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Thread: Prostatitis?

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    So this morning I woke up early having to urinate. Started to go and then realized I was going to have diareah so I sat down and when I went I had a sudden pain in testicle and groin area primarily on the left side. I did not feel well at all. Pain went away and I went back to bed. So I had to go again about hour and a half later and this time the pain was worse almost to the point I thought I would throw up. So I went to urgent care since my dr's in Africa on a humanitarian mission until the end of the month. I spent about 3 hours in urgent care they did a UA and prostate exam and nothing. They gave me a toradol shot for the pain which helped a little. I called my urologist and he's got the flu and can't see me until next week. I looked up some symptoms for prostatitis and the symptoms looked similar but he said it should have shown on the urine sample. He said they will do a culture test on the urine to see if there's anything else. I usually don't have loose bowel movements due to the amount of protein intake since I'm on a blast right now. I'm on week 8 of current protocol 400mg test c 300mg of deca ,adex 1mg 1 day after injection and 3 days after injection and 500 units of HCG 2 days and 1 day before injection. I'm also on my 2nd week of thymosin beta trying to tone down my tendonitis and the protocol is 5mg per week the first 2 weeks,then 4 mg per week the next 3 weeks and then 3 mg final week(25mg total). I've had a cyst on my left testicle for about 17 years that the dr said to leave alone unless it started to bother me. Any advice or experience with what this might be would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    There are a number of possibilities but blood work and culture would really shed some light on this.

    Just so I am clear, for the prostate exam, was a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) or digital rectal exam (DRE) performed?

    Was any blood work done other than urinalysis? PSA test?

    What symptoms still persist?

    Are you able to void (pee) at all? What is the flow like - weak, consistent, intermittent? Color of urine? Frequency (or at least, how often do you feel the need to go)

    Is the pain in the perineum or does it radiate? Any flank pain?

    What is your daily water consumption like?

    Out of curiosity, is your adex dosed at 1mg daily? I was unclear based on your description.

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    The exam was a DRE,no bloodwork was done. I still have loose stools but no testicle pain. I am able to urinate but not as frequently and the urine is yellow which it's usually almost clear due to the amount of water I drink. I usually drink close to 2 gallons per day. No flank pain the pain is pretty concentrated to the left testicle and groin area like right were the lower pelvic bone is. It almost feels like the cyst I have is bigger. The adex dose is 1mg the first day after injection and then 1mg 3 days after injection so only 2 mg total per week. My original TRT protocol (adex dose) was similar to this and after doing alot of reading on here when I'm on a TRT dose I cut it to .5mg 1 day and 3 days after injection. My E2 level is usually high 20's low 30's on the TRT protocol.

  4. #4
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    Proctalgia fugax

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    Hmmm...I'll ask my dr about this one. But the info I've seen so far on proctagia fugax doesn't mention testicle pain. Or maybe it's a combo of that and the testicle cyst I have. The cyst area is now tender. If this doesn't clear up by injection day I'll just go back to my TRT dosage and drop the deca .

  6. #6
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    This really sucks I've had so many health issues the last year, and was finally feeling good and making great gains. Getting old sucks!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Hmmm...I'll ask my dr about this one. But the info I've seen so far on proctagia fugax doesn't mention testicle pain. Or maybe it's a combo of that and the testicle cyst I have. The cyst area is now tender. If this doesn't clear up by injection day I'll just go back to my TRT dosage and drop the deca.
    bro, you always come up with really interesting cases.

    any more pain currently?

  8. #8
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    Just a dull low level ache in the left testicle,and some tightness in low back. No more BM's since this afternoon but lots of gas. In the last year I had an umbilical hernia fixed,tendonitis medial and lateral,kidney stone,hyperparathyroidism,and a parathyroidectomy to go along with it,plantar fasciitis,and now this.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Just a dull low level ache in the left testicle,and some tightness in low back. No more BM's since this afternoon but lots of gas. In the last year I had an umbilical hernia fixed,tendonitis medial and lateral,kidney stone,hyperparathyroidism,and a parathyroidectomy to go along with it,plantar fasciitis,and now this.
    is the hospital you go to a training-hospital? haven't they recruited you for medical school exams?

