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  1. #1
    JoosisLoose is offline New Member
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    Anavar/natty test shutdown

    Hey guys & gals...I'm new to the steroid forums but I decided to sign up to seek some help because I'm tired of listening to idiots, meaning my friends at the gym that really don't know shizzz...some particulars on myself: I'm going to be 38 yrs old in May, I'm 6'0" 225lbs and in very good shape...I'm avidly athletic, namely hockey and I'm still hanging with the young pups playing nearly half my age...

    But on to my problem: Trying to help in my training/leaning up and staying in shape to still be able to play hockey with those young'ns, I tried HGH first and it was working recovery time was good and overall energy and level of play had me feeling like I was 25 again...not too mention sexually I was a monster...but then I did a win tab cycle 8-9 months into HGH to help shred some fat & noticed a huge drop off in libido/drive during...little willy wasn't working I immediately stopped the cycle and everything went back to normal, mostly...not 100% but better than when I was on them...I continued the HGH and then last April I decided to and was talked into doing a cycle of Anavars...they worked! I was stronger leaner and meaner but unfortunately a week before my cycles was up I had the libidos/sex drive willy problems. I didn't know about pcts or anything of that nature so I never did them. Nor did I cycle in any test to assist in any natty drop-off because I was uneducated on the subject & trusted nitwits telling me that that doesn't happen with wins & vars(I was told this all after the fact of my condition).

    Now It's been almost a year and although at times my libidos decent on some days, for the most part it's gone and my relationship with my now ex gf has suffered from it bc I can barely get it up. Chicks don't dig soft wieners. Since January I have started a TRT program with my doctor but its only helping somewhat...I'm on 400 mg shots every 2 weeks. Not too mention when my blood was taken my levels seemed basically normal...What if anything can I do to help bring back willy and the boys? Was it the vars? Could I have been on the HGH too long and that messed with my HPTA??? Can I do a PCT or some HCG /NOLVADEX now to help bring back the natty test levels from prior to cycling? In the meantime I'm going to ask the doctor to up my dosage of test. Thanks guys. All your input is valued and appreciated greatly.

  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    An overall great example of why Testosterone should be the base of every cycle as well as why PCT is mandatory.

    In a nutshell;

    1. No, HGH use couldn't have possibly messed up your endocrine system since this particular peptide doesn't at all interfere with your HPTA. It is the disastrous cycles you have run in the past as well as not having followed a proper PCT protocol afterwards.

    2. It seems like your doctor may have rushed you into TRT. I am sure proper blood tests were done and a full hormone panel was established before this vital decision was given. 400mg every 2 weeks is a very unorthodox and unheard of TRT protocol regarding the dose and the frequency. This surely will lead to discussions of its own.

    3. Once you become a TRT patient, you either stay on it for the rest of your life or run a very strong PCT protocol 2 weeks after your last TRT dose Test injection to see if you can get your natty Test levels up to where they were when your endocrine system was fully working back in the day, and whether new natty levels are sustainable. It is likely, but don't count on it.

    I am sure others will take it from here...

  3. #3
    JoosisLoose is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the response sir.

    !. I didnt think the HGH was the problem but I'm covering all basis. When I was on the HGH I was a sexual deviant.

    2. It's been a year since symptoms have occurred regarding the shutdown and blood work was done by my Doctor. Most levels were normal except for a few minor things like Vitamin D and cholesterol etc...he specializes in TRT treatment, he's not an endocrinologist. I was debating taking my symptoms to one but settled on the TRT. so I hope he knows what he's doing. I guess upping my dosage would be a bad idea?

    3. If I need to stay on it for life, I'm okay with long as I can bring my buddy back...It'sworked for so many. I've heard great things from this Doctor by many that have been in my position regarding test treatments for various reason sand they say it helped them tremendously. So far for me, not so much.

  4. #4
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoosisLoose View Post
    Thanks for the response sir.

    !. I didnt think the HGH was the problem but I'm covering all basis. When I was on the HGH I was a sexual deviant. Gotcha!

    2. It's been a year since symptoms have occurred regarding the shutdown and blood work was done by my Doctor. Most levels were normal except for a few minor things like Vitamin D and cholesterol etc...he specializes in TRT treatment, he's not an endocrinologist. I was debating taking my symptoms to one but settled on the TRT. so I hope he knows what he's doing. I guess upping my dosage would be a bad idea? Here comes the question, then: why did your TRT specialist decided to put you on TRT since your hormone levels were normal and endocrine system in good health. If this is the case, of course, what is your current take on it?

