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Thread: What is HTPA

  1. #1

    Lightbulb What is HTPA

    Just wondering what hpta stands for and what it is, i weigh a 155lbs 5'5 and plan on taking 50-60mg/ed of anavar/oxandrolone for ten weeks (i'm a competetive olympic weightlifter and looking for awsome strength gains). i have been reading that anavar can effect your htpa. could someone clear this up for me cause i plan on doing this cycle about 6-7 times these next 2 years, olso how long does anavar stay in your system before it does show up for screenings, i may be tested in some comps i compete in. also, is that to much for someone my size or will that much fo me probable kick ass and give me great results. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I am sorry to say this bro but if you don't know what the HPTA is then you are DEFINITELY NOT ready to do any steroids. Do some research bro, ALOT of research.

  3. #3
    I firmly agree with Kizer. Don't take AAS until you know what you're doing. I know that you have goals and as an Olympic lifter, you need to get as strong as possible. This should make you WANT to read about all that steroids are or are not. Research this and other sites for info. Click on the search feature and you'll find many articles pointing toward your goals. Anavar, IMO isn't the best choice for strength. But you'll figure this out soon enough when you do your homework. Remember, manipulating your hormones is VERY serious shit bro. Better to be safe than sorry.

  4. #4
    dude, i have done a shit load of research and have done 2 cycles(they involved d-bol, sus, deca,anavar, novadex, clomid), i just have not heard of htpa for some reason, i know about test levels, gyno,etc and how to combat it and to watch out for and why it happens. i have done my research, i don't want to sound like i am an expert cause i know i am not, i do appreciate u guys trying to tell me not to juice to save my ass though, but i know enough to do it. just what is it htpa, i bet it is something i know, just a more techicial word, sorry if i sound rude cause i still didn't get an answer. i want to try anavar on a higher scale cause i had to stop cause i couldn't lift for a few weeks. the sus and deca put some good weight on, the d-bol really started to put the weight on fo me and my strength went through the roof,but i am tired of always having a bruised ass from shots, lossing hair, and retaining a shit load of water caus it has all happen to me( i like my hair and thank god it came back). they were not bad gain, just not what i am looking for. just want nice try solid gains with killer strength gains nothing dramatic, just a consist gain in strength( but noticable) and maybe a bit of weight gain, like 5-10 lbs heavier with less bodyfat over these next 2 years. as far as i know , ox stays in yur system for 5 weeks, it also doesn't mess with your test levels ( not completly sure about that one). i was wondering if it can stay in there longer then 5 weeks so i can take the proper precautions for comps., what is HTPA, and if my dosages sound good for max results. thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
    what JJ said is correct and should be well understood before using.

  6. #6
    No offense, but the answer is YES!! I knew what the axis was all about. I don't know it all, but, research is very important. Some people can just stick a needle in their ass and forget about it. I've even researched recreational drugs before I did them. Call it being informed. The first book that I read (and advise all newcomers to the iron game to read) was the late Dan Duchaine's Underground Steriod Handbook. This book covers just about everything needed to know. Paul Borreson, notorious individual but knowledgeable about pharmacology, had at least one good book out--The Anabolic Edge. This book focuses on the anabolic/catabolic states in your body and how to manipulate them. Just my $0.02.

  7. #7
    Thanks very much about the HTPA thing( in all realality, what u explained to me was what i did know,HTPA is just another word for test production and i know pretty much all about test production when u take roids. ) I do really appreciate your answer and just thank you for giving me one.IMO to yur last reply, i think you are right, all the help is needed when taking roids and any little answer will help us know about more about what we are doing. I woulnd't have juiced if I felt i didn't know enough, but i do and it is mostly because of your guys responses and opions. not just reading about it off some webpage. IMO, most people want responses from people with first hand experiences, makes me feel better knowing how it worked for that person weather then learning it from some book. but i wil also say do some of your research to just know how they work for or body( the goods and bads) so u know what u are getting into. I would not sick a needle in my ass if i wasn't sure of what i was doing( i hate needles with a passion). oh yeah, one more thing, cnanyone answer my other question since we got of the subject. thanks

  8. #8
    The hypothalamopituitary axis has to do with a alot more than test production. The hypothalamus releases hormones that go to the anterior pituitary via the portal vein. The hormones released by the hypothalamus are thyrotropin releasing hormone (tsh), gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh), growth hormone releasing hormone (ghrh), Somatostatin (ss), corticotropin releasing hormone, and dopamine. (Da).

  9. #9
    I made a slight mistake, Trh is the abbreviation for thyrotropic releasing hormone, tsh is what it (trh) stimulates to be released from the anterior pituitary.

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