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Thread: Turning 40- one cycle per decade. What cycle would be best?

  1. #1

    Turning 40- one cycle per decade. What cycle would be best?

    Age 39
    weight: 205
    Height: 6'0
    BF: 9% ?

    New Jersey Guy.

    I have been training for 20 years. Never missed more than a month due to injury. I am thin by nature. At 20 i did a cycle of D-Ball. Put on 30 lbs. 6 years ago I did a 10 week 250mg test cyp cycle but no pct. (yeah stupid I know). Gained 15 lbs and felt unbelievable! Now I am turning 40. My goals are to remain lean or if possible rip up a bit more for the summer but to add 15-20 lbs. I normally drop to 193 for the Summer but I loose too much size even though I have an 8 pack and i am ripped. I'd love to get to 215 and very lean? Do you think Test Cyp is the way to go again? By itself? If it is, I definitely want to add hcg while the cycle. My boys did atrophy at the end. I don't want to become a monster and side affects scare me. I have a full head of hair,great skin and look very youthful. Please let me know your thoughts. Oh yeah, is cyp or eth the better choice? Seems cyp is more available.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Why do people from NJ always feel the need to proclaim that they're from NJ?
    Nobody introduces themselves as a Kansas or Oregon, or even Florida guy...

    Anyway...500mg of any ester of test would work fine for your goals. Just run an AI alongside it so you don't get huge and bloated.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 03-22-2013 at 08:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Just being NJ friendly my friend. Trying to see if there anyone else out there local to me. Thanks for your rec.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Why do people from NJ always feel the need to proclaim that they're from NJ?
    Nobody introduces themselves as a Kansas or Oregon, or even Florida guy...

    Anyway...500mg of any ester of test would work fine for your goals. Just run an AI alongside it so you don't get huge and bloated.

    "I'm from Jersey, u from Jersey." LOL

    Most of u are probably way to young to remember that Saturday Night Live skit. Oh and did I mention I am from New Jersey too! LOL

    Oh it gets worse, I'm from the Jersey Shore. LOL
    Last edited by ReverendNewman; 03-23-2013 at 03:52 AM.

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