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Thread: tren worries

  1. #1
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    tren worries

    Trying to find out the best stuff to have on hand to treat gyno from test and gyno from prolactin sides of tren ... this is my first tren cycle, I was poorly informed because all i have on hand is 20 mg nolva and 50 mg clomid.. what would be my best course of action to battle itchy sore nips??... which i found out i was prone to on my last test e and masteron cycle. and why cant i use the nolva for the test sides.. it worked great on my last cycle, but ive heard that nolva and tren are no good together?

  2. #2
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    i should note that im only 2 weeks into this cycle and am not experiencing any symptoms as of yet

  3. #3
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I don't see the reason why you need 2 threads for the same thing.

    Specially since the answer is right in front of you.

    I will be running caber every 4th day as stated in another thread on the same page. Caber or Prami seem to be the standard for a Tren cycle.

  4. #4
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    I was hoping to see if there are any other options.. I can't get ahold of caber.. letro and adex is what i have to choose from

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    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 03-10-2013 at 10:22 AM.

  6. #6
    Granovich's Avatar
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    if you cant get a hold of Caber. then go to Ar-r and get some Prami....its very easy to get a hold of
    Letro is good but its extreme solution. get some prami bro

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro @ 5'7 155 you dont need aas you need to learn how to eat and build a base.And you should do research prior to doing a cycle.You are not ready for tren or any other compound at this point.

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
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    How many cycles have you done? doesn`t sound like you should be using steroids let alone tren .

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbull85 View Post
    Trying to find out the best stuff to have on hand to treat gyno from test and gyno from prolactin sides of tren... this is my first tren cycle, I was poorly informed because all i have on hand is 20 mg nolva and 50 mg clomid.. what would be my best course of action to battle itchy sore nips??... which i found out i was prone to on my last test e and masteron cycle. and why cant i use the nolva for the test sides.. it worked great on my last cycle, but ive heard that nolva and tren are no good together?
    Youve done 3 cycles and youre still only 155lbs?? You have no clue what you're doing. And you're damn right you were poorly informed. You dont even have and AI or a dopamine agonist in hand do you? I'll bet you don't.

    You need to stop this cycle immediately and learn how to eat, develop a diet that reflects your intended goals, and educate yourself so that you don't continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.

    Youre clearly not ready for AAS. Stop what you're doing, run your PCT, and then start over again when youre more informed and educated enough to run a cycle responsibly. Otherwise you could end up with serious health issues.

    You need to pick enough Clomid and Nolva to run this PCT.

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 <---- if using tabs, 100mg first wk is fine.
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  10. #10
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    I really take alot from what you guys are saying but how does me only weighing 155-160 lbs mean im not ready for a cycle. There nothin like working out 4 days a week training 6 days a week and making weight cuts to keep someone from getting all the benefits that aas have to offer. And my first cycle i started at 125 lbs with a superior diet. I started my second cycle (test e masteron prop 10 wks) at 135 lbs and after coming off and running a hcg and clomid pct and still lifting hard I only lost 5 lbs.. i'm a hard gainer, i always have been.. i don't compete anymore so i dont worry about weight cuts blocking my gains. I came to you guys for advice, not so you could tell me to stop completely, if I dont have something correct help me fix it if you can but i doubt Im going to abort this cycle. And why is tren so far out of my league?

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre two wks into a cycle of Tren and have NO IDEA what to use to control prolactin, should it get out of hand. AI, hCG ? Re read my post #9. You have no clue what youre doing.

    And running a cycle @ 125lbs is nonsense and pure laziness on your part. And dont give me this hard gainer bs. There are thousands of hard gainers on this site. You simply haven't learned how to eat properly!

    Read the stickies and research properly and quit making excuses.

    Hard Gainers - Gaining Weight!#.UISXU2fX_ft

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Lazy lazy lazy. It had to be said Mickey. Good job. People need to smarten up and knock off the stupid bs.

  13. #13
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    I have some hcg , and the reason I started to this thread to try to obtain honest answers by being honest.. i get your point. if you could possibly help me by telling what i need to get and how i need to dose? instead of busting my balls and getting no answers.. im just lookin for some help bro

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbull85
    I have some hcg, and the reason I started to this thread to try to obtain honest answers by being honest.. i get your point. if you could possibly help me by telling what i need to get and how i need to dose? instead of busting my balls and getting no answers.. im just lookin for some help bro
    Honestly you should stop and spend more time learning. Would you jump in the ocean and then ask for help on learning to swim??? People will bust your balls a bit because you have no business using these compounds without knowing how or what the risks are.

