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Thread: D-BOL only cycle? yes or no?

  1. #1

    D-BOL only cycle? yes or no?

    Hi all i am new to this site, i have never taken roids but am curious, beginner cycles recommend testosterone enanthate in addition to dbol and finally nolvadex near end of cycle. however testosterone enanthate is way too expensive for me for a 16 week cycle, so am after info on dbol and nolvadex cycle... what dosages should i be looking at, i am 80kg and fairly fit, also how should i obtain safely no specific site needed but a guideline would be appreciated. thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You will spend more on food than gear mate so maybe it would be best to wait read as much as you can each day and learn. All the info is on this site and a dbol only cycle is not a good idea aswell mate

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Dbol will shut diwn your natural test levels. How do you think you will feel with low test levels?

    And if your complaing at the cost of steroids than your clearly in the wrong game friend.

    And 16 weeks of test e for a first cycle is maddness..How old are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    No dbol only is a horrible cycle.

  5. #5
    im just going on what this site reccomends for novices... also i am 25 have had mediocre gains naturally but want a bit more. not looking to go hulk or anything. what do you fellas reccomend not too keen on ****ed up side effects but will take an anti estrogen. again i dont know shit so a bit of advice will go a long way cheers again guys!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by king_rick View Post
    im just going on what this site reccomends for novices... also i am 25 have had mediocre gains naturally but want a bit more. not looking to go hulk or anything. what do you fellas reccomend not too keen on ****ed up side effects but will take an anti estrogen. again i dont know shit so a bit of advice will go a long way cheers again guys!!

    Dude m one who supports dbol only for first time users who want mass but here everyone here thinks m crazy.

    For a first time user u always need a light oral cycle and dbol is one for the best compound for building the foundation and any guy can use for the purpose of strenght or mild gains with far less sides. Dbol will blow u up in matters of few weeks and the results are fast very fast just u have to keep diet to the max and take liver protection.

    And as for the first time user u will not face and gyno problem if ur dose is right.

    But adding only nolva/tamoxifen will help.

  7. #7
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    I like Clarky response...yes you will spend more money on food. Me and my wife fight all the time about food.....she cooks some things and I wont eat She gets pissed, bout im not gonna waste my hard time in gym just to eat something bad she made that might taste great, so I buy my own food.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    That thread you read about beginners cycles is outdated.They are being rewritten as we speak.Listen to wat you are told.Oral cycles are a waste and if you cant afford to run a proper cycle.Then you cant afford the food that you need to eat.Your diet is 95% of your gains bro beacuse if it isnt right.No matter how much aas you take.You wont gain or keep any gains you get.

  10. #10
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17 View Post
    Dude m one who supports dbol only for first time users who want mass but here everyone here thinks m crazy.

    For a first time user u always need a light oral cycle and dbol is one for the best compound for building the foundation and any guy can use for the purpose of strenght or mild gains with far less sides. Dbol will blow u up in matters of few weeks and the results are fast very fast just u have to keep diet to the max and take liver protection.

    And as for the first time user u will not face and gyno problem if ur dose is right.

    But adding only nolva/tamoxifen will help.
    This is bad advice! Maybe your opinion but not in the best interest of the poster.

  11. #11
    yeah cheers mate just not sure all a bit confusing... i get orals destroy your liver reguardless of prices what is the best cycle for a novice? and how long is reccomended?

  12. #12
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Test only for a first cycle and your questions show you know little or nothing about AAS. First you needd to research and learn about all the ements that compose a cycle. Test, HCG, AI,PCT. Nutrition and workout program are more important than anything else. Read the stickies.
    You have also given us no stats or history to work from

  13. #13
    like i said i dont know shit, im 25yo 80kg 6ft been lifting for about 2 yrs 8% body fat. my training regimen and diet are in order ive always been a hard gainer. just after a basic guide as to what is best with limited or no sides, cheers mate!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by king_rick View Post
    like i said i dont know shit, im 25yo 80kg 6ft been lifting for about 2 yrs 8% body fat. my training regimen and diet are in order ive always been a hard gainer. just after a basic guide as to what is best with limited or no sides, cheers mate!
    I would say youre a bit too light to be thinking about AAS. And your time in the gym is limited. You need to l;earn how to eat so that youre not wasting your time in the gym. Not saying you have been wasting your time, but you clearly are underweight for a 6ft man. And please disregard any advice for Dbol only cycles.

    If you do a cycle now, you likely will not keep any of it because you have not built a foundation for any new muscle to grow on. You first need to build some solid dense muscle in order to maintain any new muscle. Then, you need to eat more to maintain your new muscle. It’s all about eating. Figure out your TDEE and up your cals at least 500 each day to gain some weight. Workout regularly and eat a high calorie clean balanced diet. There's no magic pill. The magic is EATING.

    Post your intended diet here including macros and the pros in there will assist you in tweaking your diet to fit your intended goals. Good luck!

