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  1. #1
    anonymous12345 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013

    Test causing slight male pattern baldness - Run finasteride PCT?

    Hi everyone,

    So I've finished my first cycle of Test-E 500mg for 10 Weeks, along with Anavar from Weeks 5-9 (I ran Anavar later purely for synergism effect - to see how Test-E reacts with my body, then blast the Var for a stronger effect). Now I'm currently in that two week period where I'll be jumping on PCT.

    While I was on cycle, I realised some slight male pattern baldness (My Father as a doccy pulled my hair up and noticed this Week 5 of my cycle lmao). However, I decided not to run a DHT blocker during cycle because I was making really good strength and weight gains. Now to some extent, I regret it. The hairloss isn't too bad, but I can notice that the top portion of my head isn't growing as fast as the back portion, and it feels as if it's more thinned out.

    Is it fine if I run finasteride during PCT, even though it'll lower libido levels? And is it too late to run finasteride? Apparently it's better to run it during cycle as a DHT blocker, but I never knew hairloss would be a problem. I hope it's not too late... And should I run it throughout the year? I can upload photos of my hair if need be, it's not extremely bald, but it's obvious when I gel my hair upwards.

    Stats: 21yrs/5'11/187lb

    (Made solid 7kg gain during the cycle and will maintain, since diet is good - ate at bulk calories, 40/40/20 ratio, sometimes increased protein).

    inb4 you're too young to even consider a cycle. I've already done my research dis n dat, but I simply need confirmation.


  2. #2
    Fllifter's Avatar
    Fllifter is offline Associate Member
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    If your probe to MPB there's not much you can do. You can try nizoral shampoo. The side effects are pretty nasty from finasteride.

  3. #3
    anonymous12345 is offline New Member
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    Heard about the nizoral shampoo, is it the "Nizoral 2% Shampoo Oily/Normal 100mL"? Definitely worth the investment. Yeah some people receive nasty side effects from fina e.g. difficulty of getting hard, potential gyno whereas other people don't. I'm willing to take the risk though and see how my body reacts, but I hope that running it post cycle and throughout the year is not a waste of time...

    Also there are many other external factors that may have contributed to hair loss as well e.g. stress from University studies, using shampoo on my hair every single day (chemicals may cause hairloss) etc. But I'm trying to mitigate these as fast as possible. I have "large" features as well (eyes, nose etc.) and the last thing I'd want is to be bald since it wouldn't look good on me, hair is too precious lol.

  4. #4
    Rusty11's Avatar
    Rusty11 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fllifter View Post
    The side effects are pretty nasty from finasteride.
    Exactly. And, many seem to be irreversable in some cases. But, it sounds like you are already aware of this and still willing to try it. Good luck.
    Btw, I just shave my head

  5. #5
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    don't take finasteride. Who wants a full head of hair and no dick?

  6. #6
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly View Post
    don't take finasteride. Who wants a full head of hair and no dick?
    Guess that would defeat the purpose huh.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly View Post
    don't take finasteride. Who wants a full head of hair and no dick?
    ^^^^ This
    As said use nizoral shampoo but also switch EOD using Ginger scalp care shampoo from the Body Shop and some DS Laboratories Spectral DNC Topical Hair Loss Treatement, 60-ml Bottle.

    I have had a receding hairline forever but after using some Dost it got thin FAST. I finally decidded it was time to try something and I noticed a real difference in just a few weeks. I WISH I had started using this stuff years ago. My wife keeps commenting on how my hair is getting thicker in front and it's obvious.

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