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  1. #1
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    First time test user

    Hey guys I have a question. Next week ill be starting my first cycle of test an was wanting to know should I stick to compound exercises and what size needles work best???

  2. #2
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtweedy5 View Post
    Hey guys I have a question. Next week ill be starting my first cycle of test an was wanting to know should I stick to compound exercises and what size needles work best???
    What are your current stats? Any recent blood work?

  3. #3
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    no blood work done. im 5'11 230 pounds and about 25 percent bodyfat. im 26 and have the diet down and now I need to know what workouts will help me add pounds of muscle and help get me down to around 10-15 percent bf. i may stack with clen .

  4. #4
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtweedy5 View Post
    no blood work done. im 5'11 230 pounds and about 25 percent bodyfat. im 26 and have the diet down and now I need to know what workouts will help me add pounds of muscle and help get me down to around 10-15 percent bf. i may stack with clen.
    I lost a lot of BF by heavt lifting. My recommendation to you is to lift heavy, eat below maintenance, and cardio 3x a week. Start out easy with weights. Like do upperbody one day, skip the next, lowerbody the following, etc. In between lift days, get your cardio in. Clen is an option, but be warned, there are side effects. I prefer an ECA stack or eben albuterol. Let US know what all you end up leaening. Heck, start a log in the nutrition section for motivation. Ill follow. Good luck!

  5. #5
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    Well i have actually been cutting my calories down but only by like 100 calories. I take 4 protein shakes a day for a total of 208 g a day. I have been doing bench press, squats and deadlifts with shrugs and bent over rows. but cardio is my weak point. will test help recovery time?? and ill be taking 500 mg for 10 weeks.

  6. #6
    SuperVision's Avatar
    SuperVision is offline New Member
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    Definitely what Warmouth said.

    Personally, I've cut quite a bit of BF% recently and I managed to do most of it without cardio.
    When you are working out, try limiting rest to 30sec-1min. Yes you won't be a strong, but your heart rate stays elevated & you burn an incredible amount of calories.

    Try eating smaller meals 5-7x a day & don't eat after 7pm. This way your body enters a fasting state and depletes liver glycogen stores and burn fat via beta-oxidation through the night.

    Gl m8t. I personally wouldn't cycle until you are around 15% BF.

  7. #7
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    I eat every 3 hours. I start eating at 6 and stop at 6. 3 meals a day with 4 protein shakes for the other meals. I want test to build strength and muscle and i will be starting out at 2 miles 3x a week to burn more fat.

  8. #8
    SuperVision's Avatar
    SuperVision is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtweedy5 View Post
    I eat every 3 hours. I start eating at 6 and stop at 6. 3 meals a day with 4 protein shakes for the other meals. I want test to build strength and muscle and i will be starting out at 2 miles 3x a week to burn more fat.
    Too much of your daily protein intake is coming from shakes IMO.
    I like the idea of throwing in runs will definitely help.
    I'm not sure where you live, but summer isn't for a couple months, why not sack up and drop the extra BF% & run a cycle in the summer. What's the big rush?

  9. #9
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    Well I get married next year and im going on a cruise and i would rather die than be fat 1 more day. I live in detroit MI but I have an elipticle. So you would wait until summer to start test?

  10. #10
    SuperVision's Avatar
    SuperVision is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtweedy5 View Post
    Well I get married next year and im going on a cruise and i would rather die than be fat 1 more day. I live in detroit MI but I have an elipticle. So you would wait until summer to start test?
    Congrats!! You'll find lots of support here

    The best way to lose fat is diet & cardio!! Then once you start shedding some new weight and feeling good, throw in a fat burner or EC stack to push past a plateau (cycle off them tho).

    Then by summer, run your cycle and you will see your progress better because it won't be covered in fat.

    Try logging your nutrition for a few days & be honest.
    1x a week have a cheat meal (not day) and look forward to it.

  11. #11
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    the reason I use so many protein shakes is I work a crazy schedule and dont have the time or money to spend on chicken or fish 7 times a day. I eat a bunch of green vegies and brown rice also.

  12. #12
    jtweedy5 is offline New Member
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    whats a good ECA stack?? I cant find ephedrine anywhere.

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro you need to get your diet in check before you cycle.25%bf is to high and aas isnt a diet aid.And if you cant afford to eat right aas isnt for you.Beacuse you will lose anything you gain if you gain at all.Diet is key aas isnt wat its all about.

  14. #14
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Hi, I'm an ecto and never had to worry, but now at my age it's different. I think that Songdog is on track. Do not rush aas in you condition. Diet is where it's at for you and the cardio with the lifting. Summer is your time if you diet right, and cardio smart. Stay as hard as you can. promote sweating. ...crazy mike

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