Does anyone have any idea if giving my dog clen would help him lose some bf?
Does anyone have any idea if giving my dog clen would help him lose some bf?
I hope you're not serious. Don't ever consider experimenting on pets. See a Vet. Dogs can lose weight via diet and exercise.
Hope you are joking?Originally Posted by Scottyb13
You should be in charge of his diet
Tie a tennis ball to a stick and and tie it to his back he'll be running for hours.
Dont forget to add some T3
But then its catabolic maybe keep him on a mild test 200 mgs a week cycle
I am in charge of his diet. He's on a strict diet and excercise but has more bf than needed.. And if I'm not mistaken clenbuterol is very very common with people using it on horses.
This is not a good idea unless you have experience in dosing animals and the potential side effects. Not only would you need to know the proper dosing but you would need to be able to recognize adverse reactions so that you could triage the symptoms or at the very least, get your dog to a veterinarian.
Bad idea. Cut his food portions back and don't feed him between meals. Dogs only need to eat once a day. Most people overfeed their pets AND give them table scraps. One meal a day plus exercise and your dog WILL lose bf, I promise.
When I got him he was 1 year old.. He's blonde lab and he weighed 90lbs.. Owners just left food out with no excercise .. I cut his food back the exactly 3/4 cup of food for breakfast at 7 am then same amount for his dinner at 6 pm.. I do not believe in table food for pets at all.. So that is all the food he gets.. He is almost 5 years now and weighs 150 lbs.. The vet cut back food and that's all.. Cutting it again would give him 1/2 cup breakfast/dinner
Please dont experiment on your dog!
Its crossed everyone of our minds. I wouldn't do it, but wondered what a little .10mg dose of test p would do to one of my cats, lol! E3Ds that is.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Well this is clen spray so it's not like I could do a huge dose you know.. Half a spray but its still up in the air
Feed him ONCE a day. That is all he needs. He will not starve to death!Originally Posted by Scottyb13
No! There is no reason and if something should go wrong, heaven forbid, its on your hands. Cut back his food as I said and he will lose weight. I worked as a Veterinarian Technician putting myself through school for 4 years. We never feed the animals more than once a day. They don't really need it.Originally Posted by Scottyb13
I can't believe your being serious!
I can't believe the thought even crossed your mind
You don't deserve the dog if you want to use him like a lab rat
Been administering 100 mg of Anadrol ED, 60 mg of Trenbolone Acetate ED, and 25 mg of Test Prop ED to my baby for the past week.Originally Posted by warmouth
Some progress photos...
And OP, as others have pointed out, this is a horrible idea. If you tried to give my dog Clenbuterol I would kill you. If you want a f*cking test subject then buy some rats.
Last edited by Shsm; 03-11-2013 at 03:45 PM.
His PCT will be his owner for lunch after he gets on a rage lol
MuscleInk is right once a day is fine. It should still be around two cups of food. And is he on a weight specific food? There are plenty or foods out there for weight control. Also he's a lab. They are very prone to weight gain. So controlling his weight will be a struggle. Plenty of exercise and a good diet is all he needs. He's not a race horse. He's a companion. His health should be the most important! And trust me a few extra pounds are better then gambling with unknown side effects.
Great post Boost!Originally Posted by boostjunkie09
Another issue with labs is hip dysplasia (HD). Keeping his weight down will go a long way towards reducing the likelihood of HD with age.
Thank you, she is dieting extremely strict. U mirin? Eating every 2-3 hours and having at least 8 meals a day to speed up her metabolism.Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
No dirty foods! Only boneless, skinless, chicken breasts, whole eggs, and whole grain brown rice, brah. Dirty foods go all to fat!
Positive the gear is legit. Ordered them off a member here who posted here advertising them. Absolute fire! Smell a little bit like olive oil though!
No need for PCT, she's going for her pro card, brah! Gonna do the same cycle 2 weeks after she comes off for dem maximum gains brah!
lol@ "u mirrin?" haha
Who's her trainer, Sickbeard?
Got our buddy Dan training her. She benches 15,000 pounds, deadlifts 45,000 pounds, and squats 30,000 pounds. No BS! 100% legit!!!Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
Took her to the BodPod and her results were 2% body fat. Dan claims she is 43%
My friend's greyhound was juiced. It looked crazy in person.
150 lb dog..
300mg teste
400mg trene (more tren than test so his is pissed of all the time, lol)
600 mg Mast
finish up last 4 weeks @ 50mg Var
200 by beach season..
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