I'll start of by saying I have gotten everything checked out by my primary care doctor (he's a family friend, and BB'ed for 10 years), blood panels, X-rays etc...
I told him when I was 18 (summer after I graduated from HS) that I had been juicing and he of course said I was dumb, but told me to finish it out. went from 185 to 200 on a 10 week Test Blend cycle 500mg a week. I completely lost everything because during my freshman year of college I contracted meningitis and severe pneumonia. To pick myself back up I went on a 50mg ED Anavar cycle got back up to 195 with a six pack (think I would have placed well If I entered in a physique comp
Between that cycle and now I ran GHRP-6 but it was worthless other than helping me with joint pain and increasing and appetite.
I also ran an Ostarine cycle 22.5mg ED for 5 weeks and it put a little size on me and I noticed a good increase in strength.
I recently went back to my doctor and he told me he didn't see a problem with me starting another cycle because I'm 21 but "biologically", based on my blood panels and the fact that my epiphyseal are completely fused, full beard, etc, I have the body of a 25 year old.
I'm currently sitting at 5'9.5 215 lbs, 12% bf.
june 13th and 14th are the dates for the NPC Junior National Men's physique, I WANT TO COMPETE.
I no longer have a six pack so I want to cut but also put a little size on.
What kind of cycle should I go on, Test E 500mg for 12 weeks with the last ran concurrently 5 weeks Anavar on the tail the end? I know how to diet
I want any cycle suggestions not a pep talk, its my body, I have money, and am willing to do what ever it takes to look good on stage