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Thread: Hi have anyone had try any Biotest products..?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Hi have anyone had try any Biotest products..?


    i just got the new Biotest NaNdro Sol skin tonic is a spay that u put in your skin.

    it contain 19nor- 4 -androstene-3

    its new by this company and the guy of bodyalive told me i can get 10 pounds if i drink my Nlarge shake and eat good 5 times a day.

    is this product good ...!

    i was gonna byt the new ASN Xomatropin spay is that any good..!

    look here is a webpage so u people can see are read and help me out ok...
    tell me wants good i need alot of mass ...!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The 10lbs you gain will be from eating the 5 meals and drinking the shakes, not there crappy products!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    andro is a waste of money....You should know that if you've spent anytime on anabolic boards.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    prohormones suck, i am in a class right now that show their peak times and such... however, many people do benefit and although most of the guys on this board will disagree with me i will tell you to try the biotest spray.
    Why? most of the guys here think prohormones suck because they cant give results like juice can. nonetheless, the average person doesnt want to use gear and their prohormores are the closest (at least on the market) that companies like biotest can get to actual drugs. understand that prohormons are coverted to specific hormones in the body, some peoples bodies are effecient at converting them, others are not. so your body will determine that.
    most people disagree with me, but i think biotest is a good company. their best produt out is surge!, its a post work out drink that contains hydrolyzed protein so it gets into your muscles fastest... try it, works great, just kinda expensive so look for it online for cheaper. however, in general prohormones are not that effcient at muscle building... diet is the thing most people have problems with... if you change your diet, up your clean proteins, you may see a gain of 10lbs in no time, without that spray!

    good luck

  5. #5
    soul shaker Guest
    never did any pro hormones but there md-6 was a pretty good thermo. no shakes or wirey feeling. that's all i've tried.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ok... thanx alot so i should teke does shakes you told me..

    look i took 10 shoot of testarona 200 ok i gain 16 pounds i used to eat alot and i took N-large weight gainer .. now i am taking the clomid i am in my 3 shots how many more shot do i have to take and how many a week...!

    ok i just got it yesterday the Androsol the spay so i am going to started today i really dont now how to used it that good right now i weight 134lbs and i am 5'6 if i eat right and take the N-large protein shake and the Nandrosol i should gain some pounds right, how many carlories and proteins i need a Day..?
    i am not a active person i am in college i am allways studying i go to the gym everyday i am 19 if u need more info working out for atleast 6 months.

    what other Bitest or other legal products are out there that are good to gain weight any webpages...!

    thanx alot boy you people help me alot...!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i dont understand what you are saying, you are using clomid now?
    if so dont use the andro spray... what are you asking for?

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