I'm in a bit of a predicament here and really don't know what to do next. The summary of my problem is that i did what i thought was a cycle of bunk gear recently, and was planning another cycle instead from a different source and now i'm having doubts as to whether it really was bunk, and what i should do now.
Long version is that about 3 months ago i started doing a cycle of test E for my first cycle from an underground lab that i went out on a limb on, and looking back was just a bad idea. I let the cycle go for 8 weeks before deciding to but it off because i thought the gear was bunk. Despite other people telling me that i looked bigger (people i had not seen in months) and even pointing out some of the sides such as my friend saying I had puffy cheeks, I was just not seeing seeing signs of being on cycle. I was running a VERY low AI and figured i would up it at the first slight signs of gyno, but throughout the 8 weeks I never got even the slightest signs. My jewels didn't shrink, no increase in Libido (decrease if anything) and very normal, linear weight/strength gains along the line of 1lb per week, which is explained by me eating like I was on cycle and didn't see any changes in the mirror. As far as hard data goes, the only thing I have to go off of is blood pressure, which stayed constant all through the 8 weeks. So i decided to just stop the cycle singe i figured it was trash gear, cold turkey no pct or anything.
Fast forwards to now, about 7 weeks after stopping pinning and i was going to order test P from a much more reliable source any day when I started to worry myself. I have had HORRENDOUS strength loss in the past two months, which I have just been attributing to my cutting even though I have been eating and training on point, but the other day when i started to think i was having lower libido I started thinking about it more. Losses along the lines of 30lbs off my bench, 50 off squat and 5-10 off db shoulder press. I'm 16lbs lighter than i was at max weight on 'cycle' after 7 weeks of cutting. After my scare with the libido I started monitoring it more closely, and I am thinking i was just imagining things. I have been able to fire off the cannons so to speak every day with no noticeable loss in sperm quantity (which also didnt seem to change on cycle), and haven't had any arousal problems past the initial scare. Even so, there are alot of signs pointing towards me coming off cycle improperly, even though i was thoroughly convinced that the gear was bunk.
My question is where to go from here. Would it help get things back on track to do this cycle, short 6 weeks of test P only with the works (arimidex, HCG nolva and clomid) as sort of a late PCT just in case, or is that just playing with fire? I really don't know what to do.