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  1. #1
    Krztoff2202 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009

    Need Help with Strength & Endurance

    While I was overseas I was running EQ @ 400mg per week, Test E @ 375 per week and masteron @ 100mg EOD. This was over a year and a half ago and between than and now I had blown my back out bad from getting blown up a few times and improper deadlifts like an idiot. It had worked quite well for me, increasing my endurance levels, but it seemed like afterwords I would sometime have trouble getting aroused and I read that too much EQ to TEST could casue this. I have since past this issue, however I was still curious.

    Right now I am running 600mg Test C per week and 80mg Var along with cycling two weeks on and off clen /t3. and 25mg EOD Stane.
    I can see the difference in my body finally getting back to where it was, though I have been getting killer shin splints and I am thing as a result of the var, any thoughts?

    Regardless, I was hoping for some input on my next cycle so I can start preparing now, I figured I would give myself about 3-4 months off cycle before stating up again after a proper pct. I was thinking about something similar to the first one without the mast though? Thoughts? Maybe somehting like:

    Test C @ 500mg
    Eq @ 500mg

    But what else could I add in their to help with my goals? I have to be fast on my feet and strong enough to carry my load.

    Current stats @ 5 weeks on cycle are:

    Sorry guys IM 29
    10-12% BF ( I will get some calipers to give you a better est tomorrow)

    Appreciate the help ahead of time. Any comments or thoughts are welcome.
    Last edited by Krztoff2202; 03-10-2013 at 03:18 PM.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Krztoff2202 View Post
    While I was overseas I was running EQ @ 400mg per week, Test E @ 375 per week and masteron @ 100mg EOD. This was over a year and a half ago and between than and now I had blown my back out bad from getting blown up a few times and improper deadlifts like an idiot. It had worked quite well for me, increasing my endurance levels, but it seemed like afterwords I would sometime have trouble getting aroused and I read that too much EQ to TEST could casue this. I have since past this issue, however I was still curious.

    Right now I am running 600mg Test C per week and 80mg Var along with cycling two weeks on and off clen /t3.
    I can see the difference in my body finally getting back to where it was, though I have been getting killer shin splints and I am thing as a result of the var, any thoughts? Var pumps. Pick up some Taurine.

    Regardless, I was hoping for some input on my next cycle so I can start preparing now, I figured I would give myself about 3-4 months off cycle before stating up again after a proper pct. I was thinking about something similar to the first one without the mast though? Thoughts? Maybe somehting like:

    Test C @ 500mg
    Eq @ 500mg

    I would keep it simple and stick to a short estered Test base like Prop, and perhaps an oral kicker like Tbol. Run an 8 wk cycle with a solid diet and you'll have a win win cycle.

    But what else could I add in their to help with my goals? I have to be fast on my feet and strong enough to carry my load.

    Current stats @ 5 weeks on cycle are:

    10-12% BF ( I will get some calipers to give you a better est tomorrow)

    Appreciate the help ahead of time. Any comments or thoughts are welcome.
    Ive never heard of Test and EQ giving anyone the jimmies in bed?

    Besides, EQ has to be run for a long time with a large amount. Not worth it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Like MK says, I don't think EQ's worth the money. I did Test/Mast which was a good cycle for me. I also did Test/Primo which was another good cycle. I did a couple of Test/Tren cycles too. They gave really good results. Lean, tight muscles, vascularity, lots of strenth, and endurance. But I also got bad side affects. Knowing what I know I would say that the best cycle is to keep things simple. Test cycle with good diet will do wonders for you over several cycles. Steroids should be looked at long term not just for a cycle. Steroids are just a tool to an overall health/fitness/diet regiment. IMO.

  4. #4
    Time1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Like MK says, I don't think EQ's worth the money. I did Test/Mast which was a good cycle for me. I also did Test/Primo which was another good cycle. I did a couple of Test/Tren cycles too. They gave really good results. Lean, tight muscles, vascularity, lots of strenth, and endurance. But I also got bad side affects. Knowing what I know I would say that the best cycle is to keep things simple. Test cycle with good diet will do wonders for you over several cycles. Steroids should be looked at long term not just for a cycle. Steroids are just a tool to an overall health/fitness/diet regiment. IMO.
    how much primo did u run dude?

    would 500mg be of any benifet? any more and its just to expensive

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    how much primo did u run dude?

    would 500mg be of any benifet? any more and its just to expensive
    Start your own thread please. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Krztoff2202 is offline Junior Member
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    I liked EQ as it seem to increase my cardio to past ridiulous levels and I am not as concerned with getting big as I am wiith the other. Perhpas it was just my PCT at the time doing it either way I am past it for now.

    I have always run either Cyp or Eth, I have to look into prop before I jump on that, but jelp me understand why a shorter ester would be beneficial? I know it has to be injected more freq to maintain proper blood levels, what doseage you thinking?

    Oh BTW right now I am also running 25mg EOD liquid Stane from AAR, as when I was younger I had gyno like a fat pig and had to have it surgically removed. Do not even wanna risk a repeat.

  7. #7
    Krztoff2202 is offline Junior Member
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    I have heard from a lot of members that tren will kill your cardio? Primo on the other hand is a little to expensive for my wallet. Thinking I might try up the mast again though, think that and prop like MK suggested would be good?

  8. #8
    Krztoff2202 is offline Junior Member
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    Kind of curious myself, though I doubt I could get my hands on enough primo for the money for it to be worth it. If I remember correctly isnt it something like 500mg a week to really see the benefits?

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krztoff2202 View Post
    I liked EQ as it seem to increase my cardio to past ridiulous levels and I am not as concerned with getting big as I am wiith the other. Perhpas it was just my PCT at the time doing it either way I am past it for now.

    I have always run either Cyp or Eth, I have to look into prop before I jump on that, but jelp me understand why a shorter ester would be beneficial? I know it has to be injected more freq to maintain proper blood levels, what doseage you thinking?

    Oh BTW right now I am also running 25mg EOD liquid Stane from AAR, as when I was younger I had gyno like a fat pig and had to have it surgically removed. Do not even wanna risk a repeat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krztoff2202 View Post
    I have heard from a lot of members that tren will kill your cardio? Primo on the other hand is a little to expensive for my wallet. Thinking I might try up the mast again though, think that and prop like MK suggested would be good?
    The advantage that short esters have is that you are able to transition to PCT a lot sooner (3 days as opposed to 14) and with a solid diet and exercise routine, you can easily produce the same gains as a long estered cycle.

    I would run your Stane @ 10mg/day rather than a huge amount EOD in one shot like that. Stane has a half life of 9 hours in men.

  10. #10
    Krztoff2202 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the tip bout the stane, I might just run with prop next time than, seems like it would save some hassle in the long run. You guys are awesome, thanks again.

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    No sweat, good luck!

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