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  1. #1
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Test P/NPP/Masteron P Cycle

    Hey guys! Just about ready to do my next cycle, been off for about 2 months now. PCT Went well on my last cycle, I seemed not to have gotten shut down / recovered quickly. Now onto my next cycle starting next month! Here it is:

    25 years old, 6'1, 215LBS @ 14%BF

    Objectives: Lose fat, keep all muscle / lean muscle gain. Would like to be 8-10%BF towards the end of the cycle.

    1-10: Test Propionate @ 50mg/ED
    1-10: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate @ 50mg/ED
    1-10: Masteron Propionate (Drostanolone Propionate) @ 50mg/ED
    1-10: Arimidex @ 0.5mg/EOD
    5-10: HCG @ 500IU/E3D

    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20
    Magnum Tonic: 3 Pills/ED
    Magnum Thrust: 8 Pills/ED

    I'm wondering if I could just pin EOD 3CC instead of 1.5CC ED. I'm gonna be a walking pin cushion pinning ED!

    Also, I know a lot of people say masteron is useless unless you're in the single digit BF%, I'll probably end up in the single digits towards the end of my cycle. My diet is going to be between 2000-2400 cals.

    Hopefully the Masteron will help my sex drive as well, last cycle about 6 weeks in I had literally no sex drive because of the Arimidex.

    Any suggestions? Questions? Concerns? Advice?

  2. #2
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    You could pin EOD. If your looking for a "dryer" look, Id do Test P @ 50mgs EOD anyways for a total of 175mgs weekly. You could even go to 25mgs EOD and be perfectly fine. If I wanted to have a mean stage looking physique, Id keep the test to a minimal anyways. And lower the armidex if you were having negative side effects.

  3. #3
    10nispro's Avatar
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    try cutting the dose of the arimidex . try .25mg eod. all the chems you intend to run, with your good diet, are used because of their minimal water retaining properties. some like npp over tren .

  4. #4
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    Look good to me
    As warmouth said on test prop 50mg EOD is good
    Only difference i would make masteron 100mg ED..
    But why npp why not tren for cutting ?

  5. #5
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    You could pin EOD. If your looking for a "dryer" look, Id do Test P @ 50mgs EOD anyways for a total of 175mgs weekly. You could even go to 25mgs EOD and be perfectly fine. If I wanted to have a mean stage looking physique, Id keep the test to a minimal anyways. And lower the armidex if you were having negative side effects.
    Would you really need an ai? With that low dose of test I'd think the Masteron would keep estrogen in check.

  6. #6
    P.Money's Avatar
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    I have to be honest, I was torn between NPP and Tren . One reason why I'd like to stay away from Tren is because I'm boxing. From what I understand from my brother's cycling history, Tren took his breath away completely and he didn't recommend it for me for boxing. Perhaps there something that could counter effect that. Will NPP be the same? I have male baldness pattern too, I guess Masteron will increase hair loss but so would Tren right? I'm not that concerned about the hair loss since I shave my head anyway, but I'd rather not have a retarded hair line from heavily cycling either haha.

    Can you guys elaborate on the lower dosage of test and higher dosage of Masteron?

    How exactly would you guys go about pinning? PIN all 3 compounds at the same time? NPP has a half life of roughly 4 days right? But since you'd want to keep stable levels you'd pin it EOD?


  7. #7
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly View Post
    Would you really need an ai? With that low dose of test I'd think the Masteron would keep estrogen in check.
    At 175mgs weekly, it borderline for me. I would still use like .25mgs M/F. If he opted for 25mgs EOD, then an AI shouldnt be needed at all. Caber or Prami should be on hand however.

  8. #8
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    I have to be honest, I was torn between NPP and Tren . One reason why I'd like to stay away from Tren is because I'm boxing. From what I understand from my brother's cycling history, Tren took his breath away completely and he didn't recommend it for me for boxing. Perhaps there something that could counter effect that. Will NPP be the same? I have male baldness pattern too, I guess Masteron will increase hair loss but so would Tren right? I'm not that concerned about the hair loss since I shave my head anyway, but I'd rather not have a retarded hair line from heavily cycling either haha.

    Can you guys elaborate on the lower dosage of test and higher dosage of Masteron?

    How exactly would you guys go about pinning? PIN all 3 compounds at the same time? NPP has a half life of roughly 4 days right? But since you'd want to keep stable levels you'd pin it EOD?

    Tren wouldnt be a great choice for boxing. NPP should be fine. If hairloss is a concern, mast might be best left out. Although with any androgenic compound, if your prone to hairloss, there could be problems. Since your planning on pinning ED, then you are still getting an equivalent of 100mgs EOD of mast, so that is fine. But I would draw everything up and pin on the same day, EOD. If needed, you could split it all into 2 shots if that is too much oil for you. Glutes and quads shouldnt be a problem getting it all in there. I have used 2.5ml in delts, but some dont even like delts. I love them.

  9. #9
    P.Money's Avatar
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    Okay so just to recap. I should pin 50mg of Prop EOD, 100mg Mast EOD and 100mg NPP EOD. Drop my AI to .25mg EOD? I can definitely pin 2.5cc no prob in all my injection spots. Biggest problem is when pinning my Delts, I have a hard time keeping my hands up the PIP is so intense sometimes. I can handle pain in my legs and side a lot better.

    Now can you explain me why less test would give a dryer look? Less water retention? Test gives me a lot of strength and aggressiveness wich I like for boxing.

    How would I go about taking the Prami or Caber? When does one start to use it and how much of it?

  10. #10
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    Okay so just to recap. I should pin 50mg of Prop EOD, 100mg Mast EOD and 100mg NPP EOD. Drop my AI to .25mg EOD? I can definitely pin 2.5cc no prob in all my injection spots. Biggest problem is when pinning my Delts, I have a hard time keeping my hands up the PIP is so intense sometimes. I can handle pain in my legs and side a lot better.

    Now can you explain me why less test would give a dryer look? Less water retention? Test gives me a lot of strength and aggressiveness wich I like for boxing.

    How would I go about taking the Prami or Caber? When does one start to use it and how much of it?
    Less test is better to stave off any water retention, as it is highly aromatizing. 25mgs eod will be fine for normal function and you won't need an AI. At 50mgs, I still use on M/F. You can run test higher, but for a contest prep, less is better IMO. As far as the caber goes, I use .5mgs on monday and thursday. I think prami is normally ran at .25 ed or eod, unsure there. I like caber. If I ran this cycle for the reasons you are, I'd do this:

    25mgs test p
    125-150mgs npp
    125-150mgs masteron
    Caber 1mg weekly
    AI on hand regardless

    I would pin EOD.

  11. #11
    P.Money's Avatar
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    I can't seem to be able to get my hands on Caber. I can get Prami no problem though. So ramp up the Prami 0.25mg ED before sleep? Will the Prami keep my prolactin in check? And I think I'm gonna do 50mg prop / 125mg npp / 125mg masteron since that amounts to 3cc flush.

  12. #12
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    I can't seem to be able to get my hands on Caber. I can get Prami no problem though. So ramp up the Prami 0.25mg ED before sleep? Will the Prami keep my prolactin in check? And I think I'm gonna do 50mg prop / 125mg npp / 125mg masteron since that amounts to 3cc flush.
    Prami is fine and a lot of people prefer it.

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