea of a moderate dose my be skewed and that is why I post here so I can get a balanced diet of info as it were). Again thank you.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Your EQ is useless at the amount. And if you're not running it out to at least 16 wks, you're wasting your money. Gains are real sloooooow but steady with EQ.

    hCG ?

  7. #7
    555mjolnir's Avatar
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    I understand that the gains are slow and knew going in I would need a min of 12 weeks, I have upped my dose to 600 mg a week on the advice of some other reading and planned on a 12 week cycle but do have enough to go 16+ weeks if that will make it better, I know your advice is always sound Mickey. Thanks once again man I seem to always be able to to count on you!!! Do you too think the deca would be a mistake... I don't have lots of experience with AAS but I do work myself to the limit every day and I am going in the direction I want with satisfying results.

    oh yea yes still taking Hcg 500iu and not pct TRT 200mg wk I do have nolva and clomid so they are on hand but with the low dose I shouldn't need right? Also have caber on hand for the deca if I add, and last couple weeks of cycle I plan to run clen /t3. I have read and read these forums and many books to inform myself as best as possible I have dialed in the diet and work with A trainer that competes NPC and IFBB. I eat every 2-3 hours like a clock even wake up hungry for a snack half way through the night. I sleep 6-8 hours every night and grab a solid 2-3 hr nap every afternoon. You will find me in the kitchen the gym or in the bed or sleeping on the sofa other than that I blog a couple hours a day and train my new Cane Corso puppy(and he is going to be a meat head too his dad is 160 lbs of pure rippled muscle).

  8. #8
    555mjolnir's Avatar
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    The reason I am asking about the deca is I have that they compliment each other so well that they are very synergistic and I am having no sides other than I am hungry all the time!!!!!!!! I wake up like there is an empty pit in my stomach the day time is the only time I am not totally starving and thats b/c of my meds for adhd and low dose of celexa leave my appetite surpressed a good part of the day hours.

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 555mjolnir View Post
    I understand that the gains are slow and knew going in I would need a min of 12 weeks, I have upped my dose to 600 mg a week on the advice of some other reading and planned on a 12 week cycle but do have enough to go 16+ weeks if that will make it better, I know your advice is always sound Mickey. Thanks once again man I seem to always be able to to count on you!!! Do you too think the deca would be a mistake... I don't have lots of experience with AAS but I do work myself to the limit every day and I am going in the direction I want with satisfying results.

    oh yea yes still taking Hcg 500iu and not pct TRT 200mg wk I do have nolva and clomid so they are on hand but with the low dose I shouldn't need right? Also have caber on hand for the deca if I add, and last couple weeks of cycle I plan to run clen/t3. I have read and read these forums and many books to inform myself as best as possible I have dialed in the diet and work with A trainer that competes NPC and IFBB. I eat every 2-3 hours like a clock even wake up hungry for a snack half way through the night. I sleep 6-8 hours every night and grab a solid 2-3 hr nap every afternoon. You will find me in the kitchen the gym or in the bed or sleeping on the sofa other than that I blog a couple hours a day and train my new Cane Corso puppy(and he is going to be a meat head too his dad is 160 lbs of pure rippled muscle).
    Thanks man.

    And no, you definitely dont need to add Deca, or anything else, at this point. Concentrate on your diet and exercise routine. I suspect your BF is higher than you think and introducing more compounds at this point is not necessary.

    Your revamped cycle of Cyp, 600mg EQ, and a DBol kicker is lots! Trust me, you'll have your hands full with this cycle and maintaining a solid diet. Diet is key here. I cant say it enough.

  10. #10
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    Alright then. I am not trying to be a gunho bungho, I will listen. Thanks for your help.

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre welcome and good luck.

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