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Thread: erectile disfunction after cycle

  1. #1

    erectile disfunction after cycle

    Hey there, I did a 4 week cycle of epidrol, 3 pills a day for 30 days, at the last week of my cycle i noticed it was more difficult to maintain an erection and on the last day i wasnt able to get one at all. I stopped two days early and started taking my post cycle, metabotest, 2 pills a day. I've been on that for around 9 days now and i haven't returned to normal, i can get an erection sometimes, ill have sex but then wont be able to get one the next day, day after that it will be a little better and so on. I'm not sure exactly how normal any of this is, this is my first time using anything like this. I talked to multiple people before taking it to make sure id be doing it safely without any negative side effects, I know quite a few people who do regular cycles and the only one i that had ever had an issue started to get gyno after doubling his dose and doing longer cycles without proper PCT. As far as my understanding was that as long as i did a proper post cycle and didnt over due it there would be no negative side effects, so please, no one post telling me i should have done more research etc. Maybe i should have knowing what i do now, but I had thought i had done all the research i needed and was taking all the necessary precautions. Im just looking to see if this is normal at all, others experience with it and to get some help, also im 21 years old, the instructions said that was a safe age to take it, i didn't know anything about waiting till your 25.
    I tried linking the products but couldn't, its hardcore formulations, epidrol and metabotest
    Amount per serving
    2a, 3a-Epithio-17a-Methyl-5a-Androstan-17b-Ol 10mg

    Tribulus Terrestris (45% saponin extract........400mg

    Tongkat All Extract........................................... .......100mg

    Fenugreek seed (85% Fiber)..............................100mg

    Horny Goat Weed (10% Icarin extract)............50mg

    1,4,6-Androstatriene-3,17-dione .....................30mg

    (3,17-keto- etiochol-triene) 3,5,7-Trihydroxy-4-Methoxyflavone..............20mg

    Is this something that will go away soon or should i be concerned? thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    im not shure bro those pro-hormones can be more damaging as far as shutdown is concerned more so than real aas...I do know that what your using is not a real PCT thats what you need to try to restart your natty test production...try running a real PCT with nolvadex and clomid that's what you need at this point and maybe some Cialis or whatever to be able to have sex in the meantime...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    You should have done more research.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    You should have done more research.
    Another satisfied prohormone customer! These things are garbage, plain and simple!


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    You should have done more research.
    sure, maybe i should have, but i didnt, its done, bitching and griping bout that now aint gonna help me much is it?
    Last edited by xxbrownxx; 03-27-2013 at 10:53 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    bro click on the banner at the top of the page called ar-r and get yourself a real PCT or this could go on for some time....its up to you...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    bro click on the banner at the top of the page called ar-r and get yourself a real PCT or this could go on for some time....its up to you...
    clicked it, cant really see what i need to purchase though... I don't see anything mentioning nolvadex or clomid, could you send me a link to the product?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Liquid Clomi = Clomid. (yeah thats a tough one)

    Liquid Tamox = Nolva (another brain twister)

    Just giving some more grief. You deserve it for doing PH's. Ok im done now. We're friends.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx

    sure, maybe i should have, but i didnt, its done, bitching and griping bout that now aint gonna help me much is it?
    Bitching and griping is exactly what you need. Kids like you show up in here daily looking for short cuts to get a physique they hope will impress the girls. Our knowledgable members, with years of insight and experience take time away from work, family, and far more important responsibilities to mentor young guys like you, only to have these ignorant kids blow us off and many times do the exact opposite of what is advised.

    You should be thanking the members on here who are willing to help you instead of telling you to go fix the problems you caused.

    If you really want to redeem yourself, stick around on the forum and talk some sense into guys your own age looking to make the same mistakes you made. Help them make smarter choices and you'll gain the respect of senior members here.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Liquid Clomi = Clomid. (yeah thats a tough one)

    Liquid Tamox = Nolva (another brain twister)

    Just giving some more grief. You deserve it for doing PH's. Ok im done now. We're friends.
    You getting soft with old age????


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Bitching and griping is exactly what you need. Kids like you show up in here daily looking for short cuts to get a physique they hope will impress the girls. Our knowledgable members, with years of insight and experience take time away from work, family, and far more important responsibilities to mentor young guys like you, only to have these ignorant kids blow us off and many times do the exact opposite of what is advised.

    You should be thanking the members on here who are willing to help you instead of telling you to go fix the problems you caused.

