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  1. #1
    Sunflower's Avatar
    Sunflower is offline Female Member
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    Mar 2013

    Newbie is looking for advice :)

    Hi everyone,

    Obviously I spent some time educating educating my self on the forums so I won't ask stuf that have been discussed a billion times. So I worked out a few questions that I would like to ask.

    Let me introduce myself first, I've been working out for around 4 years now taking usual supplements like protein, BCAA, vitamins, pre and post work out shakes, basically the whole 9 natural yards while training 5-6 day a week, mostly weights and 1 full day cardio. I'm 5'2, my weight right now is around 114-116 lb with around 20% fat. oh almost forgot that I'm constantly dieting but around half a year ago my sizes and weight just stalled so like everyone else here decided to "to juice" my self up a bit lol and go bigger and stronger

    So my few little questions:

    - I've read few comparison topics on oral/injected steroids , well I do understand that majority use injected ones, but in my case if I go with oral (just because I can order them online and I don't know anyone who is actually working out to get big except myself I won't continue this bracketed part as I already know that this is a taboo) how would it effect the dosage and cycle length

    - I was thinking of what to start with and in what doses, can you guys suggest me a stack for my first cycle and give me a personalized advise ^.^?

    Oh and the goal is to gain as much muscle as possible ofc.

    Well guess it's it's just about it,

    Thanks and really hope to hear from you soon

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Very few AAS are considered female friendly! Have you considered an Anavar (oral) only cycle? Perhaps give a look to this thread....she and a few of the other ladies can answer your questions with no doubt!

    Edit: I see twits lurking below...I am sure she can assist far better than I can!

  3. #3
    twitz's Avatar
    twitz is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunflower View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Obviously I spent some time educating educating my self on the forums so I won't ask stuf that have been discussed a billion times. So I worked out a few questions that I would like to ask.

    Let me introduce myself first, I've been working out for around 4 years now taking usual supplements like protein, BCAA, vitamins, pre and post work out shakes, basically the whole 9 natural yards while training 5-6 day a week, mostly weights and 1 full day cardio. I'm 5'2, my weight right now is around 114-116 lb with around 20% fat. oh almost forgot that I'm constantly dieting but around half a year ago my sizes and weight just stalled so like everyone else here decided to "to juice" my self up a bit lol and go bigger and stronger

    So my few little questions:

    - I've read few comparison topics on oral/injected steroids , well I do understand that majority use injected ones, but in my case if I go with oral (just because I can order them online and I don't know anyone who is actually working out to get big except myself I won't continue this bracketed part as I already know that this is a taboo) how would it effect the dosage and cycle length

    - I was thinking of what to start with and in what doses, can you guys suggest me a stack for my first cycle and give me a personalized advise ^.^?

    Oh and the goal is to gain as much muscle as possible ofc.

    Well guess it's it's just about it,

    Thanks and really hope to hear from you soon
    You're female, correct?

    Please DO NOT consider an injectable for your first cycle.

    Please DO NOT consider stacking anything for your first cycle.

    I think that you should research Anavar (Oxandrolone). There is info in the female section, and loads more if you google it.

    There are possible side effects, there are risks involved, you are putting male hormones into your body etc.... you need to understand what you are doing, what you will do if a side starts to show, etc etc...

    Let us know what you think after you research a bit more

  4. #4
    Sunflower's Avatar
    Sunflower is offline Female Member
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    I do realize that they carry side effects, and ready to embrace responsibility though was hoping to keep them to the minimum if possible, will look through the thread.

  5. #5
    Sunflower's Avatar
    Sunflower is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twitz View Post
    You're female, correct?

    Please DO NOT consider an injectable for your first cycle.

    Please DO NOT consider stacking anything for your first cycle.

    I think that you should research Anavar (Oxandrolone). There is info in the female section, and loads more if you google it.

    There are possible side effects, there are risks involved, you are putting male hormones into your body etc.... you need to understand what you are doing, what you will do if a side starts to show, etc etc...

    Let us know what you think after you research a bit more
    Yup I've already read this post yesterday, and yes I'am a female lol As I have previously reply i do realize the side effects side of the subject

  6. #6
    twitz's Avatar
    twitz is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunflower View Post
    I do realize that they carry side effects, and ready to embrace responsibility though was hoping to keep them to the minimum if possible, will look through the thread.
    I would suggest anavar only for your 1st cycle. There are 3 female logs in the members cycle section. There is also some info in the womans section. The log that Lunk linked you to is mine. Let me know if you have any questions!

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