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  1. #1
    XstabberX's Avatar
    XstabberX is offline Junior Member
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    Started first cycle have a few questions

    I'm 44 years old, 5'8" 185 with between 17-18% BF and have never done any gear or prohormones. I have been training on and off my whole adult life but have hit it pretty hard and consistent the about the last 3 years doing mostly a powerlifting routine. That last year and a half I have done Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 but haven't been doing much of the bodybuilding lifts but I have a good base. I'm going to stick with the basics but thrown in more bodybuilding type exercises (curls, tri ext, delt work) I started my this past tuesday and this is it

    Wk 1-12 500mg Test E 250 2x a week
    Wk 1-6 50mg Dbol 25 2x a day
    Wk 15-19 Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Wk 15-19 Nolva 40/20/20/20

    I have arimidex but was told only use it if I'm feeling sides of gyno like sunburned nipples since gains are better without it. The reading I have been doing says to take it throughout the cycle from day one just to keep my estrogen in check. I would rather loose a small amount of gains to help avoid any sides. Any advice on the arimidex would be greatly appreciated or on this cycle in general. Probably should have just ran a Test E but I wanted to get the most out of this cycle. I might cut the DBol out at after 4 weeks if I'm getting to bloated also. Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Your cycle looks pretty good, I would cut the dbol to 4 weeks any way that's all you need.

    Use the arimidex at 0.25mgs rod and adjust to more if you need to. Don't keep it on hand prevention is better than remedy.

    Use Hcg at 250ius 2 x week it will help with the transition into pct

    How's your diet? Have you posted it in the nutrition section?

    Other than that good luck!

  3. #3
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    Adex 0.25mg eod. Start using asap!! Your BF% is a bit more than it should be and sides from E2 will be more present because of that.

    Agree with HCG ! Get it ASAP.

    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

    Dbols not needed for first cycle.

  4. #4
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Adex starting on first pin.HCG if you can get it jump on it.Test only for first cycle.D-bol is good but liver toxic so its something to think about and if goin forward with it would be good to take some tudca/liv52 along with it but best advice would be to just go with test alone.Eat as clean as possible as your bf is a little high and throw some cardio in every once in a while to help minimize higher blood pressure.Good luck with your cycle man whatever your decision is.

  5. #5
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XstabberX
    I'm 44 years old, 5'8" 185 with between 17-18% BF and have never done any gear or prohormones. I have been training on and off my whole adult life but have hit it pretty hard and consistent the about the last 3 years doing mostly a powerlifting routine. That last year and a half I have done Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 but haven't been doing much of the bodybuilding lifts but I have a good base. I'm going to stick with the basics but thrown in more bodybuilding type exercises (curls, tri ext, delt work) I started my this past tuesday and this is it

    Wk 1-12 500mg Test E 250 2x a week
    Wk 1-6 50mg Dbol 25 2x a day
    Wk 15-19 Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Wk 15-19 Nolva 40/20/20/20

    I have arimidex but was told only use it if I'm feeling sides of gyno like sunburned nipples since gains are better without it. The reading I have been doing says to take it throughout the cycle from day one just to keep my estrogen in check. I would rather loose a small amount of gains to help avoid any sides. Any advice on the arimidex would be greatly appreciated or on this cycle in general. Probably should have just ran a Test E but I wanted to get the most out of this cycle. I might cut the DBol out at after 4 weeks if I'm getting to bloated also. Thanks for any help.
    Agree with what these guys said but like to add that the gains r better off adex because u will retain water with hi e2. Had no effect on lbm gains. And the reason we recommend a test only is so u know how ur body reacts to it. If u have sides, is it from the test or the dbol? Also u can use NAC for liver protectant at 1200mg a day. How long have u been on the dbol?
    Last edited by Tron3219; 03-22-2013 at 02:43 AM.