    If you really want to redeem yourself, stick around on the forum and talk some sense into guys your own age looking to make the same mistakes you made. Help them make smarter choices and you'll gain the respect of senior members here.

    Definitely not blowing you guys off, I was counseled to take it, counseled on how to combat the negative effects, and obviously misinformed. And trust me, im absolutely thankful, just trying to figure out whats going on, theres a ton of mixed information online, it can be a bitch to figure out whats true and whats not. But i get what your saying man, I'm just saying i recognize i made a mistake, and am now trying to repair it. Btw, should i take the metabotest along side the recommended PCT? and should i be taking both the clomid and nolva or just one? thanks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Naaw, im just in a good mood.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx View Post
    Definitely not blowing you guys off, I was counseled to take it, counseled on how to combat the negative effects, and obviously misinformed. And trust me, im absolutely thankful, just trying to figure out whats going on, theres a ton of mixed information online, it can be a bitch to figure out whats true and whats not. But i get what your saying man, I'm just saying i recognize i made a mistake, and am now trying to repair it. Btw, should i take the metabotest along side the recommended PCT? and should i be taking both the clomid and nolva or just one? thanks
    Forget the metabotest. Clomid/Nolva for recovery.

  14. #14
    also what exactly do the clomid and nolva do as opposed to the metabotest? i was told i needed an estrogen suppresor and test booster for PCT and that the metabotest contained both, what exactly was wrong so i know what my mistake was?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Forget the metabotest. Clomid/Nolva for recovery.
    alright cool, appreciate it man

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Naaw, im just in a good mood.
    Good! You can balance out my cantankerous mood today!!! Lol


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx

    Definitely not blowing you guys off, I was counseled to take it, counseled on how to combat the negative effects, and obviously misinformed. And trust me, im absolutely thankful, just trying to figure out whats going on, theres a ton of mixed information online, it can be a bitch to figure out whats true and whats not. But i get what your saying man, I'm just saying i recognize i made a mistake, and am now trying to repair it. Btw, should i take the metabotest along side the recommended PCT? and should i be taking both the clomid and nolva or just one? thanks
    I respect your humility. It's a refreshing change and I do hope you'll remain an active contributor. I'd run a clomiphene-tamoxifen protocol for now and see if that brings you back up to normal physiological activity.


  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I respect your humility. It's a refreshing change and I do hope you'll remain an active contributor. I'd run a clomiphene-tamoxifen protocol for now and see if that brings you back up to normal physiological activity.

    absolutely man, ill look into ordering those right away, i appreciate all the help. if ya dont mind could i get an answer on my previous question? just trying to understand the process a little better and see where i went wrong, thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx View Post
    also what exactly do the clomid and nolva do as opposed to the metabotest? i was told i needed an estrogen suppresor and test booster for PCT and that the metabotest contained both, what exactly was wrong so i know what my mistake was?

  19. #19
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    Dec 2011
    IMHO, your first mistake was doing PH's in the first place. And not using an AI (aromatase inhibitor) on cycle was your second mistake. AI's are used on cycle to control E2 levels, not in PCT.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx

    absolutely man, ill look into ordering those right away, i appreciate all the help. if ya dont mind could i get an answer on my previous question? just trying to understand the process a little better and see where i went wrong, thanks!
    Sure. Allow me about 15-20 mins. I'm driving but will give a detailed answer as soon as I stop.


  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    IMHO, your first mistake was doing PH's in the first place. And not using an AI (aromatase inhibitor) on cycle was your second mistake. AI's are used on cycle to control E2 levels, not in PCT.
    Is the metabotest an AI or..?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Oh Browny oh browny, you ****ed up a whole lot by braking many rules;

    1st - Don't mess with the vets, you need em'
    2nd - 25 Years must be the earliest for anyone to mention the word 'steroid' in their lives!
    3rd - No orals only cycles!
    4th - No prohormones

    Its' not over yet but I'll cut it here since you've stooped popin those damn pills and trying to get your dick back online...

    Look at you, you are 21 and your bird has stopped singing...

    Yes you should be worried, you may have damaged your natural levels for life but you will get your yours' up eventually...

    Do a Clomid/Nolvadex PCT, this is the best way to get to your natural T levels...

    And yes Clomid and Nolva is more than enough!

    Just don't think about aas in the upcoming 4 years and than maybe if you have been dieting and lifting for at least 2 years, weiging around 200 and have a bf percantage lower than 15 you may pronounce the word 'Steroid'

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx

    Is the metabotest an AI or..?
    Clomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that inhibits/reduces estrogen binding resulting in a rapid pulsatile secretion of GnRH and an increase in FSH and LH. In men, this triggers an increase in spermatogenesis.

