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Thread: Help Needed for Test Enanthate cle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Help Needed for Test Enanthate cle

    hey guys.... need help, i have been training for bout 2 yrs... this would eb my first cycle... what would u recommend? currently i am thinking of TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE for 6 weeks. any recommended juice to go along??? cos i was thinking.... i take on sundays & thursdays for 6 weeks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, first off how old are u? and what results are u looking for? Also test should be the base of any cycle but it should really be run for 10 weeks or more. Give us some more info and we'll see what we can do.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    well i am 22 this yr and kinda fed up for lifting for 2 yrs with minimal results while my training partners grow & grow with juice! have been using 4AD, 1AD, gained a lil bit.... but the more the better!

    looking for gains in size, mass & strength.

    weight 253lbs
    height 5"10
    BF approximately 20%....... used to be 27%

    i was kinda a fat bastard, got bored of being fat and kinda wanted to a freak!

    my stats stand at
    chest 47"
    arms 19"
    waist 36" kinda flabby a bit... ergh
    thighs 28"
    calfs 19

    hoping to grow somemore
    thanks man bro.... i am still new to the iron game... ur help will be great


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Big boy aintya... Well first thing is are u satisfied with where ur weight is? Reason i ask is because allot of people have the misconception that AS is a magic weight lose drug. One of the most important things u need to do while on AS is eat, and eat allot but clean. So if u think u could loose some more weight then id recommend cardio and maybe some clen. If ur fine with ur weight then id recommend and eq, enant and winny cycle. Something simple for a first cycle....

    weeks 1 - 12 200mgs eq
    weeks 1 - 12 250mgs enant
    weeks 9 - 15 50mgs winny ed

    U could also increase the eq to 400mgs and the test to 500mgs but IMO the way i have it uptop would be a good first cycle for u.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    damn Bro! thanks man! oh yeah.... it's kinda hard to get EQ in Singapore.... as for Winny & Test i already have it....
    thanks man! would get back to you... know any sources i could get EQ?
    thanks for the compliment man... ur the man!


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