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Thread: Test flu!?!? Did my ug test cyp make me sick or did i catch same bug co workers had

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Test flu!?!? Did my ug test cyp make me sick or did i catch same bug co workers had


    so been reading on from google search ( test flu )

    flu like cold systems.

    ok so have UG test cyp took 150mg my first IM!

    took it sunday. bum was sore monday-wend but monday, tuesday, wend, i felt great. thursday I started having tight chest and soreness breathing in.
    then fri sat feeling worse sore throat, fever chills, took sunday of work slept all day now today Monday still feeling sick . head hurts running nose, body aches, sore throats.

    so could this be from my test cyp or

    3 of my co workers also have had this same thing been sick and out of work. I was leaning more towards that I caught what my co workers had!!

    thanks for assistance.

    just looking for info on this test flu thing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I bet you are just getting a cold

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