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Thread: coming off what i thought was a bunk cycle, need advice bad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    coming off what i thought was a bunk cycle, need advice bad

    I'm in a bit of a predicament here and really don't know what to do next. The summary of my problem is that i did what i thought was a cycle of bunk gear recently, and was planning another cycle instead from a different source and now i'm having doubts as to whether it really was bunk, and what i should do now.

    Long version is that about 3 months ago i started doing a cycle of test E for my first cycle from an underground lab that i went out on a limb on, and looking back was just a bad idea. I let the cycle go for 8 weeks before deciding to but it off because i thought the gear was bunk. Despite other people telling me that i looked bigger (people i had not seen in months) and even pointing out some of the sides such as my friend saying I had puffy cheeks, I was just not seeing seeing signs of being on cycle. I was running a VERY low AI and figured i would up it at the first slight signs of gyno, but throughout the 8 weeks I never got even the slightest signs. My jewels didn't shrink, no increase in Libido (decrease if anything) and very normal, linear weight/strength gains along the line of 1lb per week, which is explained by me eating like I was on cycle and didn't see any changes in the mirror. As far as hard data goes, the only thing I have to go off of is blood pressure, which stayed constant all through the 8 weeks. So i decided to just stop the cycle singe i figured it was trash gear, cold turkey no pct or anything.

    Fast forwards to now, about 7 weeks after stopping pinning and i was going to order test P from a much more reliable source any day when I started to worry myself. I have had HORRENDOUS strength loss in the past two months, which I have just been attributing to my cutting even though I have been eating and training on point, but the other day when i started to think i was having lower libido I started thinking about it more. Losses along the lines of 30lbs off my bench, 50 off squat and 5-10 off db shoulder press. I'm 16lbs lighter than i was at max weight on 'cycle' after 7 weeks of cutting. After my scare with the libido I started monitoring it more closely, and I am thinking i was just imagining things. I have been able to fire off the cannons so to speak every day with no noticeable loss in sperm quantity (which also didnt seem to change on cycle), and haven't had any arousal problems past the initial scare. Even so, there are alot of signs pointing towards me coming off cycle improperly, even though i was thoroughly convinced that the gear was bunk.

    My question is where to go from here. Would it help get things back on track to do this cycle, short 6 weeks of test P only with the works (arimidex, HCG nolva and clomid) as sort of a late PCT just in case, or is that just playing with fire? I really don't know what to do.
    Last edited by smeeto; 03-23-2013 at 01:55 AM. Reason: formatting

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    some blood work might not be a bad idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Get bloods. And you look like benji from underbelly

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    OK, so what's the moral of this story? Ur gear from ur first source WAS good? "EyE" is right. Get some blood work done. I like u, thought the gear I bought from my "friend" was bunk too. Until I had blood work done and my Test levels were over 1800. I also wasn't making super stellar gains either. I was looking better and all, strength was up. Of course when I came off, my strength tanked and so did my libido. With proper PCT, It came back in about 6 weeks. But I was prepared for that. So it didn't wipe me out mentally. Also, welcome to the world of AAS usage. U have to be both physically ready AND mentally. And they say libido issue are more mental then anything. I just finished up my PCT, and things are fine.

    Now I'm confused. What do u mean "get things back on track" Did u stop/interrupt ur Test E cycle? I wouldn't try to "get things on track" by doing a short cycle of Test P. Start/maintain/finish ur PCT.

    Novaldex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 70/70/35/35

    Armidex is for on cycle.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ReverendNewman View Post
    OK, so what's the moral of this story? Ur gear from ur first source WAS good? "EyE" is right. Get some blood work done.

    Now I'm confused. What do u mean "get things back on track" Did u stop/interrupt ur Test E cycle? I wouldn't try to "get things on track" by doing a short cycle of Test P. Start/maintain/finish ur PCT.

    Novaldex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 70/70/35/35

    Armidex is for on cycle.

    Thats just it, I'm still not sure whether it was good or not. At best, I think it was underdosed but I'm still thinking that if it was I should do SOMETHING about it and not just continue going on like nothing is wrong. I can't tell because I had none of the big things that I was looking for that everyone says always come with cycles like libido and unusual gains, but many signs of coming off cycle.

    If i get bloodwork what should i be looking for? Would my test levels still be elevated even after all this time or should i be looking out for sub-normal levels?