    3. If I need to stay on it for life, I'm okay with long as I can bring my buddy back...It'sworked for so many. I've heard great things from this Doctor by many that have been in my position regarding test treatments for various reason sand they say it helped them tremendously. So far for me, not so much.You need to talk to either your specialist or consult a third party -a medical expert regarding the ED issue and talk about continual Cialis use at the recommended dose.
    Response in bold.

  5. #5
    JoosisLoose is offline New Member
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    Well I went on the TRT myself bc I was worried of not being able to perform with the gf. The TRT helped but only for a short period meaning the day of the shot & a few days after, then it was back to limpness & libido issues. They just redid bloodwork to see where I'm at now.

    I agree, I thought this TRT doc was an expert in ED but apparently I was mistaken. I'm thinking of scheduling a full physical with a regular doctor & maybe am endocrinologist to eliminate anything foreign, tumors, deficiencies etc...I wanna get the boys back and reboot.

    One question my man and thank you again for the time, regarding the HGH use: I used a lot of it...6 days on 1 day off per week for almost 14 months...I still have some kits left to support another 6-7 month cycle? Should I start again? Perhaps it'll help?

    Also what do you know abt prolactin? I've heard that if you use a lot of Gh it can make the brain produce prolactin which suppresses test output significantly? True? If so how to treat? Remedies to try?

    Thanks man

  6. #6
    JoosisLoose is offline New Member
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    forma stanzol and hcgenerate? Can you tell me more about it? I hear this restores HPTA with great success.

  7. #7
    Antonious's Avatar
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    Off topic question: did you notice your jaw growing on HGH? any inner organs being enlarged, stomach starting to get bigger (ie roid stomach)?
    Last edited by Antonious; 03-11-2013 at 12:03 AM.

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by drsblls View Post
    Off topic question: did you notice your jaw growing on HGH? any inner organs being enlarged, stomach starting to get beggier (ie roid stomach)?
    You would have to take extreme amounts of HGH for your mandible to grow.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
    Antonious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    You would have to take extreme amounts of HGH for your mandible to grow.
    I've read Dwayne Wade disappeared for several month sometime ago and came out with muscles and with big jaw

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drsblls

    I've read Dwayne Wade disappeared for several month sometime ago and came out with muscles and with big jaw
    Think about this carefully! First not everything you read on the Internet is true - most is crap. Second, professional athletes are generally taking excessive levels of performance enhancing drugs and the quality of said drugs are likely "top shelf". Most recreationally users (which would apply to most people on this forum) don't use nearly the levels of compounds the pros use AND don't have access to the quality they do.

    I've been on GH for 2+ years. My jaw and guts are fine.

    Lastly, all these body building mags send the wrong message. Younger guys see these body builders larger than a house an figure a few cycles of moderately dosed test or a stack of anabolics will turn them into these pros over night. The reality is, if people knew how much discipline actually went into professional body building with respect to training, eating, and cycling, few would ever try because they lack the level of commitment required to achieve that professional level of success.

  11. #11
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoosisLoose View Post
    Well I went on the TRT myself bc I was worried of not being able to perform with the gf. The TRT helped but only for a short period meaning the day of the shot & a few days after, then it was back to limpness & libido issues. They just redid bloodwork to see where I'm at now.

    I agree, I thought this TRT doc was an expert in ED but apparently I was mistaken. I'm thinking of scheduling a full physical with a regular doctor & maybe am endocrinologist to eliminate anything foreign, tumors, deficiencies etc...I wanna get the boys back and reboot.

    One question my man and thank you again for the time, regarding the HGH use: I used a lot of it...6 days on 1 day off per week for almost 14 months...I still have some kits left to support another 6-7 month cycle? Should I start again? Perhaps it'll help?

    Also what do you know abt prolactin? I've heard that if you use a lot of Gh it can make the brain produce prolactin which suppresses test output significantly? True? If so how to treat? Remedies to try?

    Thanks man

    1. Seeing an endocrinologist and/or urologist for ED issues maybe a wise move.

    2. 6 days of HGH use for almost 14 months is hardly ''using a lot of it''. I don't see any issues of you not running the rest unless there is a tumor in your body. I still don't see how HGH would help with libido and/or fix your HPTA related ED issue on its own.

    3. Get your prolactin levels checked first, we'll talk about prolactin management if your numbers show high.

    Get your full hormone panel done and continue to inform us.

  12. #12
    JoosisLoose is offline New Member
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    No Cro-Magnon man syndrome from with HGH use...the stuff was great but make sure you get real stuff, none of these blue cap Chinese kits running around.

    Turkish Juicer, thanks I will post harmone/blood results ASAP so you can asses better info.

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