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Thread: New Cycle Soon to Start...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    New Cycle Soon to Start...

    Gonna start soon on my new Cycle...

    I'm 30 years old although I look like i'm in my early 20's and I've been working out for about 2 1/2-3 years.

    I only stopped because of 2 elbow surgeries I had to get and now I am back 4 months strong and getting good Gains.

    But now I want to take it to the next level.

    I'm about to do my First Stack Cycle of Sustanon 250 (Oil) & Dbol 50mg (Oral) Capsule form...

    The Sustanon 250 I will take 1ml twice weekly for 10 weeks ( 2ml a week )

    and the Dbol I will take 50mg daily for 5 weeks since it is a capsule form at 50mg in every pill So I guess i'll just take 1 pill a day. If I understand it correctly ?

    What do you guys think about that Cycle plan ?

    Would it be safe and or problematic ?

    Should I take any Estrogen Controllers before or after my Cycle?

    Do I need anything else to unsure my health stays in good shape?

    Any help comments or Suggestions would be Greatly Appreciated...

    Thank you very much

    Peace Love and Blessings


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hey man!

    If this is your first cycle, I would drop the dbol and run TEST ONLY!


    ^^^you will find all your answers here.

  3. #3
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Yeah drop the dbol..keep it simple and sweet. As long as you keep your diet and routine in check you should see some nice gains. You should look into aromatase inhibitors, hcg, and pct protocol. It's always good to put in a lot of research so you can take all the precautions necessary to do it as safely as possible.

  4. #4
    You should research AI's. You'll need to run one throughout your entire cycle.

    I personally like Armidex but that's just me.

    Should you choose to run it .25mg EOD should be fine for your cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I have another question...

    WHen I am drawing the Oil from the 25 ml bottle...

    Once I have obtained my 1 ml does for the day... what do i do with the bottle ? meaning do i have to cover it with tape,plastic etc so bacteria doesn't get in or does the bottled kind of re-seal itself and I have not to worry for my next injection in a 2-3 days ???

    This is a question that I am not sure about...???

    Any help would be appreciate...

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ism View Post
    I have another question...

    WHen I am drawing the Oil from the 25 ml bottle...

    Once I have obtained my 1 ml does for the day... what do i do with the bottle ? meaning do i have to cover it with tape,plastic etc so bacteria doesn't get in or does the bottled kind of re-seal itself and I have not to worry for my next injection in a 2-3 days ???

    This is a question that I am not sure about...???

    Any help would be appreciate...

    Thank you
    There should be a rubber stopper that you put the needle through to withdraw the oil, then when you pull the needle out it reseals. Make sure you wipe down the rubber stopper each time you're going to pull from it with an alcohol pad.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    That's what I thought...

    Thank you Sir and Everyone else...

    I Very Much Appreciate it...

    I just want everything to hopefully run and go as smooth as possible...

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