  6. #6
    XstabberX's Avatar
    XstabberX is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the replies. Tron I started the cycle on tuesday with the dbol and 250 test e so I'm doing my second injection today. Havanakid I will check into the liver supplement also. I don't drink alcohol either so thats a plus for my liver. I don't do cardio at the moment just lifting hard and heavy so my heart rate is up but I do want to get leaner so I will be riding my mountain bike as soon as the snow melts for cardio. I'm going to take the arimidex at .25 eod just as a precaution. Is HCG a over the counter? I would like to get it but I don't want to break the forum rules by asking for a source if it isn't? The dbol is giving me boners all during the day so and that's a nice side effect LOL. I will be posting in the diet section because I want to gain as much muscle on this cycle but lose BF if that is possible. My goal it to have visible abs year round since that's what girls seem to love the most ;-)

  7. #7
    XstabberX's Avatar
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    Started using the arimidex 1 week into this cycle at .25 mg eod. Thanks for the replies and help. The dbol has has me feeling like a beast since a few days in. I also had bad heartburn and nightly leg cramps drinking over a gallon of water a day. I'm drinking almost 2 gallons a day now. The dbol also gives me boners all day and I'm fantasizing about sex more than I use to which was a lot already. When I had my test level checked a year ago the doc said it was normal for my age which I'm guessing is low still since I'm 44. Also I'm training like a beast and have to force mysel to take a day off.

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    I just have to say this you should have gotten your bf% to 15 or under before starting. Be aware of possible sides associated with this.. I don't like running an oral for 6 weeks.

  9. #9
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    You dont need any liver support for this oral for this long do not worry about it... (of course if your liver is healthy)

    Second, use arimidex , dont have it just on hand. .25mg EOD and ED if side occur(nipple things)

    Third, HCG very important of course.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    XstabberX's Avatar
    XstabberX is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I just have to say this you should have gotten your bf% to 15 or under before starting. Be aware of possible sides associated with this.. I don't like running an oral for 6 weeks.
    I wanted to get my BF a little lower but honestly got impatient and started the cycle. I initially was going to run the dbol at 30mg a day for 4 weeks. I might stop it at 4 weeks also still. I have enough gear for two cycles so before I start the next one I'm going to get my BF to 10% before I start for sure no exceptions.

  11. #11
    XstabberX's Avatar
    XstabberX is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    You dont need any liver support for this oral for this long do not worry about it... (of course if your liver is healthy)

    Second, use arimidex , dont have it just on hand. .25mg EOD and ED if side occur(nipple things)

    Third, HCG very important of course.

    Good luck
    I am running the arimidex at that dose now. My liver is healthy I haven't drank alcohol in over 4 years :-)

  12. #12
    pressure's Avatar
    pressure is offline New Member
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    I'm not going to say Arimidex eod is not going to prevent gyno, but I'd run 0,5mg every day.

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st cycles are best kept to test only to see how your body reacts.

  14. #14
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pressure View Post
    I'm not going to say Arimidex eod is not going to prevent gyno, but I'd run 0,5mg every day.

    Do NOT listen to this clown. He's handing out advice on topics he has NO BUSINESS advising on. He has zero experience and very little gym time. He's nothing but a tall skinny kid that is light years away from doing any AAS.

    Stick with your current AI protocol and monitor closely. If anything, titrate slowly up with your AI. Do not just arbitrarily begin .5mg ED - that's ridiculous. Unless you have previous BW or experience to support that protocol, especially with Adex. That stuff works fast bro.

  15. #15
    XstabberX's Avatar
    XstabberX is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post

    Do NOT listen to this clown. He's handing out advice on topics he has NO BUSINESS advising on. He has zero experience and very little gym time. He's nothing but a tall skinny kid that is light years away from doing any AAS.

    Stick with your current AI protocol and monitor closely. If anything, titrate slowly up with your AI. Do not just arbitrarily begin .5mg ED - that's ridiculous. Unless you have previous BW or experience to support that protocol, especially with Adex. That stuff works fast bro.
    Sounds like its best to keep estrogen in a sweet range and not have it to low or to high. I'm going to stick with what you and everyone recommended.

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