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Thread: Acne

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Ok all previous cycles have never had acne apart from when running pct which I seem to get on my back and shoulders few sunbeds and that doesn't bother me all that much but after my first experience on deca my chest has broke out with acne and its so iratating its itching like hell and earlyer after doing bench an bar hitting my chest it was bleeding like mad how long for this to go

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    When you find a solution to acne on cycle shoot it to me! That's my only problem with aas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by trenhead1 View Post
    Ok all previous cycles have never had acne apart from when running pct which I seem to get on my back and shoulders few sunbeds and that doesn't bother me all that much but after my first experience on deca my chest has broke out with acne and its so iratating its itching like hell and earlyer after doing bench an bar hitting my chest it was bleeding like mad how long for this to go
    Quote Originally Posted by tdoe11 View Post
    When you find a solution to acne on cycle shoot it to me! That's my only problem with aas
    Are you using an AI on cycle? Are you including Caber or some other dopamine agonist? I realize prolactin has little or nothing to do with acne, but a fluctuation in hormones is what sets it off for me.

    For those of you that are sensitive to acne, i believe it's imperative to maintain a hormonal balance even more than the average user.

    Relief From Steroid induced Acne

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    This was my first time using deca I've just started taking Adex 0.5 a day but I have stopped deca and changed cycle I explained all this outher day in anouther thread but like I say this is my first out brake off acne and I've never experienced night sweats or tren cough as silly as it sounds I'd like to experience these sides

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    South Africa
    Adex has a long half life of 46-48 hours. You can run it eod.

  6. #6
    Uhhh, why not look into Accutane and see if you think it's right for you.

    Make sure you look into the drug interactions especially. Good luck.

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