    your prostate would have been really tender during the DRE if it was prostatitis. any testicular condition would also be obvious during the examination by the doctor. thats why i am guessing its something really benign like proctalgia, where clinical exam always reveals nothing at all...

    but i could be wrong, and this wouldn't be the first time

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    Even worse it's an urgent care facility. Reminded me of going to the company dr for an injury. I had to practically beg for the DRE,he overheard me talking to my urologist on the phone and then recommended it. Thanks for your help and advice AD and Muscle Ink,I greatly appreciate it. Time to do my forearm routine ice and go to bed. I hope to wake up pain free

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    Update,Ok so the loose BM's have stopped haven't gone at all yet. Which could be normal because of how much I went yesterday. Still low level pain in left testicle and the cyst area is definitely still tender. So I'll follow up with the urologist next week and see how it goes. If anything else gets worse I'm going to the ER in the neighboring city,I will never go to the urgent care in my city again. It's okay for stitches but if it's something complex I'm going somewhere else.

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    OK update 2 I went for BW on friday and private mdlabs was really on the ball. When I went to labcorp there was already 6 people there I didn't have an appt but they took me back right away. Maybe I just got lucky on that one,but the results came in today. I did not like the results,well some of them. Test level greater than 1500 which I expected E2 was at 63 which I didn't expect so I will up adex dose and order some liquidex asap since I think the adex capsules I have might be too old. LH and FSH were low but the part that worries me was the neutrophils and lymphs were high. I'll post exact numbers later when I have more time but there's definitely something wrong. All other numbers were good PSA was at .7 which is normal for me. RBC and hemoglobin were fine and it's been 2 months since last blood donation so I'll do that this week just to keep that in line. I'm definitely stopping the deca for now I really wanted to go 10 weeks but I'm not going to be an idiot about my health. Will order prami as well when I order liquidex. I have bromocriptine but afraid of the sides with everything else going on right now. I feel fine but the cyst on the left testicle is definitely bigger.

  13. #13
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    are you still in pain?

    if your neutrophils and lymphs are high, what about total white count?

    what meds did they give you from the first visit?

  14. #14
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    When the doctor did the DRE did you or they notice any extreme pain?
    I have had it before and wasnt able to pull my pants back up for 5 minutes or so it hurt so bad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    So this morning I woke up early having to urinate. Started to go and then realized I was going to have diareah so I sat down and when I went I had a sudden pain in testicle and groin area primarily on the left side. I did not feel well at all. Pain went away and I went back to bed. So I had to go again about hour and a half later and this time the pain was worse almost to the point I thought I would throw up. So I went to urgent care since my dr's in Africa on a humanitarian mission until the end of the month. I spent about 3 hours in urgent care they did a UA and prostate exam and nothing. They gave me a toradol shot for the pain which helped a little. I called my urologist and he's got the flu and can't see me until next week. I looked up some symptoms for prostatitis and the symptoms looked similar but he said it should have shown on the urine sample. He said they will do a culture test on the urine to see if there's anything else. I usually don't have loose bowel movements due to the amount of protein intake since I'm on a blast right now. I'm on week 8 of current protocol 400mg test c 300mg of deca,adex 1mg 1 day after injection and 3 days after injection and 500 units of HCG 2 days and 1 day before injection. I'm also on my 2nd week of thymosin beta trying to tone down my tendonitis and the protocol is 5mg per week the first 2 weeks,then 4 mg per week the next 3 weeks and then 3 mg final week(25mg total). I've had a cyst on my left testicle for about 17 years that the dr said to leave alone unless it started to bother me. Any advice or experience with what this might be would be appreciated.
    A tip I should have given you. EVERY night before bed take two teaspoons of Metmucil in 10-120z of water. It will help your greatly when you do have a bowel movement.
    Rough bowel movements can irritate and angry prostate.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    are you still in pain?

    if your neutrophils and lymphs are high, what about total white count?