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbull85 View Post
    I really take alot from what you guys are saying but how does me only weighing 155-160 lbs mean im not ready for a cycle. There nothin like working out 4 days a week training 6 days a week and making weight cuts to keep someone from getting all the benefits that aas have to offer. And my first cycle i started at 125 lbs with a superior diet. I started my second cycle (test e masteron prop 10 wks) at 135 lbs and after coming off and running a hcg and clomid pct and still lifting hard I only lost 5 lbs.. i'm a hard gainer, i always have been.. i don't compete anymore so i dont worry about weight cuts blocking my gains. I came to you guys for advice, not so you could tell me to stop completely, if I dont have something correct help me fix it if you can but i doubt Im going to abort this cycle. And why is tren so far out of my league?
    Do you proofread what you've written before you hit the "post quick reply?" Look at your weight. For your height, you're weak.

    You don't know how to eat. And eating is critical to everyone!

    I suggest you learn how to eat before you do anything else. How long you been training? Anyone can take steroids and hope for the best. Knowing how to use them correctly and knowing how to get the best out of them and yourself is whole different story! You don't know how to do either just yet.

    Not to sound like a d!ck, and i hope you don't take it that way. Just sayin...

    Good Luck.

  16. #16
    Antonious's Avatar
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    Hey pittbull, do you feel same and have same libido right now as before your first cycles? Have you done bloodwood before 1st and after every cycles - if yes what are some of the numbers

  17. #17
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    Holy damn...

    Son, I can teach you to eat, and you can give me the $$ you spend on aas.. lol
    Seriously, you do not need aas. You need myfitnesspal is what you need...

    And I am your height but walk around at 205 (looking at 215 by end of april 12%). I will not cycle under 180. All I have to do is eat a sammich and i'm there. Give it a try...

    All love, but srs..
    Last edited by RoadToHuge; 03-11-2013 at 08:34 PM.

  18. #18
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    for those of you who dont think i eat this is what i eat 5-6s days of the week..40 protein shake and a bagel 6 am, 3 boiled eggs and pb&j (nat pnut butter, sugarfree jelly, whole wheat bread) at 9 am, 2 servings of boiled chicken or tuna, 3 more boiled eggs and a raw veg at 11 am. 2 pb&j's and 2 more eggs at 2 pm, 4 boiled egg whites around 430 before i train.. 30 gram shake as soon as im done training.. 2 more servings of fish or chicken, steamed vegg, and/or salad whole grain and wild rice. and a shake before bed.. i work outside and am limited to what i can eat during the day but this has been the best that i could put together. and i also eat beef twice a week with heavy carbing (usually a weekend thing)

  19. #19
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    I thought i was clear when i said i wasnt going to abort this cycle. I've already spent the money and have started and I don't plan to stop until the end of the cycle. could somebody please just tell me what i should get to take care of the sides?, thats all i asked.

  20. #20
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbull85
    for those of you who dont think i eat this is what i eat 5-6s days of the week..40 protein shake and a bagel 6 am, 3 boiled eggs and pb&j (nat pnut butter, sugarfree jelly, whole wheat bread) at 9 am, 2 servings of boiled chicken or tuna, 3 more boiled eggs and a raw veg at 11 am. 2 pb&j's and 2 more eggs at 2 pm, 4 boiled egg whites around 430 before i train.. 30 gram shake as soon as im done training.. 2 more servings of fish or chicken, steamed vegg, and/or salad whole grain and wild rice. and a shake before bed.. i work outside and am limited to what i can eat during the day but this has been the best that i could put together. and i also eat beef twice a week with heavy carbing (usually a weekend thing)
    Any idea what your macros are? It's also helpful to make your posts more reader friendly. It hurts my head to read your posts.

  21. #21
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbull85
    I thought i was clear when i said i wasnt going to abort this cycle. I've already spent the money and have started and I don't plan to stop until the end of the cycle. could somebody please just tell me what i should get to take care of the sides?, thats all i asked.
    That's a piss poor attitude. Abborting your cycle is a good start but being that you are too hard-headed to listen to that...

    You need to get an AI (you can get arimidex (liquidex) and prami from AR-R . This will control your sides but if your gyno has already developed, you will want to look into raloxifen (AR-R). You can also use letro but it is more harsh. Use search functions for dosages (you might also come across more useful information as well)... Don't have time to add more but you definitely need to do research. You are in over your head... But you know that.

  22. #22
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    thankyou.. thats what I was looking for.

  23. #23
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    I'm trying to get the prami and adex now, I have a question about ordering but im not sure if I can ask it here??

  24. #24
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    The reviews on the prami said it could make you sick if dosed improperly, what do you suggest would be a good dosing for the adex and prami?