    Nutritional Forum

    Hard Gainers - Gaining Weight!#.UISXU2fX_ft

  15. #15
    cheers mickey I take this advice very seriously, I might leave it for some time and research in the meantime.
    I'm not going to jump in and screw with my body just wanted some advice from people who have some knowledge and you clearly do. I have been making solid gains for the two years and even now still add an inch per month around my chest! so ill leave it at that and hit the books cheers again fellas!!

  16. #16
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    12 weeks test E is a good beginner cycle, and is pretty cheap honestly.
    If you can't spend a months worth of food on the gear you want to use on a cycle, i'd wait until you can.

    Agreed with the others--
    At 6 foot, you are pretty light, low body fat or not. I'm 5'8.5" with 162lbs LBM...
    You have almost four inches on me and we have about the same LBM.

    If you're a hardgainer, you need to focus your efforts on eating MORE. You might think you are eating a lot, but some people have to eat more than others to grow. If you don't eat enough to grow off of AAS, you will simply shrink back to your previous size once your cycle is over (or not really get any gains at all).

    Good luck!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by king_rick View Post
    cheers mickey I take this advice very seriously, I might leave it for some time and research in the meantime.
    I'm not going to jump in and screw with my body just wanted some advice from people who have some knowledge and you clearly do. I have been making solid gains for the two years and even now still add an inch per month around my chest! so ill leave it at that and hit the books cheers again fellas!!
    If you're putting on solid gains, why change what is working? If you're really not, I suggest you look in to eating more/better food. Get a deep freeze from a local garage sale or Craigslist and buy foods in bulk if money is a problem. Every penny you pinch here and there adds up.

    Like everyone said, AAS, support drugs and the PCT drugs are the cheap part of a cycle. The expensive part is all the food you need to eat.

  18. #18
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    1st off good for you ignoring ShiShir17, he will not be with us long because he like to give out advise contrary to what most of us think is safe.

    Agreed with above if you are still making good solid gains then why screw that up? A little diet tweak and training tweak goes a long way and once you get closer to reachig your natural limits using aas will have a much better and solid effect. If you dont have your diet especially in check you will loose gains as quick as you gained them.

    Also if you think it's expensive it will cost you a lot more in the long run to try to go cheap such as an oral cycle because then you will be chasing the rabbit so to speak trying to fix problems. Stick around learning what you need to run a good beginner cycle. Learn what to expect in gains and watch for in sides. Learn about PCT and #1 rule is to ALWAYS have all your gear + PCT on hand before you start.


  19. #19
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    Not against or with it. But my friend did a winny/tbol cycle. Great results. Kept most the gains and had good bloodwork after pct. to this day he keeps gaining. So im not sure i can give my opinion. But can share real life. Also know two other friends of friends who did same thing with similar results.

  20. #20
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    ha not the old d-bol only thread!

  21. #21
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    I've seen 2 of my pals do d Bol only cycles befor they knew what they was doing YES they gained size within the 4 weeks and course strength went up for them Both but as it was all good things must come to a end. Well if u class d Bol only as a good thing that is.

    Once off cycle lost near to every bit of size they gained seriously not worth the hassle nor the right way to go about things
    Just putting my point across....

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    No. Simple as that my friend.

  23. #23
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    I'd say YES do it and come back after pct and share result through a log ( im sure all gains will go ) but just so you satisfy that curiosity and also when other new members ask same question we can show them your log and they will stop.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by shishir17 View Post
    Dude m one who supports dbol only for first time users who want mass but here everyone here thinks m cra*y.

    For a first time user u always need a light oral cycle and dbol is one for the best compound for building the foundation and any guy can use for the purpose of strenght or mild gains with far less sides. Dbol will blow u up in matters of few weeks and the results are fast very fast just u have to keep diet to the max and take liver protection.

    And as for the first time user u will not face and gyno problem if ur dose is right.

    But adding only nolva/tamoxifen will help.
    only last sentence shows how ignorant you are .... nolva/tamoxifen ??? i didnt know they are different

  25. #25
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    Feb 2012
    No offence but how can u say he won't have gyno issue ???

    Every ones different u might not have a issue if u was on 10 to 50 mg a day but op might all ready have gyno issue from young age who knows it might start . So saying he won't have gyno is kinda out the picture I feel

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    only last sentence shows how ignorant you are .... nolva/tamoxifen ??? i didnt know they are different
    I didnt know a "/" means difference. It can show two different words for same meaning to be catering to people only know one or other name for it. Clarification. Not saying thats what he did but its ignorant to assume hes retarded and assuming he thought he was suggesting two different compounds.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by sc2only View Post
    I didnt know a "/" means difference. It can show two different words for same meaning to be catering to people only know one or other name for it. Clarification. Not saying thats what he did but its ignorant to assume hes retarded and assuming he thought he was suggesting two different compounds.
    it does mean another... when its the same you put ( ) . thats how things works
    / always means different things.... everyone say " nolvadex/ clomid or nolvadex/ torem THAT IS A FACT!

  28. #28
    Test e is a very inexpensive steroid if you can't afford that you prob shouldn't be juicing as your gonna need to spend more than that just for food!!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    It's really a terrible cycle. I had a buddy who did it a few times and he literally lost every pound he gained.

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