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Heres Dr Scally response to the question i asked him
What are your thoughts on using HCG while on cycle. Do you think it should be used for the whole duration of the cycle or just the last part of the cycle. Im talking about 8 to 12 week cycles.I personally like to use it the last 4 weeks of a cycle.500iu every 3 days for 30 days,then Nolvadex and Clomid.
FWIW: This is the method I used for most, but the hCG is extended to the point where there would be hypothalmo-pituitary function expected. So, in almost ALL cases this will extend past the last AAS administration. Again, the duration will depend upon the AAS type, dose, & duration used. Sometimes for patient compliance, hCG was used for the whole cycle. It might be hard to believe, but some just are not able to remember much when it comes to schedules!!!