    what meds did they give you from the first visit?
    The pain is more like a dull ache no more sharp pain and the ache isn't always there. No pain during BM's and stools have firmed up. They did not give me any meds other than the toradol injection. They kept trying to give me pain meds though. I don't take the ones I have and don't need any more. Ok I was wrong about numbers earlier I was on my way out for a family night and just got to glance at the report. Neutrophils were high 77 normal range 40-74 and lymphs were low 13 normal range 14-46 and neutrophils absolute was high 8 normal range 1.8-7.8 but the lymphs absolute were normal 1.3 normal range .7-4.5 the WBC was at top of range 10.4 normal range 4.0-10.5 The cool thing was my glucose serum is down to 87 so my diet is kicking ass. I'm not shooting for ketosis I still eat oatmeal and sweet potatoes but I like seeing that number under 90 since diabetes is prevalent on my moms side.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    When the doctor did the DRE did you or they notice any extreme pain?
    I have had it before and wasnt able to pull my pants back up for 5 minutes or so it hurt so bad.
    The DRE wasn't painful other than the uneasiness of the procedure itself. And really thought I would be screaming after the pain I had earlier that day. Thanks for the metamucil tip TR has recommended psillium husk as well on some other posts about roids (the painful kind). I have been eating 2 prunes with every lean meat protein meal but thats obviously not enough. I'm really not thinking this is AAS related since I've had the testicle cyst for quite some time. And the low level dull ache that I have off and on now is about all it has done in the past. Every year or 2 I get the ache with an occasional minor pain but not like what I had the other day. My dr is back and I see him on tuesday and I'll call the urologist monday to see if I can have him run the ultrasound on my cyst again to see if it's gotten bigger. I'm also going to talk to him about sending me in for a transrectal ultrasound since my dad had prostate cancer. My older friends swear by it since 2 of them had prostate cancer that a PSA test didn't catch. Both are still alive and kicking thanks to the trans rectal ultrasound. These guys have been on my ass to do this every since I turned 40.

  18. #18
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    Ok correction to post above AAS can cause low lymphs according to one article I found.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    The DRE wasn't painful other than the uneasiness of the procedure itself. And really thought I would be screaming after the pain I had earlier that day. Thanks for the metamucil tip TR has recommended psillium husk as well on some other posts about roids (the painful kind). I have been eating 2 prunes with every lean meat protein meal but thats obviously not enough. I'm really not thinking this is AAS related since I've had the testicle cyst for quite some time. And the low level dull ache that I have off and on now is about all it has done in the past. Every year or 2 I get the ache with an occasional minor pain but not like what I had the other day. My dr is back and I see him on tuesday and I'll call the urologist monday to see if I can have him run the ultrasound on my cyst again to see if it's gotten bigger. I'm also going to talk to him about sending me in for a transrectal ultrasound since my dad had prostate cancer. My older friends swear by it since 2 of them had prostate cancer that a PSA test didn't catch. Both are still alive and kicking thanks to the trans rectal ultrasound. These guys have been on my ass to do this every since I turned 40.

    Good idea to have the testicle cyst looked at again. For a piece of mind,,,have the trans rectal ultrasound done too.

  20. #20
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    The DRE wasn't painful other than the uneasiness of the procedure itself. And really thought I would be screaming after the pain I had earlier that day. Thanks for the metamucil tip TR has recommended psillium husk as well on some other posts about roids (the painful kind). I have been eating 2 prunes with every lean meat protein meal but thats obviously not enough. I'm really not thinking this is AAS related since I've had the testicle cyst for quite some time. And the low level dull ache that I have off and on now is about all it has done in the past. Every year or 2 I get the ache with an occasional minor pain but not like what I had the other day. My dr is back and I see him on tuesday and I'll call the urologist monday to see if I can have him run the ultrasound on my cyst again to see if it's gotten bigger. I'm also going to talk to him about sending me in for a transrectal ultrasound since my dad had prostate cancer. My older friends swear by it since 2 of them had prostate cancer that a PSA test didn't catch. Both are still alive and kicking thanks to the trans rectal ultrasound. These guys have been on my ass to do this every since I turned 40.
    I just finished prostrate cancer treatment,i had a PSA score of 5.5 when i had a check up last january,DRE showed no lumps or enlarged prostrate.I went to a urologist in june and the PSA was 11.4.He did the ultrasound and biopsy and found high grade cancer gleason 8. I had radiation seed implants done and 2 months later external radiation treatments for 5 weeks. They will do a PSA 3 months after the radiation treatments ended and then every 6 months. Nothing they did was painful at all,the worst thing was the catheter i had to wear for a day after the seed implants.
    Last edited by MR10X; 03-25-2013 at 09:59 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    I just finished prostrate cancer treatment,i had a PSA score of 5.5 when i had a check up last january,DRE showed no lumps or enlarged prostrate.I went to a urologist in june and the PSA was 11.4.He did the ultrasound and biopsy and found high grade cancer gleason 8. I had radiation seed implants done and 2 months later external radiation treatments for 5 weeks. They will do a PSA 3 months after the radiation treatments ended and then every 6 months. Nothing they did was painful at all,the worst thing was the catheter i had to wear for a day after the seed implants.
    Thanks for sharing your experience MR10x. I'm glad to hear you made it through this. Catheter removal is quite painful when the nurse says "Take a deep breath this MIGHT hurt a little bit." Might? Dude I don't care tough you are it's gonna hurt more than a little bit. And thanks to all of you guys for your help on this I greatly appreciate it. Getting older sucks!

