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Thread: 1st cycle anavar only

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    1st cycle anavar only


    About to start an anavar only cycle first cycle ever. Will be taking 30mg daily for 6 weeks. Only doing this during my rehab. have had some shoulder issues in the past and had 2 operations. And also to strengthen a little in general. Not looking for massive gains.

    But confused about PCT with anavar. Some say you need it some say you don't. My estrogen is already higher than range.

    I had my levels checked.

    Estradiol + 45 ng/L <30
    Estrone + 63 pg/mL 10-60
    Testosterone 7089 pg/mL 3000-10000
    Testosteron free + 284 pg/mL 50-280

    Should I take arimidex along side the cycle? after? should i be on arimidex regardless of cycle?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Kitchen
    Why is your test so high ? What were you taking ? Are you on trt ? Anyways var only is great if you have a vagina and 30mg a day will do nothing but take some cash out of your pocket. Always need a pct no matter what cycle you run unless you are a trt patient.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2012
    You are definitively not ready for aas... You don't even seems to understand the basic.

    Your test free is already very high You do not need any steroids...

    Anavar Shut you down real hard.and fast at effective dose(30mg is not an effective dose) If you want to maintain an erection you'll need a reel cycle.

    Anavar do not convert in estrogene, its a dht derivative.

    So no AI neened.

    If you really want to lower your estradiol use some aromasin it will be much more efficient.

    no offense but you need to read more and an oral only cycle is not what the community here recommend here.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Var will do nothing for your shoulder, me I'm going to use a low dose of deca to lube them..

    I have surgery on both, my left one 10 months ago

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Kitchen
    What a lot of people don't realize that run these var only cycles is you are getting shut down and not only that, now you are replacing your bodies natural test which is stronger with a far far weaker steroid especially at 30mg!!

  6. #6
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Why is your test so high ? What were you taking ? Are you on trt ? Anyways var only is great if you have a vagina and 30mg a day will do nothing but take some cash out of your pocket. Always need a pct no matter what cycle you run unless you are a trt patient.
    I've never done any aas or trt. No idea why my estrogen is high or test is high lol. Was very active physically until a shoulder injury that needed surgery which failed, I then had another surgery done but had some unexplained symptoms. Weakness in joints (looseness) healing is slow as well. Been diagnosed with 'secondary fibromyalgia' I just have little strength. The muscle on the shoulder and arms didnt recover like it should. During this year with all this I went from 12% body fat to 26% at 90kg. Im 29yr male. My other shoulder has impingement as well.

    Ive read about people that had shoulder issues and used var to heal. That is why I am looking into this. I small dose to give me strength to rehab as I cannot lift at the moment. So for general strength, and and fat loose? i believe var is a good option. people on here use var in addition to there cycles but we forget that var is used medically approved by the FDA for muscle wastage after surgery and trauma.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    You are definitively not ready for aas... You don't even seems to understand the basic.

    Your test free is already very high You do not need any steroids...

    Anavar Shut you down real hard.and fast at effective dose(30mg is not an effective dose) If you want to maintain an erection you'll need a reel cycle.

    Anavar do not convert in estrogene, its a dht derivative.

    So no AI neened.

    If you really want to lower your estradiol use some aromasin it will be much more efficient.

    no offense but you need to read more and an oral only cycle is not what the community here recommend here.

    Good luck.
    Ive read quite a bit man but my situation now is that I am not strong enough to workout. The surgery left me pretty weak with this fibro and muscle lose.

    My doc put me on testogel but I feel that its not effective enough and not worth the risk. thats why im more interested in var.

    So you think just using arimidex or aromasin on its own could be effective? my doc also prescribed arimidex to take along side the testogel.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by greengo View Post
    I've never done any aas or trt. No idea why my estrogen is high or test is high lol. Was very active physically until a shoulder injury that needed surgery which failed, I then had another surgery done but had some unexplained symptoms. Weakness in joints (looseness) healing is slow as well. Been diagnosed with 'secondary fibromyalgia' I just have little strength. The muscle on the shoulder and arms didnt recover like it should. During this year with all this I went from 12% body fat to 26% at 90kg. Im 29yr male. My other shoulder has impingement as well.

    Ive read about people that had shoulder issues and used var to heal. That is why I am looking into this. I small dose to give me strength to rehab as I cannot lift at the moment. So for general strength, and and fat loose? i believe var is a good option. people on here use var in addition to there cycles but we forget that var is used medically approved by the FDA for muscle wastage after surgery and trauma.

    Which is true to a certain extent but they run much higher dosages than 30mgs.. The only AAS that will help someone in your case would be maybe 1-200mg deca pw. You need to do a lot more research tho man, this is serious stuff and you can really screw your hormones up if you are not careful.. Even with just var. You are still getting completely shut down.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Var will do nothing for your shoulder, me I'm going to use a low dose of deca to lube them..

