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Thread: My rehab cycle: HGH/Test-p/Var. & questions: Estro-bone, Arimedex vs Nolva, T4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands

    My rehab cycle: HGH/Test-p/Var. & questions: Estro-bone, Arimedex vs Nolva, T4

    I just recovered from a major injury: broken collar bone and minor nerve damage from C7 to left wrist. I broke it four months ago, so I think it has healed enough. I started taking HGH to assist with my recovery in the gym. So far it is working well, and after thinking about it I decided not to pass up an opportunity. So I added Anavar to raise IGF, provide a little extra testosterone, gain some strength back (which I understand HGH doesn't help with much), lose some fat and possibly make the muscle that HGH adds to be of higher quality. I think I'll add some test. prop to run for three months and conclude it and the HGH together before a five week pct cycle.
    My cycle:
    HGH 4iu/ed, (2IU IM 1hr before sleep + 2IU Sub-c 3 hr before sleep), for almost 6 months and end with end of HCG
    Anavar 50mg /ed, to begin and run with HGH cycle and to conclude with conclusion of Test-P
    Testosterone Prop. 100mg/ed, for three months-concluding 6 weeks before HGH cycle concludes
    Arimidex .25/eod concluding FOUR DAYS AFTER test-p end
    Dutasteride .05/ed, concurrent with test and HCG
    Nothing but Arimidex for the first four days after conclusion of Test
    Nolvadex 40mg/ed, after the first four days of Test-P cessation for ten days, then 20 mg/ed for two weeks, then 10 mg/ed for 1 week
    HCG 500IU/ed, after first four days of end of Test-P use(to stat with the start of novaldex), for 17 days-2.5 weeks.

    My goals are to completely rehab from my injury and put on some quality lean muscle while losing body fat. I hope to accomplish this with, over the long term, minimal insult to my natural hormone levels and functioning. I would like to do another stronger cycle not long after an appropriate amount of time off. I am a little worried that when I start the Arimidex I'll be depriving my body of the estrogen that it might need to heal the collar bone. However, it will have been four months from time of injury, and the Arimidex wont be blocking all of the estrogen. I could use the nolvadex instead, the idea being that it wont block the the action of the estrogen on bone.
    I ask about the T4 because I get sluggish in the day due to the HGH. It has gotten better with bedtime dosing of the HGH. I am not considering T4 for its fat burning (I am not entering any contests soon), but for its ability to give me more energy throughout the day and the synergistic way it works with HGH that I've been reading about.
    Also, is there PCT for HGH? And, should I just use Nolvadex (or do something else different) throughout both cycle and PCT in order to block gyno but not maybe not bone growth, as I think Arimidex might?
    Please contribute any thoughts you have.
    Thank You

  2. #2
    100mg/ED of test prop seems a little high

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    I know that prop will give me more usable test than the longer esters but as the only source of Test I am thinking that 700mg per week is ok.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    And you're going to pin prop ED for 3 months? Why do you want to do that?

    Your HCG usage is off. Making your PCT inadequate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    NC Highlands
    Thanx for the responses. What are the reasons for not pinning daily? The only considerations I am aware of that might affect the choice of testosterone esters and therefore frequency of injection (in my case) are: stable blood levels, pain tolerance, and a comparison of the effects of the esters themselves. The way I understand it, Test-P is leaner than the longer estered versions. I used to get allergy shots as a kid so I don't mind ed, also I figured maybe I could shoot with the IM daily HGH shot. If it did get to be to painful I could switch to 150mg/eod. Additionally, from what I understand it will have cleared enough in four days to start my HCG.

    "As for your Testosterone-Propionate cycle, most will find 8 weeks of use to be the bear minimum with 16 weeks being far more efficient. Regardless of your duration of use a solid post cycle therapy (PCT) plan must be in place. Because Testosterone-Propionate is a short ester based testosterone you will necessarily begin PCT very quickly. If your cycle ends with Prop, as it is commonly known, assuming your cycle ends with all short ester steroids you will want to start your PCT approximately 3 days after your last injection. A good PCT will include hCG in ten day equal dosing’s followed by 3-4 weeks of Nolva and/or Clomid therapy." (, retrieved: 3/11/2013)

    BTW, I'm doing the second nightly HGH shot IM because, I'm hoping, it will present in sleep like it would naturally, not cause so much fatigue in the day, and maybe even help me sleep.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I prefer EOD w/short esters such as prop. The ED injects, depending on how many sites you plan on using, only increases the chances of scar tissue.

    Some of the stuff you have read is outdated, obviously. 16 weeks of prop is too much imo.

    What do you mean by prop being "leaner?" Like maybe you won't bloat as much?

    Your HCG should be ran from start of cycle up to 3 days prior to PCT.

    I really can't help w/the HGH usage. I've never ran it. Too expensive and takes too long to kick in for my liking. Plus, apparently, there's too many fakes out there.

    But we have a great Forum here dedicated to it. You should go there and post your questions for those experts to look over.

    What dosages for PCT have you came up with? In your case, i'd recommend 4 weeks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    NC Highlands
    Okay, eod for the prop. Yeah, I've heard that it doesn't cause bloat. I figured I'd run it for 3 months..too long?
    Pct, nolva 40/20/20/10 was my plan.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You have an AI in place and your diet and training will dictate the "bloat" situation.

    If you running a long ester you'd be fine w/12 weeker. But it's prop so i say 8-10 weeks max is just fine.

    Your PCT is still off. Try this:


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    HCG 250iu mondays and 250iu thursdays throughout cycle, sound good?
    I'll get the clomid and limit the prop to 100mg eod for 8 weeks.
    Thnx Stpete
    Last edited by Quester; 03-11-2013 at 08:31 PM. Reason: I was responding to an earlier post but wanted to incorporate a response to the latest response.

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