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  1. #1
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    Help - breathing problems

    I've been on 500 test E since October 28th, and took my last shot 9 days ago. I've continued taking the A-dex EOD at 2.5mg, and plan to until I start the clomid and nolvadex .

    The last couple of days I've had problems with breathing. It's like I'm not getting in oxygen, no chest tightness or anything like that. I just can't catch my breath, but it's a completely different can't catch your breath from over exertion it's a can't catch your breath like you're at a very high elevation. Some times it happens when I'm laying in bed.

    I've been snoring very loudly all of a sudden also.

    All this since the last shot 9 days ago.

    Does anyone know if the breathing thing is related to dipping test levels?

    Should I start the clomid now vs. waiting another 5 days?

    I'm ready to call the doctor and tell the entire truth cause this breathing thing is kinda scary.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    2.5mg of adex?? Is that a typo? This is probably anxiety since there is no tightness/pain in chest area.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    trenhead1 is offline Associate Member
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    Don't take any chances mate if u feel u need to go docs but I suffer with anxiety and I've had this a few times in the past but normally fades away when I finally take my mind off it

  4. #4
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    2.5mg of adex?? Is that a typo? This is probably anxiety since there is no tightness/pain in chest area.
    I was going to say the same thing..

    Are you taking anything else? How long have you been running the adex?

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    And drop your Adex since youre only 5-6 days out form PCT. See if that makes any difference.

  6. #6
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    It's not anxiety, I've had that including panic attacks. I currently take:

    Klonopin (Benzo, like Valium)
    Inderall (blood pressure)
    Wellbutrin (minor stimulant, I take to help me focus, also an anti-depressant)
    Lipitor (Cholesterol)
    Fish Oil Caps
    Vitamin D
    One aspirin / day

    All of the above I've taken for years, with the exception of inderall the bloop pressure med. It's fairly new but I've been taking well before my first shot of test and had no issues. I mention this because one of the side effects of inderall is shortness of breath.

    MY BP at the doctors office the other day was 170 something over 100 something- that's freaking through the roof, and I was on my inderall meds. I was super hungover that day though, and I hate doctors offices so I always read high, just not that high. I've since bought a BP monitor machine and test in morning, evening and it's normal. Just normal though. I'd think it would be a bit lower with the inderall.

    Never had these issues once when on, and that included a Utah ski trip for 7 days at altitudes of 10k +!

    Anyways - I'll quit the L-dex (sorry, it's l-dex not a-dex)

    Does anyone know if shortness of breath is a side effect of low T?

    Should I just start clomid / nolva tomorrow vs. waiting 5 days to hit the 14 day mark?

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    ^ bro. How much L-dex are you taking??

    Low T and never experienced that. Only anxiety.

    Try holding your breath for as long as you can when you feel the inability to take a deep breath.

    I would find a way to get off of welbutrin, but that's another topic.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    schutterbox is offline New Member
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    i would highly recommend the DR. man don't be nervous about telling him the truth... my Dr. knows everything vie tried and he monitors me... it may not be legal to take the things we do but the Dr. has Dr. Patient confidentiality for a reason... so far they seem pretty cool about everything and watch all my levels and are heling me with everything... as far as breathing goes if your snoring thats not a great sign i would get it checked out hope this helps man good luck

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schutterbox View Post
    i would highly recommend the DR. man don't be nervous about telling him the truth... my Dr. knows everything vie tried and he monitors me... it may not be legal to take the things we do but the Dr. has Dr. Patient confidentiality for a reason... so far they seem pretty cool about everything and watch all my levels and are heling me with everything... as far as breathing goes if your snoring thats not a great sign i would get it checked out hope this helps man good luck
    No. Do not ever tell your doc that you're cycling. Ever.


    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
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    Why get off the Wellbutrin?

    I fill the syringe to 2.5. It's ARR ldex @ 1mg/ml so that would be .25mg every other day. At day 9 since last shot my test levels have to be low. Some symptoms of high test doses is shortness of breath and the urge to cough. I did have the urge to cough the last couple weeks. I'd cough my ass off...... couldn't cough enough. Hard coughs too.

    Will it hurt to start the clomid/nolva tomorrow?