  6. #6
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Get bloods. And you look like benji from underbelly
    my avatar isn't a picture of me, i wish it was. It's Lazar Angelov

  7. #7
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    Sep 2012
    I guess my main question is that, even if it was just underdosed gear and still had some test, would doing this cycle fix anything that might be wrong from the PCT after it? I'm a little nervous about running the PCT without this cycle, if it was bunk gear as i originally suspected then i would just be taking nolva and clomid for nothing, and i feel like that couldn't be good.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2012
    I would say your gear is extremely under dosed.....maybe something think your injecting 500mg/week but might of only been injecting 75-100mg/week (EXAMPLE) which is still enough to shut you down especially after 8 weeks, but not enough to have the typical effects of crazy strength gains and insane libido. and now your 7 weeks out since your last pin and you did no PCT, I would say that your test levels would probably be hella low.

    Get blood work done, when they come back that your test is in the dumpster, start a GOOD PCT protocol and postpone your test P cycle a couple months.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2012
    Thanks, anyone else have input? I really only want to get blood levels checked if its really my only option, it would be a huge pain for me because id have to order the test online and do it myself. Although like I said, if it is my only sensible option I'm very prepared to do it.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by EyE View Post
    I would say your gear is extremely under dosed.....maybe something think your injecting 500mg/week but might of only been injecting 75-100mg/week (EXAMPLE) which is still enough to shut you down especially after 8 weeks, but not enough to have the typical effects of crazy strength gains and insane libido. and now your 7 weeks out since your last pin and you did no PCT, I would say that your test levels would probably be hella low.

    Get blood work done, when they come back that your test is in the dumpster, start a GOOD PCT protocol and postpone your test P cycle a couple months.
    Sounds about right. Bloods & then take clomid & nolva, ZMA maybe tribulus. Makes sure everything bounces back before you shut yourself down again.

    I think if you run another cycle now, you'll feel great but it's like take a sledgehammer to your already shutdown HPTA.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Pakistan, Lahore
    Quote Originally Posted by smeeto
    Thanks, anyone else have input? I really only want to get blood levels checked if its really my only option, it would be a huge pain for me because id have to order the test online and do it myself. Although like I said, if it is my only sensible option I'm very prepared to do it.
    I would do the following labs.
    Free Testosterone
    Total Testosterone
    E2 Sensitive.
    PSA ( Prostate Specific Agent)
    But their are a lot of guys who know much than I do.
    Look around search TRT AND HRT threads in these forums.

    Sent from my iPhone.

  12. #12
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    Dec 2011

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    many think there will be massive gains from test. it is not always the case.

    in a way, it affects me mentally, willing to take on the challange of the additional pain to make those additional reps and add weight.

    when coming off, the loss of this drive/focus in large part is what diminishes strength/gains.

    I've often wondered if there was something that could be done on a subconscious level, through hypnosis, that could provide the same results as gear

  14. #14
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    many think there will be massive gains from test. it is not always the case.

    in a way, it affects me mentally, willing to take on the challange of the additional pain to make those additional reps and add weight.

    when coming off, the loss of this drive/focus in large part is what diminishes strength/gains.

    I've often wondered if there was something that could be done on a subconscious level, through hypnosis, that could provide the same results as gear
    I couldn't agree more. When I come off cycle, I like to get outta the gym for a month and half and do some cross training. I.e Road biking, mountain biking, running, Insanity workout, etc. This way subconsciously when I do get back to the gym, I just blame it on the layoff and not being off cycle. Pretty smart huh? LOL I imagine it would be pretty tough to stay in the gym when u come off cycle, and just see ur strength and size gains go down the crapper right before ur eyes. Although I'm sure this isn't the case if your diet and training are still tight. Many people use off cycle time to "fatten" up.

  15. #15
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by ReverendNewman View Post
    I couldn't agree more. When I come off cycle, I like to get outta the gym for a month and half and do some cross training. I.e Road biking, mountain biking, running, Insanity workout, etc. This way subconsciously when I do get back to the gym, I just blame it on the layoff and not being off cycle. Pretty smart huh? LOL I imagine it would be pretty tough to stay in the gym when u come off cycle, and just see ur strength and size gains go down the crapper right before ur eyes. Although I'm sure this isn't the case if your diet and training are still tight. Many people use off cycle time to "fatten" up.

    I use off cycle to heal. I lower the weight, increase the reps, and let my tendons catch a break. But now that i've been using TB500, I don't seem to feel so battered post cycle as I used to.

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