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  1. #1
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Self medicating Pramipexole.

    Hey bellends

    My backstory. Bloodwork a few weeks back showed high prolactin ive only ever used test never a 19nor. The doctor sent me to the hospital to have a scan were they injected this stuff in my vein i dont have a tumor. So i went back to The doctor to get caber he wont prescribe it he said i should see a Endocrinogist but i dont want to i just want the medicine. so anyway i ordered Pramipexole from the lion. So my plan was to take 0.5mg a day for 3 weeks than go get blood done. Good idea? If it matters ive recently had gyno surgery. 24 93kg 186cm bf 14% blue eyes brown hair. Thank you for your help.

    Oh and euro 1 aussie customs 2

  2. #2
    bdos's Avatar
    bdos is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lol call us bellends and want answers.

  3. #3
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    It was joking see the smile face

  4. #4
    bdos's Avatar
    bdos is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lol but still...find another doc?

  5. #5
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    So im starting my 50 mg a day for 3 weeks tomorrow 0500 +8gmt good idea? This should be enough to lower my prolactin?

  6. #6
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I used Prami in the past to lower my PRL levels. I was also taking it with Aromasin and it helped a alot to lower my levels.

    Your high PRL levels were caused by high estro levels, which I would assume you wern't taking any sort of AI. You could also be sensitive to Test. Every time you cycle with test you will most likely experience increased PRL from high estro so I would run an AI throughout your cycles next time.

    Are you lactating mildly? I ran .5mg for the first week then upped to 1mg for about 6 weeks until my levels went down. This was during cycle and ran with Aromasin at 25mg ED.

    Since you're not on cycle you should recover faster, Have you thought about running it with a small dose of letro? I noticed you didn't mention your estro being in high ranges though so that might not be the case.

    Watch out though, Prami gave me nausesa and even know it made me drowsy my sleep was restless

  7. #7
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    I used Prami in the past to lower my PRL levels. I was also taking it with Aromasin and it helped a alot to lower my levels.

    Your high PRL levels were caused by high estro levels, which I would assume you wern't taking any sort of AI. You could also be sensitive to Test. Every time you cycle with test you will most likely experience increased PRL from high estro so I would run an AI throughout your cycles next time.

    Are you lactating mildly? I ran .5mg for the first week then upped to 1mg for about 6 weeks until my levels went down. This was during cycle and ran with Aromasin at 25mg ED.

    Since you're not on cycle you should recover faster, Have you thought about running it with a small dose of letro? I noticed you didn't mention your estro being in high ranges though so that might not be the case.

    Watch out though, Prami gave me nausesa and even know it made me drowsy my sleep was restless
    Yes your right i have done a few cycles with no ai. Until i found this site i did not no what a ai was and did not really care what i was putting into my body. So i leanred the hard way. My estro was hi but i lowered it with arimidex . Im not sure what caused my gyno weather it was estro or prolactin related. Thats the thing im not expressing any signs of hi prolactin no ed no breast milk etc. i feel fine.I have had gyno surgery recently so that may be why no sides? Ive lernt anyway that a ai is important so i live and lern.

    Anyway i took 50mg of prami today i will do so for 3 weeks than get more bloods. Can you crash you prolactin levels to much? What will happen if i lower it to much?

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