I posted a similar question about Estrogen about 2 weeks ago.
First of all, I must say that 19nor really intrigate me and I didn't read enough to understand it very well, So If I'm wrong I want to be inform. I'm here to learn.
Normally, the recovery of a 19nor cycle is harder than other estrogen related cycle..
If I'm right it's because the prolactin and progesterone affect negatively the recovery of the pituitary. Prolactin/progesterone = low LH/FSH = Low test (a really basic way to see this...)
I often see advice like: Keeping low estrogen should limit the progestrone sides. (low estrogen will limit the production or prolactin and progesterone right?)
But still, there is some progesterone and prolactin even if the estrogen is under control, only there is not enough to feel side effect.
Normally, the cabergolline/pramil must be kept on hand.
BUT, Doing a burst of cabergoline/pramil just before the pct(exemple: the last 2 weeks .25 cabergoline EOD).
So, Even if the estrogen is under control, the cabergoline will drop the progesterone/prolactin enough to make the recovery easier.
I've been told that with estrogen, keeping it at a normal quantity will be more efficient at restoring the pituitary than drop it completly, but men are supose to have very few progesterone/prolactin, so if the goal is to be at normal to recover it makes sence to lower as much as possible these hormones...
What do you think of all this?