    I have surgery on both, my left one 10 months ago
    Deca on its own? is that a good thing? sides?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by greengo View Post
    Ive read quite a bit man but my situation now is that I am not strong enough to workout. The surgery left me pretty weak with this fibro and muscle lose.

    My doc put me on testogel but I feel that its not effective enough and not worth the risk. thats why im more interested in var.

    So you think just using arimidex or aromasin on its own could be effective? my doc also prescribed arimidex to take along side the testogel.

    Well... that explains your blood work now lol

  11. #11
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    How long have you been taking testogel ? How much ?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    What a lot of people don't realize that run these var only cycles is you are getting shut down and not only that, now you are replacing your bodies natural test which is stronger with a far far weaker steroid especially at 30mg!!
    Why shut down? Ive read about many people on here using high doses with no shut down. Also if its taken properly... ie regular blood tests and liver funtion test as well as estrogen suppressors and liver protection. why not would it shut you down?

    Again this drug is approved by the FDA for muscle wastage post surgery. lol

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by greengo View Post
    Why shut down? Ive read about many people on here using high doses with no shut down. Also if its taken properly... ie regular blood tests and liver funtion test as well as estrogen suppressors and liver protection. why not would it shut you down?

    Again this drug is approved by the FDA for muscle wastage post surgery. lol
    Honestly the FDA is a joke. I have bw done to prove var shuts you down along with many other members. There is also a study i will link to you showing how much var suppresses you even at low amounts.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Well... that explains your blood work now lol
    NO NO mate... I haven't done any of the testogel... or any aas ever in my life and havent' worked out in a year. I was prescibed testogel but never bought it. I don't think its gonna do much for me. Its a 10% gel.. at low doses. thats why im looking into var.

    My HGH in the blood was low: range 0-10 I was at 1.5... so started omnitrope about 2 weeks ago on 0.5 IU daily.

  15. #15
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by greengo

    Why shut down? Ive read about many people on here using high doses with no shut down. Also if its taken properly... ie regular blood tests and liver funtion test as well as estrogen suppressors and liver protection. why not would it shut you down?

    Again this drug is approved by the FDA for muscle wastage post surgery. lol
    Anavar is not benign and WILL shut you down:!#.UTelhN69Kc0

    Don't confuse FDA approved with perfectly safe.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Honestly the FDA is a joke. I have bw done to prove var shuts you down along with many other members. There is also a study i will link to you showing how much var suppresses you even at low amounts.
    So what do you guys do to avoid that? Won't a PCT fix that? So var could cause testicular shrinkage? dang bro I want my balls LOL. Im glad Im on this forum and taking the advice seriously. Honestly if it wasn't for my injury I wouldn't even consider aas but really desperate at the moment. If I can recover to the point that I can actually lift properly I would consider a proper cycle.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by greengo

    So what do you guys do to avoid that? Won't a PCT fix that? So var could cause testicular shrinkage? dang bro I want my balls LOL. Im glad Im on this forum and taking the advice seriously. Honestly if it wasn't for my injury I wouldn't even consider aas but really desperate at the moment. If I can recover to the point that I can actually lift properly I would consider a proper cycle.
    Run a proper cycle. If you want var, run a test ester with it.

    This thread will help:

    Var won't just shrink your testes, it'll suppress your entire HTPA.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Run a proper cycle. If you want var, run a test ester with it.

    This thread will help:

    Var won't just shrink your testes, it'll suppress your entire HTPA.
    Would testogel be effective to run with it? or does it have to be an injectable type? and will running a PCT after this guarantee testes will be safe?

    thanks for the links btw.. really appreciate the info.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Run a proper cycle. If you want var, run a test ester with it.

    This thread will help:

    Var won't just shrink your testes, it'll suppress your entire HTPA.
    That is all you need. Go to that link and do lots of research and come back with a proper layout and we will help you critique it to your needs man, best of luck.

  20. #20
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    Thanks bro.. really appreciate it. will go back to doing more reading.

    Im surprised you said my natural test is high. Do you know why that is? again never done any test including testogel. and my estrogen is also very high lol. Would really like to know why


  21. #21
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by greengo

    Would testogel be effective to run with it? or does it have to be an injectable type? and will running a PCT after this guarantee testes will be safe?

    thanks for the links btw.. really appreciate the info.
    Injectable. Much easier to get a higher dose and stable concentration with proper protocol. Gel concentrations are low and to get anything above a TRT to offset var suppression you'd need to use a large quantity. Injection is the route to go.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Run a proper cycle. If you want var, run a test ester with it.

    This thread will help:

    Var won't just shrink your testes, it'll suppress your entire HTPA.
    Is it advisable to run a low dose cycle say deca and test? Don't want to get too big. I want this more for overal strength and joint health/ recovery.

    Im 5'11 90kg. But also need to loose fat. could I add var to that cycle or no good?


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