Originally Posted by
Enzymes work do or do they? Well ask yourself this question what is the primary substrate of any enzyme? Answer proteins. Now the next question. What is the probability the enzyme is denatured to some extent as it passes thru the stomach with a PH of a whopping TWO! Answer about 100%!
Ergo unless your enzymes are "enteric coated" the degree of bioavailability is very low, such that what little "enzymmatic activity" your supplement contributes to enhance absorption in someone with an intact GI tract approximates ZERO, excepting the production of expensive feces. But if it's your desire to dump a load of money then "believe what you want".
Do you really obtain you evidence from another persons posts? Have you spent any of these countless hours looking for citations which support yours/their assertions. Because I've heard this same nonsense previously on many forums yet NO ONE provides the research to support this BS! Simply put:
1) NO AI or SERM results in a rebound effect upon their discontinuation
2) There are NO differences HTPA recovery with either AI!
3) Lastly there is NO EVIDENCE a low estrogen level causes or is associated with depressed libido, PROVIDING the TT is not significantly decreased and/or the TT;E-2 ratio are not remarkably elevated.
Oddly that's exactly how "bro science" is propagated, someone with an unyielding commitment to a belief, of a particular act of omission or commission, that the evidence matters not!