  22. #22
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    Okay went to urologist made appt for prostate ultrasound. A few days later it started to burn when I urinated sometimes bad. So went back to urologist he put me on Flagyl 3xday for 3-4 weeks. A few days after I started the antibiotics I was having fun with the wife and when I ejaculated I got the same burning pain. This has subsided the last week and I had the ultrasound done yesterday. The tech who did the ultrasound said my prostate looked fine but the radiologist and dr would give me the final word. While I'm at it going in for colonoscopy and endoscope since I'm due for a follow up on those.

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    Ok got the results from prostate ultrasound. Diffusely enlarged prostate,Nodular hypertrophy of the inner gland,no evidence of carcinoma. Still occasional pain when urinating after almost 5 weeks of flagyl. Urologist said to stop taking flagyl and see if it gets worse,no coffee (this is going to be tough)or soft drinks(never touch them),and ordered another PSA and free PSA blood test. Also getting occasional pain in left testicle but not as bad and not as often. So something is wrong now to figure out what it is. I stopped the blast of deca after I first wrote this post at the end of march but continued the higher dose of test c for 2 more weeks,and then went back to trt dose of app 150mg test c per week,with liquidex and HCG . Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  24. #24
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    Androgen makes the prostrate larger,even normal or low levels of it.When i was treated for prostrate cancer they shut down my testosterone production to 0,to shrink the prostrate to treat it more efficently. I had an ultrasound done on mine when they were diagnosing my cancer,they had to do a biopsy to tell whether it was cancer or not,you cant tell just by the ultrasound pictures.My PSA was 11.4 when they did the biopsy,after radiation treatments it is now 0.1....

  25. #25
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    were you given any other antibiotics? take a look at this:

    Treatment of Bacterial Prostatitis

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    Thanks for the article AD. I had similar symptoms last year which they thought were kidney stones due to high calcium,hyperparathyroidism. I was put on cipro for quite a while but none of the ones mentioned in the article. Although now with the diagnosis of an enlarged prostate I'm puzzled. I'm going to make an appt with a UC urologist ASAP. My urologist didn't seem overly concerned but he's not the one pissing fire once in a while.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Androgen makes the prostrate larger,even normal or low levels of it.When i was treated for prostrate cancer they shut down my testosterone production to 0,to shrink the prostrate to treat it more efficently. I had an ultrasound done on mine when they were diagnosing my cancer,they had to do a biopsy to tell whether it was cancer or not,you cant tell just by the ultrasound pictures.My PSA was 11.4 when they did the biopsy,after radiation treatments it is now 0.1....
    Were u on therapy or a cycle when your prostate was enlarged? My PSA level has been steady since I've been on TRT and the blast. Would you cycle or do any kind of TRT after having been treated for prostate cancer? I really don't want to go off TRT and do a re-start again. My levels go right back to the low 200's

  28. #28
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    cipro and doxy are more commonly used in my opinion. cipro is a fluoroquinolone as mentioned in that page.

    this is an enlarged version of a table at the bottom of that page
    Treatment of Bacterial Prostatitis

    look under chronic.

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    Thanks AD I was looking at the article on my phone the first time so I could only read the text of the article,didn't take the time to look at the tables.

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