    I've got ski trips wed-sun, and really don't want to have to deal with going to doctor if getting the natural test levels up is going to fix this problem.

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    ^correct. that would be 0.25mg, not 2.5

    Start your PCT when you're supposed to.

    Do you find it hard to yawn sometimes?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  12. #12
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    Not that I've noticed, no.

    I was just reading up on snoring all of a sudden and I think maybe I've put too much weight on my gut. I've had this much weight before, and had the snoring issue, but never the breathing issue.

    I don't know what the hell....... It's either my body telling me to lose weight, get test levels back to normal, or quit taking the BP meds. The weight and the test are the two newest variables.

    Also forgot to mention that Fri and Saturday I was super dizzy while snowboarding all day. Bad vertigo......... was tripping me out. Not dizzy like can't walk straight but just like vertigo.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
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    Who knows... see a specialist or get bloodwork done and post it for review.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  14. #14
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    No one here knows if when coming off a test E cycle, trouble breathing is a known side effect?????

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vibrantred94gt View Post
    No one here knows if when coming off a test E cycle, trouble breathing is a known side effect?????
    Its not a known side effect. Why do you keep insisting that this is what it is? Is that the ONLY thing you want to hear?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Its not a known side effect. Why do you keep insisting that this is what it is? Is that the ONLY thing you want to hear?

    Keep insisting??? I keep asking, because no one has answered the question.

    You have come the closest by stating you have low T and have never had the issue, just anxiety. At no time did you or anyone else state it is or is not a known issue.

    My BP is as high as 176/109 and no lower than 167/109 today. No BP meds yesterday or today. My workout was OK, a little out of breath.

    If it's not a known side effect of coming off test then I might want to go to the doctor. If it is well then that would explain a lot. Simple as that bro....... easy question.

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Ok. sorry for not being clear.

    Its not a known side effect.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  18. #18
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Get back on your HTN meds! This could be pulmonary hypertension. Go see a doctor.

  19. #19
    600@50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    Get back on your HTN meds! This could be pulmonary hypertension. Go see a doctor.
    This ^^^^^. But also if you were on 500 test a week for over 16 weeks how much weight have you gained? It's not all that uncommon to develop breathing problems if you have put on a lot of upper body mass. Sometimes the throat area constricts due to the increased mass. But get the bp checked and follow up with bw or a doc.

  20. #20
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    I sometimes find myself huffing and puffing, seemingly winded easier while on.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Get back on your HTN meds! This could be pulmonary hypertension. Go see a doctor.
    Just did some reading on pulmonary hypertension. That would be some bad news.....

    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    This ^^^^^. But also if you were on 500 test a week for over 16 weeks how much weight have you gained? It's not all that uncommon to develop breathing problems if you have put on a lot of upper body mass. Sometimes the throat area constricts due to the increased mass. But get the bp checked and follow up with bw or a doc.
    This is another thing I've been researching. I've put on almost 25lbs. 10 of it in the last two weeks. While I've maintained a fairly clean, high calorie, diet and workout schedule I have dipped into the beer much more than I wanted to. Then came my trip to Utah.....and it all went south.

    This all started after I got back from my Utah ski trip last week,.... 7 days of drinking heavily (heavy IPAs liquor) and eating like shit. Then for the first week back I continued to both stuff myself when I ate, and drink beer. I'd eat good food, but not like I should be. It would be chicken teryiaki, but with extra chicken and rice, and dark meat not white. Or sushi....the garbage kind not the sashimi no junk on it type. Normally I'll have like an albacore Tuna platter. I gained 10lbs in that two weeks and 2" to my gut.

    The week I got back I was back to eating better, but cals were still through the roof and I'd just stuff myself. Hit the gym daily, but it was just to maintain. I'm heavier than I've been since 2002 and while I've put some muscle on I definitely could have put on more quality weight. My wife says my shoulders remind her of when we first met, I was loaded on Test and very much on point then so I know when it's diet time I'll see some results.

    But I think you're onto something. The big belly, the snoring, the eating until I'm so full I can't breath, the drinking, ...... it's all catching up with me. Body is telling me to STOP.

