View Poll Results: Equipoise: Yea or Nay?

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  • Yea

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  • Nay

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Thread: Poll: Equipoise - Let's Make it Official

  1. #1
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    Poll: Equipoise - Let's Make it Official

    Many members of this forum think equipoise is better used in place of WD-40 rather than used for anabolic purposes. Others, however support its use. I've seen good results from EQ but that very well could be attributed to the other compounds with which it was run.

    I thought to finally settle this dispute, we could conduct a poll. Do you support the use of EQ - Yea, or are you against its use as an AAS - Nay.

    If people want to include constructive comments that may help make this an informational thread and help potential first-time EQ users to make the best decision.

  2. #2
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    The one benefit even I can`t deny is the way EQ increases appetite. Now this may be a benefit for some but not me as I can eat 5000 calories any day and when I did on EQ I would still feel hungry after downing 1500+ calories at once which really pissed me off. In my mind I see this drug as barely anabolic and definitely the weakest injectable steroid out there.

    Conclusion-Junk steroid stay away

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Ive used in many different ways and also on it own, I find it a complete waste of oil and useless in any kind of muscle building what so ever. Its way to weak and dosages have to be ran at a high level to see anything IMHO. Its also the only compound what put me in hospital from a very high count of RBC. I also think many are misguided by the results of eq because they are really seeing the results from the other compound/compounds in the cycle. Not even worth the syringe IMHO

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    The one benefit even I can`t deny is the way EQ increases appetite. Now this may be a benefit for some but not me as I can eat 5000 calories any day and when I did on EQ I would still feel hungry after downing 1500+ calories at once which really pissed me off. In my mind I see this drug as barely anabolic and definitely the weakest injectable steroid out there.

    Conclusion-Junk steroid stay away
    Looking good in the AV redz...nice work.

  5. #5
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    A friend of mine, stood on EQ for 4-5 months, he had the endless horse vial, and got veeery big. ok at the end of cycle, he said, he needed a blood transfusion. don't know how much is true, but, one thing is shure, he went from being the skinniest guy from the gym, to a big 120kg monster. 50% muscle 50% fat, but anyways, endless power. I'm the second strongest guy of the gym, and what I lift with two bicepts, he does with one.
    I think EQ should be in a loooong cycle, take in mind it has the same anabolic ratio like test

  6. #6
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    There are better ways to increase your appetite and the doses needed to have any "real" tissue growth are a waste when there are so many better compounds available requiring much less volume to be used.

  7. #7
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    Never used it and a don't think i will just from what i've read from the guy's here.

  8. #8
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    Very mild compound even when run at high dosages. I ran a personal study: EQ with Test 16 weeks vs Test alone for 16 weeks. same diet. same results. Ran the Boldenone from 600 up to 800mg EW. Boldenone lost. Large volume of oil to inject for a very mild compound.

    Leave Boldenone to the veterinarians.

  9. #9
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    I don't doubt what everyone is saying but I do wonder why is it used extensively in horses for performance enhancement? Does it just have a different effect in horses than in humans?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    I don't doubt what everyone is saying but I do wonder why is it used extensively in horses for performance enhancement? Does it just have a different effect in horses than in humans?
    I guess we want to build muscle tissue and get bigger and horse's want to run fast and jump high fences

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    I don't doubt what everyone is saying but I do wonder why is it used extensively in horses for performance enhancement? Does it just have a different effect in horses than in humans?
    The increase in RBC caused by EQ allows for increased cardiovascular endurance and performance. Its perfect for race horses. Also racc horses do not want to gain too much mass - Eq def wont cause that.

  12. #12
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    Yeah.. Well has any one of you considered that increased RBC and cardiovascular endurance and performance means more Oxygen and Nutrients for muscle, better pumps, better feeling? Allowing you to train faster and harder? I have run EQ 600mg/week along with Test E and another run with Test E and Tren Hex and I was satisfied. Don't know how much was Boldenone responsible for this, but the feeling was great. And increasing appetite wasn't worthless as well when used during bulking.. Yeah EQ is sort of special compound, but I think it is not worthless at all.

    And I forgot... Increased vascularity is great... And lasting after dropping EQ for sure.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    I guess we want to build muscle tissue and get bigger and horse's want to run fast and jump high fences
    I jump high fences all the time :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post

    The increase in RBC caused by EQ allows for increased cardiovascular endurance and performance. Its perfect for race horses. Also race horses do not want to gain too much mass - Eq def wont cause that.
    So can it be used to offset the shortness of breath and decreased CV performance caused by tren?

