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  1. #1
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    Pretty High Blood Pressue & Feel Weird

    Pretty High Blood Pressue & Feel Weird

    First off, let me say thanks for all of your patience and for answering all my questions. I've had a lot because this is my first aas experience and I've had a lot of concerns etc.

    I'm in the third week of my first cycle (test cyp 300mg/week). The last few days I've felt a bit "off." I feel like a bit of a pressure in my head and sometimes a mild pain or discomfort in my chest, by my heart.

    So, I just went up to the fitness center and checked by blood pressure and pulse. My blood pressure and heart rate seem to be pretty high. My heart rate was 93. I think it's usually in the 70s. I'm 34.

    I had my blood pressure read on two machines. The first reading was 140/100 and the second was 158/103.

    How bad is this? Should I discontinue this first cycle? Do I have any other options? How great is the risk of serious harm? If I get medication to mediate the blood pressure, how long will it take to work?

    Does this mean my bp will always go haywire when I do aas and I simply cannot do them?

    That's a lot of questions. thanks.

  2. #2
    blakyr's Avatar
    blakyr is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bro.... high blood pressure is failry normal with most AAS. You should go ahead and have your bp checked regularly by your doc just to be safe. Just go in and tell them that you want to monitor your bp and heart rate, that is all you have to tell them. Your bp will go down once you stop taking aas. Your other symptoms probably come from the test itself : "Those who have a predisposition for high blood pressure or whose blood pres-sure is elevated when they begin taking Testosterone enanthate should have it periodically checked by a physician. If necessary the intake of an antihypertensive drug (4) such as Catapresan is advisable."
    Good luck bro, and go check in with your doc to be safe.

  3. #3
    superjew's Avatar
    superjew is offline Associate Member
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    I'd P.M. some mods and ask which of our members is actually a Dr. and then send him a P.M. with your problem. I know we have a couple on here. Good luck!

  4. #4
    kazual's Avatar
    kazual is offline Junior Member
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    I'm also 34 and just finished up my first cycle of test, I must say I gathered a few bits of knowledge that will be helpful if I run another cycle. As to your concern with bp, mine did rise a bit and maintained a elevated level through the whole cycle. As for your not feeling normal, I would wager to guess that it's the test in your system. As your body adjusts to the increased hormones you will experience a few physiological changes that will catch you off guard. Examples would be night sweats, increased skin reactions, along with some positive changes such as muscle growth, strength increases and a pump out of this world. Now, as with all drugs that you introduce into your body, listen to what your body is saying to you and react accordingly. Play it safe and monitor your bp and maybe cut back on the intensity of your cardio. BE SAFE and try not to panic too much.

  5. #5
    kazual's Avatar
    kazual is offline Junior Member
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    I'm also 34 and just finished up my first cycle of test, I must say I gathered a few bits of knowledge that will be helpful if I run another cycle. As to your concern with bp, mine did rise a bit and maintained a elevated level through the whole cycle. As for your not feeling normal, I would wager to guess that it's the test in your system. As your body adjusts to the increased hormones you will experience a few physiological changes that will catch you off guard. Examples would be night sweats, increased skin reactions, along with some positive changes such as muscle growth, strength increases and a pump out of this world. Now, as with all drugs that you introduce into your body, listen to what your body is saying to you and react accordingly. Play it safe and monitor your bp and maybe cut back on the intensity of your cardio. BE SAFE and try not to panic too much.

  6. #6
    kazual's Avatar
    kazual is offline Junior Member
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    Located in the mist that follows the storm
    don't know how that happened
    didn't mean to stutter......

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    First of all bro, you should not taking your BP and HR during your workout. The excess stress on your body from lifting, cardio, or pretty much any activity, will naturally increase HR, BP, body temp, and respirations. To get the most accurate reading you should take your vitals in the A.M. before any physical activity or consumption of any meals. Where do you think that feeling of vertigo came from. You didn't have it prior to your exercising. You increased your level of activity which will naturally increase HR, BP, etc. It is not uncommon for your BP to increase while cycling, but remember that it will increase that much more when you are active.

  8. #8
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    Dragonslayer, I've been feeling a bit weird for a few days. I went up to the gym to check my bp and pulse on their machine but did not work out.

  9. #9
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I will be perfectly honest. If you are truly feeling chest pains and discomfort then you should go to a doctor. That concerns me more than the high BP. Test really should raise your heart rate that much are you taking anything else?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Gettin'Old
    Dragonslayer, I've been feeling a bit weird for a few days. I went up to the gym to check my bp and pulse on their machine but did not work out.
    I'm sorry bro. I misread your post then. What are your symtoms? Do they come and go? Are you having any pain? How long do the episodes last?

  11. #11
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    With regards to the pain in the chest, that seems a concern that warrants more attention than most on this board can offer. However, with regards to the BP and HR, the very fact that you feel "weird" and "off" may have led to exactly the type of paranoia that often elevates BP and HR in many people. For example, my GF, when I take her blood pressure (or any trainer at the gym does) it is below the doctors, however, where she gets VERY nervous, both HR and BP rise substantially for her. Anecdotally, several other people I know have seconded this. As such, I would say it's highly possible that, walking into the gym to record these numbers, and knowing full well that high readings might confirm your fears about the chest pain(s) might have caused an elevated anxiety and/or nervousness that resulted in the higher numbers. Something to consider anyway.

  12. #12
    tt333 is offline Senior Member
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    I'd go to the doctor bro.

  13. #13
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks all for your considerate responses. I went to be checked out today. My BP was highish (I think 145/90) but not as bad as yesterday. My pulse was only around 78 (and I thought I might have been having a serious heart issue at the time so I could have expected it to be a lot higher). I had an EKG and blood test that checks for enzymes that show cardiac damage. Everything looked good. The doctor told me I am perfectly healthy and that he would trade places with me. To be honest, I'm not in good shape, I just look decent b/c I have some muscle and body tone.

