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  1. #1
    candog22 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002

    Gyno question...

    Guys (and gals)

    Im doing my first cycle and trying to remain viligant about gyno - it seems that "itchy nipples" is a primary symptom of gyno... so now eveytime I scratch my nipple or pec around my nipple, I automatically wonder if it is gyno - my question is this: How do I know if its just an itchy nipple - or if its a gyno itchy nipple?

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Miller's Crossing
    Are your nipples sore? Do you have a pea sized lump developing?

    Don't ruin the cycle from paranoid wonder. It's a common reaction to anything that may be a side effect but just remember to look for the lump

  3. #3
    H.pYl0ri is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2002
    Pheedno I have a pea sized lump on my right nipple and not the left. I've been taking the clomid post cycle along with the liquarim and it's still there. Seems to have gone done some but not alot. Not as sore though. Been about two weeks and this is my last week of the clomid which I ran for an extra week. Any suggestions?

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Miller's Crossing
    Get on some Nolvadex quick. 80mg for a day, 60 for 2 days, and 40 untill the lump is gone.

  5. #5
    H.pYl0ri is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2002
    I'm on it! Thanks.

  6. #6
    H.pYl0ri is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2002

    I'm wondering if my last cycle means that I'm prone to gyno or did I maybe do something wrong? Could it have been the dbol ?

    Dbol 25mg/d wks 1-6
    Omnadren 250 500mg/wk wks 1-12
    Eq 400mg/wk wks 1-12
    Winny depot 50mg ED wks 8-13
    Ldex .25 mg ED wks 1-16
    Clomid 100mg/ED wk14
    75mg/ED wk15
    50mg/ED wk 16

    And I was planning on doing the cycle you suggested for my second one but do you think I need to add some nolvadex plus the liquidex throughout the whole cycle or just wait to see if the gyno comes out of hiding?

    1-4 75mg Prop ED
    1-13 500mg Enan
    1-12 400mg EQ
    7-15 75mg Winny depot ED

    Are there any reasons why this isn't a good stack? The more and more I read the more I think this would be a great second cycle for me. I can tell i'm gaining body fat post cycle most likely because of the estro levels? What do ya think and how would ya combat it? I figured Clen which I started yesterday. Oh one more thing, what enanthate would you suggest?

  7. #7
    H.pYl0ri is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

  8. #8
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by H.pYl0ri

    I'm wondering if my last cycle means that I'm prone to gyno or did I maybe do something wrong? Could it have been the dbol ?

    Dbol 25mg/d wks 1-6
    Omnadren 250 500mg/wk wks 1-12
    Eq 400mg/wk wks 1-12
    Winny depot 50mg ED wks 8-13
    Ldex .25 mg ED wks 1-16
    Clomid 100mg/ED wk14
    75mg/ED wk15
    50mg/ED wk 16

    And I was planning on doing the cycle you suggested for my second one but do you think I need to add some nolvadex plus the liquidex throughout the whole cycle or just wait to see if the gyno comes out of hiding?

    1-4 75mg Prop ED
    1-13 500mg Enan
    1-12 400mg EQ
    7-15 75mg Winny depot ED

    Are there any reasons why this isn't a good stack? The more and more I read the more I think this would be a great second cycle for me. I can tell i'm gaining body fat post cycle most likely because of the estro levels? What do ya think and how would ya combat it? I figured Clen which I started yesterday. Oh one more thing, what enanthate would you suggest?
    You can't really KNOW whether your prone to gyno untill you've done a few cycles and you know how your body reacts to individual compounds. On another note, you could of had some imbalanced ratios between estrogen and test for a short period of time that could of brought upon a case of gyno, even though doses of that strength wouldn't normally cause symptoms.

    In terms of your next one, it looks great.
    Definately have the Nolva on hand, and seeing as you did experience gyno symptoms on your last, I would advise running some sort of anti-e throughout the cycle. Whether it's 10mg of Nolva or .5mg of A-dex/L-dex or 25mg of Proviron . Pick and choose to your liking.

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