    In any event I have a doc appointment Thursday. It's supposed to be to test for thyroid, liver/kidney, cholesterol and test levels. I really don't want to tell her I'm one day out from starting clomid because I've been on testosterone since October. That my liver/kidney panel is shit because I drank my ass off in Utah, and oh ya.... please renew my benzo script while I'm here.

    I'm thinking of monitoring the blood pressure closely and taking it day by day. No beers, back to proper meal portions, etc..... and see how I feel. I'll be in the gym twice a day until Wednesday when I'll be snowboarding all day, no beers! That will be the real test to see how I'm doing. If I'm still having issues doc app. is the next day at 10 AM.

    I really did great through mid February and then I started slacking on the diet here and there, drinking beer here and there. Freaking snowboarding...... it's so hard to maintain any consistency when it's time to go boarding. Gym is never a problem, I have a complete gym in my home so It's always very easy to work out.

    Thanks for all your suggestions. If anyone has anything to add I'm all ears. Well, unless you're going to lecture me on how stupid it is to treat my body the way I've treated it then save it...... I realize that.... now.

  22. #22
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
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    I made a similar post correlated to similar issues last year. I seem to get shortness of breath while on too. I've noticed that on days where I'm too busy at work to consume the ideal amount of calories, the shortness if breath seems to subside. I personally think its due to eating like a s.o.b. and causing you to bloat. Also, i think its because of the rapid weight gain. To be honest, the more i think about the issue, the worse, and more often it occurs. Once i do something that takes my mind off of it, it goes away. Try not to think about it, and don't stress over it. You won't die lol.

    Although, your bp is definantly near hypertensive levels, and should be regulated. Hypertension can also cause dyspnea (odd breathing)

  23. #23
    warhog is offline New Member
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    I agree, no welbutrin. Bad news for me at least.

  24. #24
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    Careful trying to come off the Welbutrin. I would get the other stuff sorted first. Dont try cold turkey. Do a lot of research first.

    Ill bet your snoring is due to weight gain. That is very common.

    Your shortness of breath could be High test/cycle related. Sometimes on cycle high test can be similar to Tren and cause shortness of breath making cardio such. I know the first few times I would start sweating just thinking about working out.

    You need to get the BP worked out first. The extra weight is probably a factor. Cut out any salt. Be careful about meds because some have surprising side effects like long lasting cough, elevated liver enzyme and other things.

    The high blood pressure can cause the anxiety type feeling. It would happen to me when I was sleeping and would wake up feeling short of breath and some anxiety. Never happened before a few months ago. Again it appeared to be BP related.

  25. #25
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    Thanks all, again, for the replies. Not sure what everyone's beef with Wellbutrin is. For me it's either that or an amphetamine and I don't want that roller coaster ride. Wellbutrin helps me focus big time.

    After hours of reading and waking up today with BP just a tad high after workout,,,130/84,,, normal when first waking up today I've concluded there is two variables. Weight and coming off the test.

    Add in the fatigue, the depression I had last night since the first time since I started the cycle, the vertigo, and the feeling like I'm an old man when I move- just beat to shit almost-, have the chills, and no will what so ever to do anything, and I'm gonna call it side effects from coming off test.

    Breathing thing is most likely due to weight. I normally go up and down 10-15 pounds (and don't experience breathing/snoring issues) but I really hammered myself on the ski trip and the following week.

    I've never had breathing problems. Been on the BP meds for months. Actually read that stopping inderall (the BP med abruptly will cause a spike in BP) Didn't spend too much time on that so don't hold me to it.

    I could barely make it through 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 MPH incline of 10. Slept 10 hours last night and I'm ready for a nap. Just overall fatigued.

    Did do a 10 MPH sprint for as long as I could and it took a long time to recover once I stopped. The BP meds were still in me from yesterday as my heart rate only hit 142, and typically a 10 mph sprint will get into the mid 160's if I go until I'm gonna fall down. The recovery was not the out of breath like can't get oxygen type, it was just entire body fatigue and your typical out of breath. Nothing alarming.

    I was supposed to wait until Friday to start the PCT, but at the rate the symptoms were progressing I decided to start today. I never felt like this my other two cycles, but I also was a bit more spot on with diet too.

    How long after PCT, typically.. I understand it will vary for everyone, will it take for my body to be back to normal for the purpose of taking tests at the docs?

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