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  1. #1
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    Few assorted questions


    Couldn't find these off stickies or google.

    Just bought and read Anabolics 10th by William Llewelyn. I have been considering gear for a while now.

    Just cut my way down from 240ish (skinnyfat), down to 184. Still quite skinnyfat, no real definition (some muscle, don't look skinny but don't look in any way athletic - love handles etc). I am 30 and never did a huge amount of training when I was younger. I want to pack some muscle on my frame quickly. I have never done a building routine before, just lifting heavy and cutting for about 2 years with a couple of 3 month breaks.

    I am considering a Test cycle 250mg with HCG , tamoflexin and clomid for pct.

    1. My first question is, would it be a really bad idea to do an AAS cycle considering this will be the first time I will be eating over maintainace since I stared training? Would you just do a natty bulk and see what that gets me? I want to do this quickly, is there any massive reason why I shouldn't do a bit of Test at a reasonably low dose (250 per week)?

    2. my only concern with gear sides is hair loss. I understand all compounds will accelerate and there is no really safe choice, but what I want to know is - can you stop pinning and get on PCT if you notice any and prevent any significant hair loss, or can you lose loads quickly? (i.e. is there no going back?). Got a tiny bit of receding at temples but still pretty good at 30.

    3. If Test is more androgenic , why shouldn't I do an equipoise or deca only cycle to avoid this?

    4. If you use HCG and clomid/nolva etc proper pct, is there any chance your balls wont grow back!? Are any people unlucky and **** up there endocrine system permenantly from a little test cycle?

    5. Can you get off gear and on to pct quickly enough to stop any serious gyno (i.e. is it abuse that gives guys massive nips?

    Over to you



  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Are you sure this is something you want to do at your age?

    Age - 83
    Bodyfat% ?
    Training experience?

  3. #3
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Are you sure this is something you want to do at your age?

    Age - 83
    Bodyfat% ?
    Training experience?
    Duh! Sorry

    Age - 30
    Height? 6ft 1
    Weight? 184
    Bodyfat% ? Approx 20% - just slight pinch in upper arms, fat on chest and ass/abdomen
    Training experience? - 2 years lifting heavy free weights, BP 132 4 X 6 DL 265 4 x 6, Squat 187 4 x 6 . Cutting all the way as I was fat before.
    Last edited by Annonymong; 03-26-2013 at 01:27 PM.

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Annonymong View Post
    Duh! Sorry

    Age - 30
    Height? 6ft 1
    Weight? 184
    Bodyfat% ? Approx 20% - just slight pinch in upper arms, fat on chest and ass/abdomen
    Training experience? - 2 years lifting heavy free weights, BP 132 4 X 6 DL 265 4 x 6, Squat 187 4 x 6 . Cutting all the way as I was fat before.
    is there a way you can measure that more accurately? if you're really 20%, it may still be too soon to start a cycle. the risks of side effects and complications are slightly higher due to the bf%. might be safer if you're 15% or less.

  5. #5
    ReverendNewman's Avatar
    ReverendNewman is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like it to me ur on the right track without AAS. Test at 250 mg. a week is low. That is more usually a hormone replacement dosage. For a beginner, I would start at 500 mg a week.
    But, if u got that "skinnyfat" thing going on, I would really tweak my diet first.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReverendNewman View Post
    Sounds like it to me ur on the right track without AAS. Test at 250 mg. a week is low. That is more usually a hormone replacement dosage. For a beginner, I would start at 500 mg a week.
    But, if u got that "skinnyfat" thing going on, I would really tweak my diet first.

    I agree with the good Reverend here.

    Diet is key, and it sounds like you may need to continue dieting properly in order to reduce unwanted fat before you begin.

  7. #7
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    Few assorted questions-mbkltlxzwaifzprejjwrqxepmfpvoeloglap-610xh.jpgFew assorted questions-mhgcueuwnzsebxgpwliznsmwpemzatvcfgfj-610xh.jpg

    Thanks guys.

    This is about what I look like now. Would you say 20% BF? Still have love handles etc. To be fair I think these pics are even slightly flattering, most of the bulk on my chest is tit not pec but it actually looks better here than in real life

    I have no real upper body def and my pecs are non existent really. Can't see how I get to a lower BF% without bulking. The longer I go on cutting I just seem to get weaker and weaker and smaller and my gut, pec fat and love handles stay where they are.

