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    Epi 2A3A (EPISTANE) by Vital Labs - Full Review

    Hi guys,

    Thought that i might put up a review of this product from Vital Labs.

    Pre Cycle Stats:
    228 lbs
    Weight training Exp: 6 Years
    Cycle Exp: 10 Wk Test C 500mg/week, 3 Months CJC + GHRP - 6

    Epi 2a 3a Active Ingredient

    Epi 2A3A is ideal for somone who is looking to pack on lean muscle mass while keeping estrogen levels low. The ingredient in Epi 2A3A Epistane is well known for improving lean dry muscle mass with very minimal side affects.
    Excerpt from supplier website

    Total Cycle Dosage:1200mg
    Cycle Duration: 5 Weeks
    Dosing: 20mg 7am & 20mg 4pm

    Week 1 - 10mg (day 1)/ 20mg (day 2)/30mg Day 3-7
    Week 2 - 30mg
    Week 3 - 40mg
    Week 4 - 40mg
    Week 5 - 40mg

    Cycle Support Supplements
    Liver Complex (inc. Milk Thistle, N Acetyl Cysteine, Carnitine, Alpha Lipotic Acid, Vitamin E) Dosed 2x/ED 2 Hours After Each Epi Dose
    Fish Oil Daily
    Glucosamine (On Hand)

    Post Cycle Therapy
    Ar-r Liquid Tamox 20/20/20/20
    Liver Complex
    APE Athletic Edge Nutrition x 2 Bottles

    Diet example:
    Oats and Eggs
    3 x Large Chicken Breasts + 3 Plates White rice/day
    1-2 Protein Shakes
    Big Yogurt mixed with Protein
    Veges and Fruits
    slamon or can of tuna on wholemeal bread

    All this Spread over 5 - 6 meals (use your imagination)

    The reason i chose Epistane:

    6 Months ago, i suffered some chronic food poisoning and lost some 5kg of muscle. I tried everything i could to get back to a 235lbs @ 13% BF. Nothing would work, couldnt lose the Extra BF and a calorie surplus resulted in too much of an increase BF. For Example - during a 1 month cleanish calorie surplus i would pack on 2lbs of muscle and 7 lbs of BF. As soon as i tried to cut the BF, the muscle i gained would disapear first and i would end up back to where i started at 228 and 15% BF. This went on for 6 months and then i decided to give epistane a try.
    Epistane falls into a grey area between AAS and Pro Hormone. It is in a catergory of its own and is a interesting compound. The reasons i swung towards the mild oral epistane is manly due to the low impact on HPTA function, acclaimed low side effects and the gains that can be achieved in a short amount of time. After a bad Post Cycle experience from Test C, i was looking for something more mild for easy recovery. And, for me, the least time on cycle the better.


    This product reached my expectations and then some. within 2-3 weeks i had dropped 2.5%BF, and shot up to 238lbs. I felt very alpha male on cycle. The gains were extremly lean and dry. My skin looked and felt tighter over my muscle and the muscle itself was rock hard. I didnt grow outwards so much, more so became super dense and more vascular - which is exactly what i was looking for. I think that i can attribute some of the BF loss to water loss - of which, came from adipose tissue (Subcutaneous). I am now 2.5 weeks into PCT and so far have only gained 1% BF Back and retained 90% of Muscle gains.
    Strength gains were average for me whilst on cycle. I have to say for me: muscle endurance was noticibly increase rather than strength. I blasted through sets and had no problems with adding 3 reps on top of any excercise. Example: Miltary press 40kg Dumbells usually for 7 reps went to 10 reps. I did work my azz off during this cycle and kept diet very very strict and it paid out bigtime.
    Pumps - were amazing, best i have ever had.
    Recovery - Recovery on epistane was incredible. If I was to do the biggest leg session of my life at 2pm, by 6pm i felt like i was ready to go again, very impressive. Much like my experience with testosterone cypionate .

    Post Cycle Stats

    13.5% BF

    Side Effects

    There were some side effects, most of which were mild.
    Head Ache - first 3 days of cycle, i experienced head aches (assuming this was due to increased blood pressure) then my body adjusted and the headaches subsided.
    Dry Everything - Dry skin, dry hair, dry mouth throughout whole cycle, even though i was consuming 5ltrs of water/day. Ill also add that during periods of high intensity excercise my head would itch like a mofo. It felt like there was a nest of fire ants in it.
    Cramp - wow, cramps where chronic sometimes, especially in the neck. Again i assume this is a result of being so dry and high BP.
    Hair Loss - only noticed a very small amount of hair loss in one spot the size of a dollar coin. Probably about 20% loss in that one patch. Although It has seemed to almost recover back to normal 2 weeks into PCT.
    Back Pumps - Holy Hell, if you dont know what a 'Back Pump' Is - Its like someone is blowing up a balloon between the vertebre in your lower back. For me it flared up during or just after squats and the pain remained for at least 1-2 hours. Not Fun. I read that Taurine can help with this side.
    Loss of Libido - during week 4 i noticed a loss of libido. I was still able to get an erection and there was no testicular attrophy. 2 weeks into PCT i noticed libido starting to return.

    Overall i am super happy with results. Im using green mag and ASP Nitrate now to maintain the strength and edurance gains which is working well. Make no mistake though - You have to work hard with epi, dont expect too much if you are just going to breeze through your cycle at the same intesity because you might be wasting your time.

    My advice to anyone thinking about an Epistane Cycle:
    Stay hydrated, If you are looking to gain mass - eat clean and in a calorie surplus.
    Do your research, understand the product you are using, understand the side effects and complications invloved, so that when a problem arises its not a supprise! and you have what you need to combat it.
    If you are prone to estrogen sides, have Adex on hand just in case.
    Get your PCT sorted before you start your cycle.
    Use a Liver Support supplement - this is a methylated hormone supplement. It is not mild.
    Use a SERM or SARM post cycle. Dont risk it.
    Go see your doctor and tell him/her that you are planning on cycling this product.
    Last edited by a_bower; 03-29-2013 at 05:12 AM.

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