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Thread: if i drop deca 4 weeks before test should that make recovery much easyer ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    if i drop deca 4 weeks before test should that make recovery much easyer ?

    seen a ton of these threads lately however i want to start my own just to get a streight answer
    heres my story cycled for a couple years second cycle i wanted to try out deca, 400mg a week good gains and no issues what so ever on cycle, hit week 10 when i droped the test/deca and all of a sudden i lost my erections and that caused big problems with the g.f so swore i wouldnt touch it again as when i do test only i dont seem to get much problems in that department, then i looked into NPP. now NPP being fast acting does that mean if i was to get them sides they would clear much fater right ? and as il be using the test 4 weeks longer i should be fine as far as erections are concerned as ive done 4 test only cycles with oral and had no ED just when i usd deca, also would tren give the same problems as its a 19 nor ?

  2. #2
    make sure you have your nolvadex... I run test and deca together everytime, the ONLY time I had problems with ED as because I lost my nolvadex while moving... it only lasted three days, I usually run deca up until the very end of my cycle (although I dose the test higher than the deca for the whole cycle)... this next time I will be running the test 3 weeks longer than the deca, but thats a new thing for me.

    in my PERSONAL opinion... the deca can definitely leave you with ED, but the test supresses your natty levels too so id imagine its not JUST the deca that does it to you... just make sure you have a proper PCT,and run the test two weeks longer, and as long as your cycle isnt a year long you shouldnt have any problems... a good PCT should be the answer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordawgy
    make sure you have your nolvadex... I run test and deca together everytime, the ONLY time I had problems with ED as because I lost my nolvadex while moving... it only lasted three days, I usually run deca up until the very end of my cycle (although I dose the test higher than the deca for the whole cycle)... this next time I will be running the test 3 weeks longer than the deca, but thats a new thing for me.

    in my PERSONAL opinion... the deca can definitely leave you with ED, but the test supresses your natty levels too so id imagine its not JUST the deca that does it to you... just make sure you have a proper PCT,and run the test two weeks longer, and as long as your cycle isnt a year long you shouldnt have any problems... a good PCT should be the answer
    R u using nolvadx as an ai?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Can we get some stats?

    training and cycle exp

    And i'm sure you use HCG, an AI and PCT, right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    14.4 stone
    3 cycles
    high protein,fat & carb diet atm 1.5lbs protein per lb body weight

    i dont use hcg but i do use arimidex .25mg ed or eod on cycle and always use an aggressive PCT of clomid and nolva

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Yes, the NPP will be in and out faster. But no one can tell you how your system is going to react to any said compound. We are all different. Odds are, yes, w/your history and 19-nors you will be at risk for ED. And kinda funny as tren hurts people tremendously while deca doesn't so much. Kinda like hair loss i guess. Depends on the persons genetical make up.

    And the main reason i asked about HCG was because of your concern. Start using at 250iu's E3d. From start all the way up to 3 days prior to PCT.

    Good Luck

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