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Thread: Questions on measuring what i'll inject and how much will need.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Questions on measuring what i'll inject and how much will need.

    So If I plan on injecting 300 mg per week of test C. And the package comes in a 10ml vial, how many of those vials would I need if I wanted to run 8-10 weeks worth?

    This sounds like a dumb question, but numbers just jumble in my head. Any help is appreciated.


  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Need the mg/ml value

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    sry about that..

    10 ml vial, 200mg/ml

  4. #4
    You sure you haven't abused roads in the past?

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    So each 1 cc is equal to 200 mg so 1.5 cc is equal to 300 mg

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    So each 1 cc is equal to 200 mg so 1.5 cc is equal to 300 mg
    thanks for the help. Appreciate it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wasaga Ontario
    How old are you bud?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Doesn't say in his info..

    although he may sound like a youngin... i have a good friend.. and cant do the simplest math conversions either.. but he can eat and lift like theres no 2morro, and sits at sub 10% bf 200lbs. which is better than I, and I sit here and do math and macros all day, lol

    or maybe hes young i dont know, either way its a 4th grade math problem( not flaming just trying to let people know some people just doesnt click as well)

    yes if theres 200mg in 1 ml... then a half of a ml will have 100mg.. so you need to add another half of ml too get the to 300


    (not a recommendation, just a lesson)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    dont feel bad I have to do that for all of Lunks cycles

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    LOL nice!!!!!!!! haha

    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    dont feel bad I have to do that for all of Lunks cycles

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    dont feel bad I have to do that for all of Lunks cycles
    Its easy to measure in grams

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Its easy to measure in grams

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    LOL on another note i guess we still haven't answered your question bro..

    10ml vial X 200ml per mg = 2000mg in 1 vial

    2000 divided by 300 per week is 6.6 ( 6.6 weeks) so you'd need 2 bro.......... 2 vials.......... and youl have some left over...

  14. #14
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    I'm 28, 6'5... Bounce around between 225-235 depending on the water weight. The reason for the lower dose is I just want to do it more so for recovery reasons.. I do my fair share of weight lifting and running but the majority of my injuries and constant soreness from training Brazilian jujitsu. I like the added benefits of what a test cycle can help with besides recovery.. But with the current job I have I can't necessarily blow up to a weight that it'll be easily noticed and possibly tested.

    Considering how much I eat on a daily basis you'd think for my height I'd be a lil heavier but due to the BJJ I keep weight off (not intentionally). I wouldn't mind holding to a solid 230 and just have the added well being benefits of running a low dose.

    When I combine all three aspects of training my recovery time is starting to turn to shit and I see myself relying on ibuprofen more and more by the day lol...

    Just so you all have somewhat of a dietary background on what I eat consistently. I'm usually getting my body weights worth of protein or a ton more.

    In the morning on eggs alone I wake and eat 4-6...2-3 hours later a 48 gram shake with whole milk, lunch time 10 ounce burger with cheese or a chicken breast... 2-3 later a pb sandwich or shake again.. With some type of fruit... Some random snack in between due to just being hungry and having a sweet tooth, shake or whatever before training (hour before) another shake after with milk... And either six eggs with veggies, wheat bread, milk, possibly almonds... Or beef or chicken... And I like bacon.. Lol... Sometimes a beer.
    There's nothing too clean about my diet... But usually jujitsu has me starving 24/7.

    In terms of training with anything physical besides a sport in high school I've been at it since high school. When I was on my heavy weight kick my best dead lift (no straps, but with a belt) was 505.. Bench is horrible lol... 315 but to the chest. Squat I got 405 ass below 90....nothing to write home about... But I was proud of it when I dedicated to it... That was last summer... My weight was around 219.

    I've always kicked around the idea of trying a cycle out here and there. Initially when I first thought about it I was all about size... Now I just want the other benefits.. I know to a certain degree I over train but that's the life... Do it til I can't... Plus the kicker was I hanging out with one of my training partners and we were talking about injuries and the like he told me up front he tried this and done that and now does his lower dose for health etc... Gave me a good source and I've been back on the grind looking up info since.

    In regards to yesterday my brain was fried with training in terms of work...If I sit in a class room studying all day for anything bland it kills me the point where I ask a dumb ass question that I did.. Lol... But I can't just ask a random guy or girl about vials, ccs, etc... Why not ask u all?

    On that note, I do appreciate all of the help. I know this one long drawn out post... But I didn't want to give the impression that some of you were implying.

    Once I do get this all squared away I'll update on progress... I enjoy reading about this type of thing I'm sure as much as you all do.


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallguy21 View Post
    When I combine all three aspects of training my recovery time is starting to turn to shit and I see myself relying on ibuprofen more and more by the day lol...
    It's your health but smarten up and think about your liver. Also theres more to cycle then just vials and mls. AI, HCG, PCT.

    AI: Aromasin 1.0-1.25mg ED, or adex 0.25-0.5 EOD. Some go well on aromasin, some respond better to adex. Try and get to know what is for you. Run it from the beginning of your cycle and If you're using test E, run it till 13 days after your last pin, 1 day before PCT starts. PCT starts 14 days after your last pin.

    Start HCG in the beggining of your cycle, 250IU twice a week. Some prefer one shot of 500IU (because there is an opinion that anything lower than 500 is a waste) or 500IU twice a week. Start with 250IU twice a week now and see how you doing.

    Nolvadex (tamoxifen) 40mg ed for 2 weeks simoultaniously with clomid @ 100mg ed for 2 weeks. Then reduce dose of nolvadex to 20mg ed for 2 more weeks and clomid reduce to 50mg ed for 2 more weeks. PCT is total of 4 weeks
    Last edited by Antonious; 03-20-2013 at 01:41 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Understandable. I planned on running a PCT at the end of it all. I appreciate all of the help.

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