  25. #25
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    IME prami will make you sick the first week no mater what. And congested. You have to take it "right" before bed. I take it with my 5-HTP before I knock out.

    If you are not crushing your estrogen with an AI your libido should be thru the roof. Tren and prami with a good shot of test = serious libido..

  26. #26
    pittbull85 is offline New Member
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    The adex and prami are both liquid. I know that I'm prone to getting sore and itchy nips from my last test cycle but I used nolva to keep that under control and it worked great but I'm completely ignorant to how to dose the adex for that. And pretty much the same on the prami, I know I should have done alot more research before jumping in this tren cycle but I;m here now so any help I can obtain from you guys would be awesome.

  27. #27
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    With the Prami, just start with .1 day 1

    .2 day 2 for say 2 days
    .3 for 2-3 days

    up to .5 where you will be good.

    Actually thinking about getting some PT-141 and seeing how much trouble I can get into... Don't want to wear the poor guy down to a nub, but it IS for the sake of science, right?


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbull85 View Post
    Trying to find out the best stuff to have on hand to treat gyno from test and gyno from prolactin sides of tren... this is my first tren cycle, I was poorly informed because all i have on hand is 20 mg nolva and 50 mg clomid.. what would be my best course of action to battle itchy sore nips??... which i found out i was prone to on my last test e and masteron cycle. and why cant i use the nolva for the test sides.. it worked great on my last cycle, but ive heard that nolva and tren are no good together?
    I would try some CABER,,BROMO or PRAMI

  29. #29
    auswest is offline Banned
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    I can see why people have reacted like this due to your complete lack of education on what you are doing, and the fact that you began using aas when you really should not have been.

    However I do see alot of people getting flamed for being " too small for aas," every body type is different, bone density, bone structure ect, in his profile he is apparently 7%bf if I remember correctly, which most here haven't and may never achieve.

    I would like to refer to a member by the name of sonson who posted a thread yesterday

    Ok I understand this guy is 2" shorter than the op here, they are both apparently carrying similar bf in fact the op is slight lower "apparently", and slightly heavier "apparently".
    I strongly believe if sonson had not posted pics in his original post he would have got written off for being "too small" and have no business playing with tren or any aas for that matter and should "learn to eat".. However as he included pictures, anyone who read and responded were blown away with his physique myself personally, i believe it was one of the best physiques I've seen posted here IMO..

    So this may or may not be the case here but please do not be so quick to judge. Every body is different..and to categories everyone into the same rule of stats is ridiculous.
    Hopefully not stepping on too many toes here.
    I'm not saying this is, or isn't the case in this situation. But drawing a line in the sand saying you should be this weight/height is ridiculous, as everybody is built different and stats really don't paint a true picture..

    Op I suggest posting pictures to justify your aas use if you want to be taken seriously..
    Last edited by auswest; 03-24-2013 at 06:20 PM.

  30. #30
    DB1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    I can see why people have reacted like this due to your complete lack of education on what you are doing, and the fact that you began using aas when you really should not have been.

    However I do see alot of people getting flamed for being " too small for aas," every body type is different, bone density ect, in his profile he is apparently 7%bf if I remember correctly, which most here haven't and may never achieve.

    I would like to refer to a member by the name of sonson who posted a thread yesterday

    Ok I understand this guy is 2" shorter than the op here, they are both apparently carrying similar bf infact apparently the op is slight lower "apparently", and slightly heavier "apparently".
    I strongly believe if sonson had not posted pics in his original post he would have got written off for being "too small" and have no business playing with tren or any aas for that matter and should "learn to eat".. However as he included pictures, anyone responding were blown away with his physique myself personally believe it was one of the best physiques I've seen posted here IMO..

    So this may or may not be the case here but please do not be so quick to judge every body is different..and to categories everyone into the same rule of stats is ridiculous.
    Hopefully not stepping on too many toes here.
    I'm not saying this is or isn't the case in this situation. But drawing a line in the sand saying you should be this weight/height is ridiculous as everybody is built different and stats really don't paint a true picture..

    Op I suggest posting pictures to justify your aas use if you want to be taken seriously..
    Agree 100%

  31. #31
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post
    Agree 100%
    This always adds credibility.

  32. #32
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    I can see why people have reacted like this due to your complete lack of education on what you are doing, and the fact that you began using aas when you really should not have been.

    However I do see alot of people getting flamed for being " too small for aas," every body type is different, bone density, bone structure ect, in his profile he is apparently 7%bf if I remember correctly, which most here haven't and may never achieve.

