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Thread: All Suggestions appreciated

  1. #1

    All Suggestions appreciated

    Good afternoon all,
    I have just begun Enanthate cycle, 300mg/ml.
    My query is that advice given prior to purchase was to pin 250mg on Monday and 250mg on Thursday.
    I am concerned with Enanthate being 300 and not 500 the low dose of only 175 twice per week?
    Is this enough for sufficient gains?
    I only ask because I want to gain optimum from my first cycle.
    I have Nolva arriving in first few weeks of my cycle just in case needed however is this dose even enough to be troubling with?
    Please excuse if this comes across impatient, is just that most here recommend 500mg p/w.
    If I were to up the dosage to 600mg p/w this would cut my cycle short?
    Please suggest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Just pin 250 on monday and 250 on thursday if its 300mg/ml thats like 0.75ml each pin or is my math wrong?

    Have you got ai,hcg pct etc?

  3. #3
    No math not wrong..
    Thank you very much for clarifying my thoughts. I was following instruction from supplier and was thrown by it being 300 not 500.
    Just to confirm though this dosage will cut my original cycle of ten weeks short.
    Will this short cycle be enough for sigificant gains?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Test e is normaly 250 mg/ml so 2 injections a week is the 500mg. You need 10-12 weeks for test e.

  5. #5
    Thank you for helping re- dosage, If at 250mg twice per week being .75 mls and I have only the 10ml, rather than the inital 20 pins (if it were 500 rather than the 300), this allows only for 13 pins?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hey rapid, here is the deal m8;

    Since this is your golden cycle you gotta be ready in all aspects and that means your cycle should at least be 10 weeks, 500mg test e a week 250 mon/thur classic but since you are saying that you 300mg/ml go ahead and do 300mg mon/thurs which would be 600 a week if they are amps, but if they are vials put 0.80 ml in to the shringe but most important of all;

    1st- Get enough Test E for 10 Weeks!
    2nd- Where is your HCG?
    3rd- How old are you and whats' your stats?
    4th- Never start a cycle before you have everything ready in hand including PCT!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    And some food for thought.NEVER start a cycle without having everything in hand.Beacuse anything can happen.I also see you didnt mention a ai or HCG or Clomid.Wats up?

  8. #8
    Thanks guys for taking the time,
    80.6 kg
    B/F would be between 15- 20%, (I think?)
    My training consists of 6 days on one rest day, on and off over the years.
    No cycling experience.
    My goal is to punch 95 - 100 kg of amassed muscle gains.
    I will absolutely heed advice re enough e for ten week cycle, I will continue on this cycle confident that more e to run past this 6 week cycle, pretty pissed that this became 300 rather than the 500. I was banking on 500 through all discussions prior to purchase.
    Anyway, PCT is also lined up for well before end of cycle, I understand fully the importance of having all ducks in a row so to speak but am assured of supply.
    This wont happen again. I am thankful for site such as this for positive and informative feedback. I can only hope for all who visit here as fast learners so as not to frustrate those who offer up their knowledge.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You need some hcg and an ai right away m8!

    HCG (Pregnyl) 250iu x 2 a week (sun-wed)
    AI (Aramidex) 12,5mg everyday

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