Hello everyone,
im a 24 year old male, 176 LBS, 5'11.
im planning on doing my first cycle ever. testosterone propionate injections
also to throw it out there i will be going to the gym 6 days a week (i work there haha) and i eat very clean.
my queshtion is for a beginner how much should i do? for my first time? (overall the whole cycle of 3 months) iv been told i'll be getting injected everyother day.
will i be injecting the same amount during the whole cycle?
plus, test prop makes recovery way faster...
i usally work out 5 times a day, monday chest, tues arms, wend back, shoulders thur & friday legs.
do i stick to that scheduel? or will i be healing fast enouth to combine two days together?
ps: i already looked up test prop, side effects and everything els. i just need info on much to do as a beginner & work out sched, thanks for ur help and time