  14. #14
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    I was just about to do a search for EQ and came across this thread, great stuff, keep the info coming, as a buddy of mine just got some and I was interested in it. I am running 200-250 Test Cyp EW and was thinking about adding this , but sounds like not such a great AAS?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    So can it be used to offset the shortness of breath and decreased CV performance caused by tren?
    Talk about a formula for dangerous high blood pressure this is the most dangerous combo of all excluding a tren/EPO combination.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by briansvk View Post
    Yeah.. Well has any one of you considered that increased RBC and cardiovascular endurance and performance means more Oxygen and Nutrients for muscle, better pumps, better feeling? Allowing you to train faster and harder? I have run EQ 600mg/week along with Test E and another run with Test E and Tren Hex and I was satisfied. Don't know how much was Boldenone responsible for this, but the feeling was great. And increasing appetite wasn't worthless as well when used during bulking.. Yeah EQ is sort of special compound, but I think it is not worthless at all.

    And I forgot... Increased vascularity is great... And lasting after dropping EQ for sure.
    So basically for you its a good ancillary with very little effect on direct muscle building but ancillary benefits you feel help you? Cause test increases RBC count as well so does dbol and anadrol and anavar and they actually build muscle.
    As far as shuttling nutrients due to the increased rbc count im not sure this wolds any water - no pun intended . I believe this may be effected by osmotic pressure causing a hypotonic state. I will admit I am not 100% sure about this and I could be completely wrong and off the mark. I am going from vague recollections. Perhaps a doc could chime in.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 03-13-2013 at 08:42 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Talk about a formula for dangerous high blood pressure this is the most dangerous combo of all excluding a tren/EPO combination.
    Great point! I wasn't thinking about that at all.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    So basically for you its a good ancillary with very little effect on direct muscle building but ancillary benefits you feel help you? Cause test increases RBC count as well so does dbol and anadrol and anavar and they actually build muscle.
    As far as shuttling nutrients due to the increased rbc count im not sure this wolds any water - no pun intended . I believe this may be effected by osmotic pressure causing a hypotonic state. I will admit I am not 100% sure about this and I could be completely wrong and off the mark. I am going from vague recollections. Perhaps a doc could chime in.
    As far as I know, RBC's don't transport nutrients, just oxygen. In fact inside a RBC, there isn't even a nucleus - it's basically just hemoglobin with oxygen bound. The lack of a nucleus means that there is likely no protein synthesis occurring within the RBC and whether the rest of the cellular components are present is to some extent up to debate.

  19. #19
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    As far as I know, RBC's don't transport nutrients, just oxygen. In fact inside a RBC, there isn't even a nucleus - it's basically just hemoglobin with oxygen bound. The lack of a nucleus means that there is likely no protein synthesis occurring within the RBC and whether the rest of the cellular components are present is to some extent up to debate.
    Nutrients are transported within the plasma arent they? (whcih may or may not support this cause where does plasma come from? )
    I freely admit this area is a bit out of my knowledge base ....

  20. #20
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    but if EQ has the same Anabolic ratio as Test, why is test much more anabolic????
    maybe, because test retains much more water so you have the false optical illusion.
    like tren is nearly 4x more anabolic than Deca, but you get definitly bigger with deca.
    we should take the water retention in mind...
    I got bigger with h-drol cycle than with tren cycle... but after h-drol cycle I lost 80% of gains, after tren cycle, I gained another 100% of weight I gained during cycle (dirty gains).... so there's the difference.... I think EQ should be somehow similar to tren, although much more lite...

  21. #21
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    but if EQ has the same Anabolic ratio as Test, why is test much more anabolic????
    maybe, because test retains much more water so you have the false optical illusion.
    like tren is nearly 4x more anabolic than Deca , but you get definitly bigger with deca.
    we should take the water retention in mind...
    I got bigger with h-drol cycle than with tren cycle... but after h-drol cycle I lost 80% of gains, after tren cycle, I gained another 100% of weight I gained during cycle (dirty gains).... so there's the difference.... I think EQ should be somehow similar to tren, although much more lite...
    EQ is in no way similar to Tren.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    but if EQ has the same Anabolic ratio as Test, why is test much more anabolic????
    maybe, because test retains much more water so you have the false optical illusion.
    like tren is nearly 4x more anabolic than Deca, but you get definitly bigger with deca.
    we should take the water retention in mind...
    I got bigger with h-drol cycle than with tren cycle... but after h-drol cycle I lost 80% of gains, after tren cycle, I gained another 100% of weight I gained during cycle (dirty gains).... so there's the difference.... I think EQ should be somehow similar to tren, although much more lite...
    I put very little in anabolic/androgenic ratios or rating of steroids. It is very misleading, If it wasn't halotestin would make us huge..and it doesnt.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    I jump high fences all the time :-)

    So can it be used to offset the shortness of breath and decreased CV performance caused by tren?
    How about using an aas for muscle building? and eq doesn't do it so that's why I don't use it anymore. If I am injecting an aas I want to build muscle -

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    EQ is in no way similar to Tren.
    I would say its similar to WD-40