    I have tried ECA stacking, all sorts of diets etc, but I just can't seem to look in any way ripped or athletic.

    Just BTW, this is what I looked like before! Few assorted questions-qsrwfwsoxlujromfpokuxtxocflyqvinrzwe-610xh.jpg
    Last edited by Annonymong; 03-27-2013 at 08:54 AM.

  8. #8
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like you're well on your way already man! That's a good bit of weight to cut off and it's going to take a lot to go from that... To ripped. Try to get your body fat down a bit more, then work on what happens to your body when you eat over maintainence. If you're good to go try adding AAS at that point.
    Throwing steroids on top of a diet change at the same time is a lot of changing variables. If you get sides or unwanted fat etc you can't be entirely sure if its due to eating a lot more, steroids, or both.
    Train hard, eat right, and check in in a few months.
    Also, I agree with 250 being too low. 500 is standard

  9. #9
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    PS I was told to read Steroid 10th Edition and the book says you can get up to 30 pounds on in 8 weeks of test at 200mg!

    I have always read that you need 500mg and run for 12.

    It also says to run HCG at 2000iu every 2 days 3 days after your last shot of test which runs contrary to forum opinion. This is a fricken minefield!

  10. #10
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    It's a lot to take in, but I agree with the guys here. That's too much HCG to process all at once... Better to spread it out and have some kind of testicular function going throughout the cycle. It's easier that way than trying to jump start them after they're shut all the way down

  11. #11
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Sounds like you're well on your way already man! That's a good bit of weight to cut off and it's going to take a lot to go from that... To ripped. Try to get your body fat down a bit more, then work on what happens to your body when you eat over maintainence. If you're good to go try adding AAS at that point.
    Throwing steroids on top of a diet change at the same time is a lot of changing variables. If you get sides or unwanted fat etc you can't be entirely sure if its due to eating a lot more, steroids, or both.
    Train hard, eat right, and check in in a few months.
    Also, I agree with 250 being too low. 500 is standard
    I didn't believe them when they told me it takes much shorter to go from fat - normal, than to lost the last 10lbs and get ripped! It gets so much more difficult the lower you go and since I am used to seeing the waistline drop an inch a week when I was a tubby funster, it's demoralising to pound it for 6 weeks and see a slight, tiny cut somewhere.

    I really just want a quick fix and I thought banging on a load of muscle might mask some of the fat.

    I have some at the gym telling me to go bulk now, others saying cut right down to 12-15% before bulking. My natuaral tendancy is to keep cutting so based on what you guys have said I should keep going to real low BF and then bulk, see what happens and the asses whether AAS will help.....

    You've pissed me off now, I am so sick to death of cutting....there is a big lifter in me wating to come out but I can't unleash it yet!!!

    I am wondering if at 30 and being previously obsese whether I will ever get to 15 or so without surgery. It jsut isn't happening so far.
    Last edited by Annonymong; 03-27-2013 at 09:09 AM.

  12. #12
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    any other book suggestions? I don't know enough gearheads to monitor me and give me advice.

  13. #13
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Look into the nutrition forum there's a lot of helpful guys there. The last bit is the hardest and most frustrating, ill agree with that 100%. I cut from about 22% to around 11% over 6 months before I decided to begin AAS usage. Just run a lot and eat well. It's gonna take some hard work, but that hard work is what's going to prove that you're ready for the strict diet and training required to fully utilize AAS. Keep after it and don't get discouraged. It's all worth it in the end. Better safe than sorry

    Besides, wouldn't you rather pack on visible muscle than having it masked by fat?

  14. #14
    Annonymong is offline New Member
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    Top shout, and to be honest, making the mental leap that I will use AAS at some point (was too scared to even consider using before, despite being a "party" drug taker most of my life) has helped me get disciplined - i.e. I need to earn the right to use them, and prove that I can eat and train perfectly for a long time - otherwise I haven't earned the right to use them!

    Last thing, my questions about losing hair - anyone know the answer? If I start losing clumps can I back out and get on PCT or do you speed up the whole process of mpb - i.e. no going back after the first shot? cheers.

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