    I would like to refer to a member by the name of sonson who posted a thread yesterday

    Ok I understand this guy is 2" shorter than the op here, they are both apparently carrying similar bf in fact the op is slight lower "apparently", and slightly heavier "apparently".
    I strongly believe if sonson had not posted pics in his original post he would have got written off for being "too small" and have no business playing with tren or any aas for that matter and should "learn to eat".. However as he included pictures, anyone who read and responded were blown away with his physique myself personally, i believe it was one of the best physiques I've seen posted here IMO..

    So this may or may not be the case here but please do not be so quick to judge. Every body is different..and to categories everyone into the same rule of stats is ridiculous.
    Hopefully not stepping on too many toes here.
    I'm not saying this is, or isn't the case in this situation. But drawing a line in the sand saying you should be this weight/height is ridiculous, as everybody is built different and stats really don't paint a true picture..

    Op I suggest posting pictures to justify your aas use if you want to be taken seriously..
    Nope, not buying it - not even for a New York second.

    First off, i assure you i would NOT have cried foul at SonSons stats. I have a clear grasp of what 5'5" 170lbs looks like, especially at 8% BF.

    Secondly, there is a HUGE difference between 5'5" @ 170lbs 8% BF and a guy who began cycling at 125lbs and has three cycles under his belt yet still only weighs 155lbs at 5 ft 7". C'mon man. If those aren't two red flags, what is??

    You keep saying everyone is different. Of course everyone is different. But stats tell the tale of the tape bro - that's why they are so important. And with these stats I know for a FACT the OP is lost when it come to eating properly. Thats my point, and i think i made it clear based upon the FACTS and STATS in this thread.

    Other than that, i love ya bro.

  33. #33
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Nope, not buying it - not even for a New York second.

    First off, i assure you i would NOT have cried foul at SonSons stats. I have a clear grasp of what 5'5" 170lbs looks like, especially at 8% BF.

    Secondly, there is a HUGE difference between 5'5" @ 170lbs 8% BF and a guy who began cycling at 125lbs and has three cycles under his belt yet still only weighs 155lbs at 5 ft 7". C'mon man. If those aren't two red flags, what is??

    You keep saying everyone is different. Of course everyone is different. But stats tell the tale of the tape bro - that's why they are so important. And with these stats I know for a FACT the OP is lost when it come to eating properly. Thats my point, and i think i made it clear based upon the FACTS and STATS in this thread.

    Other than that, i love ya bro.
    Read sonson's thread properly brother he's walking around at 152 and hopes to be 160-170 AFTER test and tren cycle...
    Stats don't always paint a true picture

  34. #34
    auswest is offline Banned
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    However I honestly believe in the importance of pictures in a thread like this...shall we leave it at stats can be sometimes misleading?

    I have mentioned this may not be the case here as it is clear there are other issues, but I did notice this thread turn into a bit of a flame at the op a little to quickly

    This is nothing against you btw mickey you do a great job here
    Last edited by auswest; 03-24-2013 at 08:23 PM.

  35. #35
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Read sonson's thread properly brother he's walking around at 152 and hopes to be 160-170 AFTER test and tren cycle...
    Stats don't always paint a true picture
    I misunderstood, i thought he was "walking around at 170." I stand corrected.

    I still maintain my position on the OP however.

  36. #36
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    I misunderstood, i thought he was "walking around at 170." I stand corrected.

    I still maintain my position on the OP however.
    I don't disagree,

    But notice how you mistook a 150lb guy for a 170lb guy, stats do not always paint a true picture..

    As far as this guy goes, pictures are obviously warranted, and obviously diet and training should always be the first thing knocked on the head, without it aas are useless.

  37. #37
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Anyways keep up the good work you do a great job here helping people out and giving them realistic advice rather than what they want to here.

  38. #38
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Agreed with Post #36

    But the transparent truth is, i used the stats, that i understood, to determine my opinion on SonSon, not the photo. The photo tells me nothing about stats. The guy in that photo could be 225lbs. You would never know.

    BUT, the photo PLUS the stats tell a different story altogether. So, only when combined stats and a photo can a person really understand the complete picture - pun intended.

  39. #39
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Anyways keep up the good work you do a great job here helping people out and giving them realistic advice rather than what they want to here.
    Thanks Auswest, back atcha brother.

  40. #40
    DB1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlinshopRep View Post

    This always adds credibility.
    Wasn't trying to add creditability.
    I was agreeing with his statement .

    I look at it like this.
    If there are people out there who can get freakishly big with relative ease because of good genetics.
    Then its not a stretch to believe there are those who are the polar opposite.

    While he may be taking the easy way out but then again ANYONE using steroids is too.
    Whether your 240lbs trying to get bigger or trim down or 140lbs trying to get bigger
    The reason for the use of steroids is still the same. To get a BOOST in the effect you are trying to achieve.

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