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post

    Nutrients are transported within the plasma arent they? (whcih may or may not support this cause where does plasma come from? )
    I freely admit this area is a bit out of my knowledge base ....
    Yes, most nutrients are transported in the plasma but I don't think I follow you. Plasma is the component of blood that does not contain cells. I don't see the connection between increased RBC volume from Equipoise and plasma/nutrient transport. But maybe I'm missing something.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    Yes, most nutrients are transported in the plasma but I don't think I follow you. Plasma is the component of blood that does not contain cells. I don't see the connection between increased RBC volume from Equipoise and plasma/nutrient transport. But maybe I'm missing something.
    I have 2 thoughts. And they are just thoughts not facts by any means
    1- With an increase in RBC does the body try to maintain the rbc/plasma ratio ? In doing so is there an increase in plasma ? Or is there not because increased blood viscosity(not accurate term prob) already increases bp and increased volume would even more so. Or maybe thats part of why we see the increase in BP - due to an increase in viscosity AND volume.
    2- If Plasma does indeed increase - where is the water coming from? Prob via the capillaries throughout our body pulling water from tissue. From where though? Muscle tissue , interstitial space , organs, all 3?
    I dont know.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would say its similar to WD-40
    Too funny. I swear when i was scrolling down all the comments i said to myself, 'what, no bicycle chain comments or WD40 comments?" And of course, right on cue, you didn't let me down lol!

    Here's my official take.

    I used it for 16wks. Does it work? Absolutely, no question..for me at least. I kept a log and have the photos to prove it. BUT..the caveats are that you need to run this compound for a long time, and at higher than standard doses (almost double in some cases) compared to other long estered oils. This in turn amounts to more money, a lot more.

    So because of these three caveats, i do not recommend EQ. Period.

    Note: if you have it already then run it because it does produce slow steady gains.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post

    I have 2 thoughts. And they are just thoughts not facts by any means
    1- With an increase in RBC does the body try to maintain the rbc/plasma ratio ? In doing so is there an increase in plasma ? Or is there not because increased blood viscosity(not accurate term prob) already increases bp and increased volume would even more so. Or maybe thats part of why we see the increase in BP - due to an increase in viscosity AND volume.
    2- If Plasma does indeed increase - where is the water coming from? Prob via the capillaries throughout our body pulling water from tissue. From where though? Muscle tissue , interstitial space , organs, all 3?
    I dont know.
    Oh ok. When RBC increases so does plasma to some degree but proportionately less than the increase in RBC's. That's why all the measures of RBC volume go up, which are RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit - all these values are concentration dependent.

    Blood cells make up about 40% of blood volume and about 1 in 4 cells are RBC's. This means RBCs account for approximately 10% (40% of 25%) of peripheral blood volume. I imagine that percentage increases somewhat when one takes EQ or EPO, assuming they had a normal RBC volume initially. So the increase in volume comes directly from the increase in RBC's and to a lesser extent a small increase in plasma. This results in increased blood viscosity and elevated BP.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    Oh ok. When RBC increases so does plasma to some degree but proportionately less than the increase in RBC's. That's why all the measures of RBC volume go up, which are RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit - all these values are concentration dependent.

    Blood cells make up about 40% of blood volume and about 1 in 4 cells are RBC's. This means RBCs account for approximately 10% (40% of 25%) of peripheral blood volume. I imagine that percentage increases somewhat when one takes EQ or EPO, assuming they had a normal RBC volume initially. So the increase in volume comes directly from the increase in RBC's and to a lesser extent a small increase in plasma. This results in increased blood viscosity and elevated BP.
    Based on this the nutrient transport theory is bunk imo then.
    TY Doc!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post

    Based on this the nutrient transport theory is bunk imo then.
    TY Doc!
    Is the nutrient transport theory something that's commonly believed in or that you firmly believe in? If so, maybe there's an alternate explanation for it that doesn't relate to increased RBC's. I'm gonna see what I could find out about this. I'll report back if I come across anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    Is the nutrient transport theory something that's commonly believed in or that you firmly believe in? If so, maybe there's an alternate explanation for it that doesn't relate to increased RBC's. I'm gonna see what I could find out about this. I'll report back if I come across anything.
    No its anecdotal broscience someone mentioned here in this thread that im trying to debunk LOL ...but if you want to go right ahead. Always up for learning more..

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Ive used in many different ways and also on it own, I find it a complete waste of oil and useless in any kind of muscle building what so ever. Its way to weak and dosages have to be ran at a high level to see anything IMHO. Its also the only compound what put me in hospital from a very high count of RBC. I also think many are misguided by the results of eq because they are really seeing the results from the other compound/compounds in the cycle. Not even worth the syringe IMHO
    What dosage did you run eq at when you had high RBC?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by outlaw78 View Post
    What dosage did you run eq at when you had high RBC?
    Just start another thread outlaw78, this one is over a year old.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  34. #34
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    I have an old 10 ml vial been using it with an old syringe for door hinges and old locks. Why bother with WD40 when you have EQ lying around.

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