    Anyway, the doctor did think I may have developed an arrythmia and I'm wearing a 24 hour heart monitor (wearing it now as we speak). And, I have a follow-up with a cardiologist on Thursday.

    Regarding the stress issue, yes, I think I am extremely stressed. I have a very hectic job. Also, this is my first cycle and I think I'm losing a lot of hair (which has really Fu**in' freaked me out and caused me near panic attacks) (I know that's vain but I really don't want to lose my hair). A shitload of hair will come out when I run my hands through my hair several times, but overall it seems like my hair is maybe thinner but still there. My wife thinks I'm paranoid but the pile of hair in the sink speaks for itself.

    Anyways, I digress. I did think the stress may have led to an elevated HR when i went to get it checked at the fitness center. But, I had checked it on my own several times in the past few days and it was definitely racing along - - in the high 80s or 90s.

    Can anyone confirm test should not, in and of itself, drastically raise one's heart rate?

    Anyway, addressing another question above: My symptoms are an occasional "odd beat" of the heart, which seems too strong, so much so that I'm "aware" of it. And, although it doesn't really hurt, it's uncomfortable, and generally unnerving. The sensations are all on the left side of my chest, and some are right where I think my heart is. Occasionally, there will be a dull ache that is in that side of my chest that I could characterize as a very mild pain.

    I woke up at 4:00 a.m. today and as soon as I came away I instantly had the thought enter my mind: "Is that weird sensation gone." Then, almost immediately, it "skipped a beat." That's when I decided I would go get it checked out.

    There, I just had one. No pain, just a little bubble like effect in my chest. It's really hard to explain. Sorry bout' that.

    I have a very responsive doc who knows I'm using test (but not in this quantity). I told her my BP and heart rate were up and specifically asked her if I should discontinue the test. She wrote me a scrip for a BP medicine and told me to keep on the test and keep exercising. But, I didn't really tell her about the arrythmia type thing and it was a different doc that checked that out this morning.

    Anyway, sorry about the rambling, I wanted to update y'all and show you that I was not sitting idly by but was doing something about this. And, also say, thanks.

  14. #14
    madmanz is offline Junior Member
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    when i did test cyp my blood pressure went from 122/68 to 150/75
    this is very normal, went down right after cycle. also i felt hot alot of the time, that fact i live in florida doesnt help, its 90 already

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Well bro, I'm glad you went and got checked out. When it comes to your health you can never be overly cautious. An arrhythmic/dysrhythmic beat is a beat that has deviated from the normal electrical rhythm or absense of cardiac electrical activity. Those two terms are used interchangeably. Some causes may be autonomic nervous system imbalance, blood gas abnormalities, and/or electrolyte imbalances. Dysrhythmias in a healthy heart are of little concern.

  16. #16
    twisteddendrite's Avatar
    twisteddendrite is offline New Member
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    Take your bp on a off day after sitting a couple minutes, if the diastolic is still above 100 you need to be on meds. Most meds work within hours. And yes if your taking your BP after a couple sets of squats its goin to be real high

  17. #17
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was reading your post and when you said

    "woke up at 4:00 a.m. today and as soon as I came away I instantly had the thought enter my mind: "Is that weird sensation gone." Then, almost immediately, it "skipped a beat." That's when I decided I would go get it checked out. "

    Thats has happened to me...I will be siting in my bed feeling my heart beat through my chest then all of a sudden I almost feel the heartbeat skips? Just like a bubble!!!! I completely understand. But, I thought It was becuase I was freaking myself out. It hasn't happened to me lately, but when I read that I was like WOW, I know what he's talking about...

    I haven't checked my BP, but I just think I was freaking myself out!!! I think in the beginning of my cycle, I was nervous. If I don't dwell on it, It doesn't happen.

  18. #18
    m0n's Avatar
    m0n is offline New Member
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    Paranoia is very powerful! Millions of people suffer from anxiety and mental stress. It plays wild games with your mind. Hopefuly its just anxiety and after you check your pressure its like a snowball effect, just keeps getting worse. Ive had it many o times. Xanax works good as a temp fix!

  19. #19
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Hey GO,
    Nobody's mentioned yet that for $80 or so you can buy your own blood pressure monitor at most drug stores. (I bought one myself and a few weeks later went to get it and the box was empty!!) The directions say you should be seated and at rest for a min of 5 minutes before even taking your bp.
    I'm a freelancer and work only under deadlines and the stress of a deadline can totally affect me physically as well as mentally so I know how you feel. And it inlcudes skipped heartbeats (if that's what you have) and occasional berserk ones, both of which I'm used to when I'm under stress, which I know is the cause. I'm like you and am in my second week of my first cycle and BOY am I glad I don't have work right now. Doing self-injections scares the bejesus out of me -if I had a lot of work under a tight deadline as well I'd really be a wreck.
    In fact, if you can pull it off, this would be a GREAT time to take a week off work to let yourself decompress and pay some attention to your workouts and to getting enough rest. You GOTTA get a lot of rest if you want to make any gains, IMHO.
    Anyway, good luck and chill a little!

  20. #20
    polo is offline New Member
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    you might want to invest in some type of an anti-e. I know that bloating will cause your blood pressure to go way up, and also some of the other sides that your having. Get yourself some liquidex, or femera, and take them for a week or so, and I'm willing to bet that you'll feel a hell of a lot better. Water retention, causes your blood pressure to go up, restricts your lungs, so that it makes breating harder, which is why people get winded walking to their car, causes lower back discomfort, and a whole host of other problems.

  21. #21
    Gettin'Old is offline Associate Member
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    ok, good info.

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