    Tamoxifen/nolvadex is also a SERM having both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. It is used during PCT to inhibit estrogen receptor binding.


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx View Post
    Definitely not blowing you guys off, I was counseled to take it, counseled on how to combat the negative effects, and obviously misinformed. And trust me, im absolutely thankful, just trying to figure out whats going on, theres a ton of mixed information online, it can be a bitch to figure out whats true and whats not. But i get what your saying man, I'm just saying i recognize i made a mistake, and am now trying to repair it. Btw, should i take the metabotest along side the recommended PCT? and should i be taking both the clomid and nolva or just one? thanks
    there is a reason we always (i always) say NEVER do oral only cycles and ALWAYS have a testosterone base.
    you had issues on cycle because what you where taking (any aas) shut down your natty testosterone production, thats why test as a first cycle or test + an oral is best, NOT oral alone, or any other aas for that matter.
    NOW your having issues because you need time to recover.
    it seems like you got your cycle from anabolicM forum. its full of kids that use MANY oral only cycle and bs hyped supps, shit I am even there as an LG sciences rep ha, but to the point. you need to do more research and there is lots of good info here on this forum.
    and before you ask; no there is not oral test ( i mean there is but you would need a pitcher full of pills to get what you would get from one shot, into your body, not worth it and i doubt you would ever find it) there is topicals... but again you need to put it on every day and raise in test can differ person to person + there are risks on getting it on others.

    also 99.99% of oral aas are liver toxic, so avoid orals overall.

    good luck

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx View Post
    Is the metabotest an AI or..?
    i dont even know but you should get an AI for on cycle use to control estrogen and a SERM for pct.
    here is a thread on them i made:

    also you are not finished development till about the age of 24-26 so i would avoid aas till then.

  26. #26
    alright great, i appreciate all the help! only thing im wondering about now is the serm's you told me to purchase says not for human consumption on it, lol. how am i supposed to take those btw? what i had before was a pill form, not a liquid

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx
    alright great, i appreciate all the help! only thing im wondering about now is the serm's you told me to purchase says not for human consumption on it, lol. how am i supposed to take those btw? what i had before was a pill form, not a liquid
    The disclaimer is for legal purposes (I won't elaborate beyond that here).

    Did MickeyKnox or any other member prescribe a usage protocol for the clom/nolva?


  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    The disclaimer is for legal purposes (I won't elaborate beyond that here).

    Did MickeyKnox or any other member prescribe a usage protocol for the clom/nolva?

    No, i was just told what to purchase, not how to take it or how much

  29. #29
    also is there a pill form available that would work just as well or no?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2009
    OP. Just buy the liquid and use it.

    week 1 clomid 100mg nolva 40mg everyday
    week 2 clomid 50mg nolva 40mg everyday
    week 3-5 clomid 50mg nolva 20mg. everyday

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxbrownxx View Post
    also is there a pill form available that would work just as well or no?
    Yes there are pills/tabs available too. But i recommend for there quality products and discreet shipping.

    PCT (liquid or tabs)

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  32. #32
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    Ender beat me to the punch. Either way is fine.

  33. #33
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  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Thanks Ender & Mickey.

    Unless you have a source for pills, the suspensions by Ar-r will work fine. The pill formulations are available from MDs (and UGLs) but an MD won't write you a script without medical necessity.


  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Thanks Ender & Mickey.

    Unless you have a source for pills, the suspensions by Ar-r will work fine. The pill formulations are available from MDs (and UGLs) but an MD won't write you a script without medical necessity.

    Sorry bro. Didn't know if you were tied up with a patient or not.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Sorry bro. Didn't know if you were tied up with a patient or not.
    It's all good. I'd rather he get a quick response. Yes. Clinic is busy and had two meetings scheduled.

    Thanks for looking after OP.


  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    im not shure bro those pro-hormones can be more damaging as far as shutdown is concerned more so than real aas...I do know that what your using is not a real PCT thats what you need to try to restart your natty test production...try running a real PCT with nolvadex and clomid that's what you need at this point and maybe some Cialis or whatever to be able to have sex in the meantime...

    I agree. Forget that BS. Get a real PCT.
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 70/70/35/35

    I had the same issue. After my PCT, in six weeks it all came back. Now I can shoot great big gobs of yogurt.

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