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Thread: RPN's HAVOC HALP PLEez<3

  1. #1


    Havoc i need Help PLOX<3
    Hey guys i have a few questions and concerns about the Ph Havoc by rpn.... My main concerns are about the necessity of Nolva and loss in libido as i do have a girlfriend.. In my past i have taken a cycle of H-drol back when i was 17 which was extremely stupid and was very lucky that everything went smothely and im not reaping any affects from it.... As far as the havoc i know its more potent and a stronger product... Some even compare it to being stronger then the illegal stuff.. I have had it for about a month and am still skepticle on taking it and after i get some feedback i will decide if i will or not. Now, my main questions are What would be the best CA's to take during cycle i have heard of people taking Cycle assist, milk thistle, and some joint supps, im not too conderned about that though im more concerned about the PCT, if i am going to take this i WILL buy a serm so no need to flame i am just concerned if i need a test boost along with my pct... Anybody have any suggestions on what to take while doing this cycle? Aka what should i buy in succession to Cycle assist and a serm(MAIN CONCERN) I still have much to research and trust me i wont take this without enough knoledge.. Any feedback is extremely wanted and appreciated.. Save the flaming nobody cares how much smarter on the subject you are then me..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I have to ask, if you were concerned about libido and pleasing your girlfriend, why did you decide to use the stuff anyway? I'm not trying to school you but you probably should have thought about that before hand. As far as using something to boost test post cycle, I suppose you could try some different herbal otc shit. Some guys swear by trib etc to boost libido. I used to go the ph route thinking it would be better because of the legality of it. I have used havoc myself. And I have to say even when I would use proper pct, I usually ended up losing most of if not all of what I gained. I hope you have the nolva on hand already. And it wouldn't have been a bad idea to invest in an AI. Yes, I know havoc/epi are not suppose to arom and can even "Reduce gyno in some users!!" but It's always a good idea to have every possible angle covered. especially when ancills are generally inexpensive and easy to get a hold of. Good luck. Oh, and if your girlfriend would ever leave you because you are down and out and just not up for the "task" for a little while, shes not worth it anyway.

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