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  1. #1
    Scribble1531's Avatar
    Scribble1531 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2013

    Liquid t3 questions

    So I am trying to dose this accurately and would like to verify I am correct before starting with it. It is 200mcg per ml. So that should mean when using the oral syringe provided. That the .5 marker is 100 mcg and the .25 marker is 50 mcg. Would this be correct? Also does it matter when you take it? If you have eatin, should you hold in mouth before swallowing? Also is 25mcg (.175 mark) the correct place to start or would it be better to start at 50mcg

    Moving question from ar-r section to hopefully get more responses

  2. #2
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2012
    you are correct. .5ml= 100mcg, .25ml= 50.
    .125= 25, not .175

    i'd start at 50 personally. 25 is matching your natural thyroid output so theres no point in starting at 25. just know to expect higher body temp, and increased hunger/sweating. are you on cycle ?

  3. #3
    Scribble1531's Avatar
    Scribble1531 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2013
    No I'm not but I'm more concerned with fat loss then strength at the moment. So I'm not concerned about the catabolic effects. I do have some test, some clen , and albu but i want to see how well t3 works on its own. If the results seem to be super catabolic then I'll add test but I have pretty good genetics when it comes to maintaining muscle but on the down side of that is I can put on size easy but hard for me to lose it lol I'm hoping that will help avoid too much muscle loss but like I said. If I lose a little strength to drop 20 lbs its worth it for me at the moment

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