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Thread: equipoise cycle and pct ?

  1. #1

    Exclamation equipoise cycle and pct ?

    hey guys im about to start a cycle i have never done a post cycle befor. so im going to just say what i have planned and see what u all think.
    im going to run 400mg of boldabol 200 witch is equipose boldenone undecylenate from british dragon for 12 weeks. i have ran this befor but i got gyno. and i also think it stunted my testes. so this time im going to pct.

    12 weeks 400mg equipoise
    10 days after cycle start hcg
    500iu a day for 10 days
    then start nolvadex and clomid for 6 weeks
    first 2 wks nolvadex 40mg per day and clomid 150mg per day
    next 2 weeks nolvadex 20mg per day clomid 100mg per day
    last 2 weeks nolvadex 10mg per day clomid 50mg per day.

    should i run 1000iu for hcg or just 500? will hcg cause gyno? i was going to run arimidex, femara, or amonasin during my cycle but i do not know the dosage and how often? should i run 1 of the 3 during the cycle or not? should i run 1 of the 3 during my pct as well as the nolva clomid or not? should i just run 1 of the 3 with the hcg? should i take it at all and how? other than that is my plan good or should i alter it?
    is it bad to run eq by itself? and if i deside to run 600mg eq a week do i need to change my dosages up at all? can too much nolva and clomid be bad?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    This proposed "cycle" is a ship wreck, for several reasons. You honestly need to do more homework here bro. You're going down a bumpy road that inevitably will lead you to disaster. Youve already screwed up once.

    Please spend more time reading the stickies, researching the compounds, AI's, SERM"s, hCG, and developing a fundamental understanding of how these compounds work together with AAS. Its vitally important that you understand this. Otherwise, you will end up experiencing sides effects that you will not understand or be able to control - and some can be permanent.

    Be smart. Educate before you medicate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Do not run EQ with out test as a base, many will just tell you to not use the EQ all together.

    Aromasin 10 mg Ed up until pct
    Nolvadex and clomid for pct only
    Use hcg though out cycle 250 iu 2x a week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Before you do anything READ THE STICKYS! You lack knowledge of wat you are doing.And this can mess your body up for life bro.After you do your research start with your stats.Good luck

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